
CatarrH NEVER-FAILING RELIEF AFFORDED BY SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, I T is a fact thftt can ho substantlated by the most ruspectabla testimonial! evrr offered in faror f nny proprietar? medicina, ihat the Kauioal Cubk fok Cataruh does In evcry case aiïord Instant and peril reÜftf. Num:ttt'rof how loiiji Ptumiliu', si-vero the dlneasc, the ftrst dose rIvih mrii ei itsviiluo In the treatmunt of Oatarrlial aÖVctkn tliat confldenco Is at once feit In lts ablllty to do al -1 lor it. Tho tcstlniony of pliyxlclan, tinn;:!, and patiënte la nuanlntnuB in tbti respect. Krul th accuinulatintf evtdi-nrn la In pniut of rrsprctability inperior to any ever beton ohtaliH'd ín favor of a popumr rletors, tbarefore, may Jimtly tw pmud d the Radical Crna fuut attalned, uhd beÜOTC it wortliy ofiu rcputatloiu 10 VEARS A SUFFERER. From Hon.Theo. Bogert, Brlstol, R. I. Mesara. Weeks & Potter: Gentlemen - Feelinir iced or tho fllcary of Sanforu'b tl rol CATA.BKH, I mi Induccdto i(. a line to ay Uiat altboogb I hnvo hwu ceptlcal oi 11 tho nostrunis advrtiso i ns ' rudfcal curcB," 1 bava : and liiijiii.ui; itiat prmrisi-s sucU relict uud ■ , ■ . . ti ,1 itii thlf drffidful diseae for m ro thotftcn jr art, and uot uutil n c-t-ntly i juld [ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ i . ■ . ,tli nny tniMl 1 re4 th.' !■ Lter can i. uiiiiiiiiy lay tlmt aftcr . six bonica 1 nin thoroarhiy ooQTlnoed of ■llvo proporties. IUpfiiK lh:it ottiers siniHarlv LOed to uiaku tho trial TUEO. P. BOGfiBT. Bristol, R. L, July 24, 1S7T. GATARRHAL AFFEGTIONS, Pnrh as Soro, TVenk, IrilaTncd, Rt'd, and WateryEye; tluD and luftaoimai n ( tbe Kar: fiinttlntf In the Ui .i I : ngatiOD of the Tonsila: Nel i.r, Není Memory, Losa of Ncrvous of Bpirlts, - uro all cart'fully and . .. trifktcd wiiii thin remedy iccordtnc to ■ m ■wt'.n-ii ácoompany each bOHlé(or wíll be i t any ad , ■ pt of stuuip. Eaeti taius Dr, .inford'a Dnproved Inuftli f u U iltriciions lor uso In all caaes. Priei:$1.. BOld hv all AVlilea)e nnd Kctall PniKiriBtd ted sietes and Cañadas. WEEKS A I Et, c-iwiwl Akciiu and Wholesale DruKglsts, VOLTAIC PLASTER AIT-.r,l8 tho most Ri.-.tefal relief in Rhennuu tim, VTeak Spino, IakxI Tuin, Nervou Aff rtiiins, Local Khenmatism, Tic Douloureux, Norvous Pain, AfTfctlonti of the Kldnoys, l'racturod liib, AflVctions of tho Cht, Colda and ConRln, iQjnrle of tUe Itaclc, Stralng and llruises, AVeiik lla. k, Jfervoii Pain of the Itovrela, Cranip in the Stoiuach and Llinbs, lleart AiTections Knlarod Spleen, lïruiges iiiitl PlUMtnVMa RhctiniHtisni of the AVrifttft and ArtitH, AlUliufcj Gout, Looal and IepBatd Pülns, Pain in tho CheHt, Nttatl in the Baak, I'ai in tho Uip, Varicoso or Knlarged V.lus, Crlck in the Itnck and Neck, Pain and V r:tkuess in Side and lïack, HoaraeneAs, Sore Throat, Lumbago, Whooplng Cough, Sharp Pains in the Breast, lleart Disease, Quinsy, Dlubc-tes, and for Luiiionr.ts in any part of the liody. Prlpe, as Cents. Ak for COLLINS' VOLTAIO PLASTER. gold by all Wholesale and Ketall DruggisU throughout the United States and Cañadas, Ud by WEEKS Si POTTER, Proprieton, Boston, Mass. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ' (fhrmerlj Dr. Oaip'j Kirtnev Ciire.) A vegetable preparation mul the on Ir mro romedy in the W'-rM Por Brlgbt Itas ntabpicn. iiikI ALL HíUim-j, Liver, and L'rlnnry Ilciijm. d"T3timuT)iai8of the bigbest order In proof Of the!e st-iternehts. ttö'For th.