A Remedy For Diphtheria

The people of llussia and Eastern Oer tnany have been worso afflicted by that trr rible mulada, diph'hcria, than we have in this countrj', so terrible that royal couimissions of physieians there have investigatea the disoase and remedies with a view to staying its progress, or curing it entirely. Aa a result of their experimenta, they have fouud a remedy which they believo to be soyereign. Count Shishkin, the Rumian Miuister in this country, anuounees t tiis remedy in the following letter which he recently sent to the New York Herald, and whioh may prove of great use to our phy sicians. The substantial portion of bis letter is as ibllows : In view of the incroase of diphtheria in several places of the State of New York, I hasten to communieate to you for publicity a very simple remedy, which, having been used in llussia and Germany, may prove effective here. Out of several othem, Mr. Letzerieh, wlio made extensivo experinuiits in the application of this remedy. has used it in twenty-seven cases, eight of which were of a vory serious nature, all of whioh had a favorable reyult except in one case, when the child died from a complication of diseascs. For children of one year he prescribes the remedy, for internal use every one or two hours, as follows : Natr. benzonic, pur. 5. 0 solv. in aq. distillat aq. menth. piper. ana 40. 0 syr. cort. aur; 10. 0. For children fiom 2 to 3 years oíd he prescribed it from even to eight grammes for 100 grammes of distilled water, with ame sirup ; tbr ohildren from 3 to 7 years oíd he preseribed 10 to 15 grammes, and for grown persons from 15 to 25 grammes for each 100 grammes. Besidea this he uses also with great success the insufflation of the diphthi'rial membrane tbrough a glass tube in serious cases every three hours, in liu;ln calcs three times a day, of the natr. beozoic pulver. For grown persons he prescribes forgargling a diluí i m of ten grammes of this pulver for 200 grammes of water. The effect of the rempdy is rnpid. After 24 or 30 hours the feverish symptoms disappear completely and the temperature and pnlse become norm;!. This remedy was used also with the sitnp 8000688 by Dr. Braham Braun and Prof. Klebs, in Prag ; Dr. Senator, in Cassol, and several others in ltussia and Gcrmany.
Diseases - Research
Patent Medicines
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Dr. Braham Braun