
925yr 188O. . 188O. WITH THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW YEAR Ve grcct our patrons with thanks for favors past, and promise of reuewed effbrts to niake thcir interest and ours mutual, always endeavorlng to do as we would be done by. Our stock of DRESSGOODS CLOTHS, Carnets, OU Cis, Hnbt, des ALL KINDS OF TRIMMINGS, 18 FULL AND COMPLETE. Nottvltlistandiii the large adrance iu all Dry Goods, we will continue to sell at old prices untll the flrst day of Maren next. WI1TES & WORDEN, No. 2O SOUTH MAIN STREET
Dry Goods
Wines & Worden
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
20 S. Main St.