The End Of The I. O. O. F. Litigation

JackKon Daily Citizen, Jan. Í9. 'J ho Bturgiö Democrat publishes the following letter f'rom Momeon's lawyer : Lansino, Jan. 22, 1880. R. II. Morrison, Esq - Yoa will have seea that tbe Supreme Court has given judgwent against you for the suui of $6,774.82. Thi.n is a reduction from the report of the referee of $3,494.38, so that our efforts have Dot been entirely lruitless, and I suppo; the resuk will be natisfactory to you, as you always acknowledged your report.s showed this balance against you. The question of law decided by the Supreine Court is that there is no such thing as a request for special findings by the referee; this changed the rule as underutood, and sought to be applied in this case by both Montgomery and luyself, as you will sue by the report that we both made Micti rtquests. If this rule is set tltd, a leferee is omnipotent, and referees will f'all into general disfavor, for he can take the case and go where he will. I am sati.-Ëed with ihc leult, however, as it is for the exact aiuount always conceded to be due, umi the effect ou the criminal oaes was what we ujostly dei-ired. Tliis, I uppose, ends all the litigation, and all further eïpeuie. I aui, niyself, thaokful that früm auiid all tho dangers that threattned, we have been able to stoer clear of everytliinr, and at the end of two years of hot and ugly litigation leave the grand lodgc with all iis powers and advantages in the exact pos.iiion you defined for it at the opening of the .struggle. It lunst be a source of giatiüeatioii to you, for the result is a viudkatiou of yourself from every charge but of over confidence and carelessness, born of the confidence of society and social rola tions. I trust your future may be free frotu the eniangleiueuts of law suits, and that prosperity aud business, and doniestic quiet, uiay be cpiedily re-tored to you. Respectfnlly, K. U KILBOURN. As the very shrewd but somewhat ülismisu Saín Killourn says, this nrol ably ends litigalion in this matter, for tnu present at leauf, for whieh all should he thank1 ti I ; hut the ahsl ni-o lawyi-i' .- aritliun t o uiii.-t be Bt fáult, to ínrikc a judguicnt of $6,774.82 out of the i'oUowiug, frota the official record o f the Supreme Court: ''Judgment oflhe circuit court revereed, and juduuient iu debt tur pkinliff tuust be emeied hero for the penal suuj uieutioned iu the bond, and alio for the like sinn u áMKMM found by the referee, and tbe plaintiff will recover cotU of botb courts. " "The penal uní uientionod n tlie bnnd" in $10,000. "A vimlicaiinn of all obargea bat that oí' over-coiitiilciicc and otrelet-l ness " is pretty jrood in this case, but it would be altogetíier too mild tbr a pon ciism who liad .stolen $f or $7 i ñatead of an official defaulter who lia.s "alwnys acknowlodRed" havinj? usej up $6, (KM) or f 7, (Mi ol' iln' oi'a benevolnot iimtitution. If' Ín' has " alwayw conceded that nearly $7,000 was duc," as the recoudite Ki bourn sayo, what in heavon's name have they been fightin for these two years? ïhe order has '' always coneoded " it, alio. The meat of this nut that Kilbourn ha given the people of Sturi'! to crack, wo it, lies in the very kind oloeing dcsire in Morrisoa'l behalf, for " t'reedum frora the entanglements of future lawsuits, am the restoration of domrslir quiet."