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$100 REWARD ! FOU ANY CASE OF CATARRH TIIAT CANNOT BE CURKD WITH BWÜÜBl Thie le no humbu. No naal douche. No eonff. Nuthini: to Irrítale ihe nanal ciivlty, or dostroy the xcnae of i-inoll. Il ia n INI KUN AL RKMÜDY, ACTINQ UPON TUK BLO(I, dounlng it from it lmpnritlee, cauelng the pnrlforra matter to be carrled off thi-ongh the natural cbannele. It le a sctentlQc pr'paration, UBed and preichbed for yearn by one of tile ablcet practltioncr in thit country, and hae never falled to cure when uited according to directlon. If any piTfon, afiiT MUm one dl zn of Hall'e Catarrh Cure i nol eurtd or httujlted more than foor tlmee Ite o t, we wlll retnnd tbe tuone; paid. II It does yuii gnoá, you are willinu' to pay fr It. If It doee no ffOOdi i' OOItl ou DoUliliff. l'rice 75 centf per bottlc. Sold by all Mannfctiirert by F. J. C'HBNEY & CO., DrucRlíte. Toledo, Ohlo. If your druKKt doc nut keep It In etock, ank hlm to Eet It for yon. or Kind direct to proprlctore, and it wlll be promptly forwanlcd. Kor eale In Ann Arbor by II. J. BROWN & CO., 985-977 Cor. of Main and Hurón etreets. ■pOR SALE. I have good FI.OURINfJ M1LL of tour rnn of stom', thm I will eell or ezcbanKC for proporty In Waahtenaw Connty. Wiltf R1CK A. BKAL.