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GATARRH, Hay Fe ver, Catarrlial Denfticss, Cold Ín Henil, and Hcadache Are Posilivcly Cured by Ely's Cream Balm. It hcnls porea ín the Nasal Pascapep, Snperaedes the u ko ot Liquida and Exciting SnulT. ELT'S CREAM BALM CO., OWEGO, I. Y. Prico 50 Cents. HARMLESS! EFFECTUAL! AGREEABLE! A8K YOUR DKUGGI8T POR CIRCULAR. lt cure by caunlng dÍ8Chnrgp,clcanfilnK and i ing, not by lr 'ni: up. The applicatiou ie eo very cay and agreeablu that a child can bu Ireated ' out pain ur dread, and wlib perfect safety. ' Wc, the undcrxiKiied, reKidentí nf Ellzaheth. N. J., ! bclnKullac(iuaiut.'d wiih tbe moriuof Kly'é Cream Balm, a xpeciflc for Catarrh and Hay Fever, would earneutly recommend it to our friends and tbc public ( ii-nerally: Robert W. Townley, Mayor. S. H. Sbcrwood, Natiunal Ntale Bank. Joxcph Mamilru, National Htalc Bank. Ueorge S. Davla, Flrat National llank. John 8. lllby, National Siioe aud Letther Bank, 271 Broadway, New York. Henry C. MUllgan, I'rcst. Ncwrk Stamping Co. Henry Cook, Pnbllahar llerald. , Nathanicl LUit, Couneclor at Law, 115 Brondway, New York. Wm. T. Carr, rreibyter1an Pastor. E. L. Button, Merchant, and many otberí. For ale Ín Ann Arbor by L. 8. Lerch. 925-976 íyrONEY TO LOAN. At eeven p'T cent. Securlty rauat b on flratclaaa farms ín thlu county, or city property Ín Acn , Arbor in central and deelrable locallticc , J. Q. A. 8B88IONS, Altorncy. 9G8tf Office cor. Main and Hurón iti., np-ítalrs.