ïcure of lHaboto, cali for Waruer' DialHlex 4'nrt'. KtTFor the cure oï ILr,Ll.ts nnd ttip nther dispas-s, C&ll for Wanxit iufo Uiüuej and Livcr Care, WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It is thpbest Blood INirlfler. and atimulatei evpry function to more healtbful aciiuu, tind is t 11 iis a benefit in all diseases. It cares Kcrofuluutt and othPrSkln Ernptiom and Dlseajës, includiug Cuuiera, VU ■r. and oltit r Sore. lyappsi ii. IV -al. nc ofthc Ktomnch, Coiistipation, IHxziiiek, (mium-uI lebllil.v, etc, nre cured by the SalV Bitters. It ia uncqu.-ilorl nqn.ii nnpetizerand regular tfinic. Boules of two sizes ; pnces, 50o. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Q'iiekly ei ves Bent and Sleep tothöauflerinf, cures IInlarbo and Neui-Hlyla, prevenís fripilepiic k'ktm, an3 relievee Nn-raut Proirition brought en by t'xre.s.sive drink, ovtr : k, lueiital shocks, and nther causes. il as it is to slnp pain and soothp 4!aturbed Nerrcs. it oever injures the Byjtein, - m in sinall or largw doses. Buttlea of two sizus; pnces, 50c. and (1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are nu ïnimedlatp and active stimulus fnr a Torpid Ljyer. and Mire Cuitiveneii, Dyipepsla, Bü■ PSffBFWFTi È iouinêM. Bilioni Dlur■ IüwW QlUa 1 rhoeft, Malaria, Favtr jjUÉMKftiiM UB l'e llSl'1 whenever the I f9pbL3ZJ9HH5B bowpls do not opcrato # I Fi ■! . J M litB i'ii'i'ly and reKulurly. M VV í. nfliiT l'illi rrrjuirf iurh ■ WHfïjWWTl It4 iu!I ''"'■ flr Ihurouifh ■ f IÍÉM ■■■■■I KT! ork. Priff Í5 U. t bo. R Pm WlTinH 14 VirnrrMili'K.'iurrtinire LlSVlUlJ ftflH ld by DrugftU A licilm IS=PlMJlBBH.H.Warner&Co.. HBHKjS PropHctora. I-ltylE'i ROCHESTER. N. T. rr. ,fci. W m, 1,-Hmi)nilt. U) lUlti J Tli e On iy Remedy Sthat acts at the same time onS Jthe liver, ii the bowels, u ■ and the KiONEYS. fe ia 77i mmbined astion ginc it wmi-W Uj rf ;ƒ ;v- r o cure a diaeaêet. Il jJWhy ArO Weck? H i5'" ■y tn xs greut organsL ' bi ■ torpid, c.'iH H''Jit. . tluiri'ore foir-dC IJ''"" "''" btoua inal ttim'd le ecpiledW m BILI0Ü8V188, PUES, COXSTIPATION, L Li KIKNKÏ t'0511'I.iIXTS, IIItl.NAUÏ DISKA8E8, FK1IA1 F. WKAKBÜSÜEH, ANI NEKVOl'S t fhtsc crcansWk Jand rsijrng Cteir power to tltrooo offt] M AVIijSn!TiTi;n!(nii;ns nnrt nrhi? P Wk Whjrlorrai ■ntcil nith PIIm, C'Onstlrmliont ■ ia Wliy fHghteaed orerdiyordered Kidneys ï F ','j WSy en'lure nf-rvnnii ratek hadnchci! If 1 AtaU.'i. Il is a dry, vtjetabU cmnpound and il UOiiiwLn;5ill nukoli qUarilciIIcbw. L 2 Gi'. Irugq'it, k ttlll orKr itM jou. Pi icc-, $1.00. WS1L:, BC&UOIW t CO., Prepriotorj. ■ Jg (WauapttpcM.) BurllngtLo. Vt. P 954-HJUü - ch e w 4 Bi LI I Kllf' '! ihc pain In yi.ur IM I HM W or id'-' Uil ■ IWI I ïmir kidnevs are Ih mm ■ ■■■ " ,.,,,,1 Douotü hut ry i once i_ _ ..... II ii ii t% Itim. .1, . n ■ n l# w 99 Ai! oi ihc kiciK II I I rev-,hhnliiT,lviTilul DHU li " oi the kiiiri' i mtfnoace ii n retentlcmol urine. ! eandbi Huiii'n ltmfrty. If i preparad EXPRKbSLY lur tlite disCamerún Conoty. f.-ntnil I'ennsjlvnnin, Dmnwiin , 'i. I 1 iiii;-t my UUSTS KKMBUY bi Ii iii-e'l nte frum tbr !e:id for Mire, tH 'I"' hin Nnrt l'ïv n mv up h) In 81X HOURS, and .-.. bad til the people. My (rienda cal'i jci-iir' tor ïli'QTh, itlirl lic hIkíi nald I was duomed. Tiiey all hl Me daad, lut Ilurifi H.Mticdy aavad in-1, al n t"-duy, KiMiml mul cnrvdol dr..; U. W.TÜI . l. l.. I'im 'i Ptrat Huptict nee, l. I , Jan. ,s, Ii al III NI S ItKMKDY in ki(tr i'um actual trial, hu vin been flraiit Iy 0 ted hy ut tl i . . 'I x l.i.H. 1 1 1 Tl '' l"" '■" "-"'' 'y';'i"Hl I M IX '■ ''" -''""■" lor m B U II )i;ir-. It 11 ih tl' ■■" " I..-.-H knowo to (ML It Ifl h Hale, and REMCnV flCmCU I l'LARKK PuuviDHica, H. i i Hohl hy all DrsinrlStta. and by Farrand, Williams Co,. Detroit, '.)■; : i iriliLIAM W.NICHüLS, d IDEISTTISX! gj5B .V Nurth. OtBcc. lü tíoutli Maiü i nir.ot, iijoiltc Nutiobiti Dank Kt'üideLCu, Ï7 Lll)i , erty Street. Nitroue oxide kcls adminlstcred wheo riHjuestod. B63U I