
I" OIO AHD RELMÍÍeTI Sis a StanOard FanuLy Bemedy for % ? clisen -h of tiio Livor, Stonmch jjb ' -iin.lBowols.-It i.s I'urely %iCf JVoKot;i!,l,.. _it uever % rt i Debilitaos- Itis olll 3 4r: Cathartic uud %W5 fl M IJ fc11 MU bg I I ■ K+ "Il1 'v '' 8 public, i II J J5 lor "lolr ti.;:u :í.-; JoarS.S ■ P%%% ritli u:j,i-. . r suite! $ V SENDFO(ICIRCULAr!{ S.T.Vy.SANFORD.M.D.wvJ 939-090 1L. S. LKKI H, A i KN1 . tuTts PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLCSCYMCN ANO THE AFFLICTED rVCSYWHERE. THE 6REATEST MEDICAL TBIUMPHQf THE ASE. THTTS' PíllC Dr . Tütt hai m. lUI 1O IlLLO CURE SICK HEADACHE. L?? ' roreantioniHticqGcïTflTT'O DEI I O tt'-B0íaSn.F-.su1Hi-.., I J I O rELLo PomiATivr andali.CURE DYSPEPSIA. Th,r first appnrrat TUTT S P LLS ;ii ': : I W I I W I IL.LU food to properly a - CURE C0NSTIPAT10N. Bimil-n ■■. flmithesyv ternis DoniWhrrt, aud lUi I O VíLhO 'h" dlgertlvo orean, CURE PILES. "io TÜTT'S PSLLS ssa CUREFEVERANDAGLUE. OFUf „ TÜTT'S PiL L S pKSSS.tóT I U I I O TILLO daptability to nourieh CURE BILIOUS COLIC. body, hcu ttvdr clllciicy ín carine nerTIITT'Q PU I C vloa,8 debility, mdanIUI I O liLLd choly, dyspepeia, wastCure KIDNEYCnplalt ftgT&tig. TUTT'S PILLS -ffli CURE TOrVÚvER SSSrSr1 TÜTT'S PILLS 53 i,Ius,rcet, üát-luo.5 _ The IÏOP PAD will ctirfi whorenooíhrr whiMt or tnodlclne wlll, and do it iu a harmlc, in.iul vid sure way. It Is worn by the ptlent noTt tho iktn neaiwhere tho dlsoase or alünent Ís. Tho curallve elcí:. of the remrilIcH Ín tho Fad oro absorbed throL;h thepore1. permoatlngevery libre, nerveandtisM:t', neutra' ing and deuLnyinff all dlseaseor causo of diseose n the fjstcai and dri-lng ewrj vesilgc cL dlsease ormalady, of vhatover name or tature, entlrelr out of the ylom, loavlr.15 t:e patiënt wifh youfh-lllío, portnanent, rol'Utt nra:;h. The Ucip Pad 1 as tiüfily worn as a watch or locbot, ftid prevents slc ne . r res perfect health without hnvInKtoKwallowpnl'-ononadrur;, ttostnipins ordangorotu mlnerala thl r-evercuro, but cily etupcCy, uuueuM aud ilialroy health And Hfe. No one shoald rest a moment tin they have a Hop I'ail ready to prevent or cure fk-v i'orsalo by all best druggkts. StuJ íur Circular. HOP BITTEKS MTU CO.. Rocbestkb, N. Y. For sh In A1111 Arbor by II. J. llnnin ie ., and O. Kbrrbach A Non. heParestandliest 31 . udO A cor'.M-:in of 1, Bn " andUaniiclluD, ir.ihi .1 t ..I tlve in est lil-M.l lurllJer, LiuOEdÜLUlth j No discafie ! ■ vxlst wlure ilnpB ;t?rs aro UafcU, so - aro tlie,ruH Tey flip ntw dftgal rtecr t fií ittd en i infam TV 11 whoae emplornteol ■ ■ ' .-of tho howolá r AppotíztT, Toni aroiuvaiaabk1 iltliiuí l.u Nomntt irwhi I are. whnt the (llscase or jDou't wttft until you :v bad or raiserabie, u?e tv . ,- lluiay aavo your lif e. It haagavedhun-l' ÖO ivill be paid foracaíw theyvrill not curo or help. PonotnuiTcrni.rlítyourMinUáeii. 09 and urge thom to use Kop Bitters. Remerabr, Hop rMttcrsisnovUe.dnvra-d. dranknnostrjiu. !i .. mailt-; tho "Inveiw, jvicnd nnd Hope," and nopcnouonaraiiy: ■.:;] bewltnoul tbad, (et Knmc thln day. BflIH Hop Coron CVBI Is'thoJwêSi-st, safost and bent AsIcChiKlrcn. Th nop rui f nr Stomnch, Uïit and Kic! c.-r Is mp. rlorloiUlcthernCuresbyobscrptioü D. 1 Q is an absoluto and rrmlstibic curu f or il rank f ancis, uso oí opium, tobáceo and narcótica: kSoUlj-Jniaiiii. y . Svr.lfor' I Él lUr VI M 1M MB W jH pad pilDrC Dtebcte. Brigfcfa Diseaje, ('alarrh of OunLOtl' Blmdder. lu.iy, Gravel, Palofal UriDstlng. HiKh Culored ürlne, [ntbllitl to Kctain ir Kipel the frin. , I'AIN IN TUK 1IA Iv. NerVOUi DeMHty K, Wciiknt'w, and nll Di-uasis üf the KJÜNBTB, BLADDER and ÜKINARY OUQAN8, ■hin nothlD'.' elM can. I Oí)l Hl IT lnr Imilatioiis. A"k rirand take LUUft UU I ODly th DaT PAD. Por f fe by tn, ir bpdi b malí ir.r on tecftpt ol prloe, 2.00. Certlflcatei of core tnd onr bok " Ilo a w.'Ih 8avd," ml on riviipt it yoi r 'ni'.r. --. DAY Kimrn PAD ('O., TOLKIMI, Olii. BBBBBACB & SON, Aun Arlmr, K'iiernl '■- utlna ALVHt for Waihtenaw Connty. (K It ill bc for juur Interest to Kuow TUat CASPAR RINSEY Lato from a Whciesale Grocer's Huueu In Detroit,) barí opüuetl u GROCERY Al PROVISIÓN SI3EE At Xo. i i:asi Duron Street. 1 1 11 ao keep In ctock FLOÜK, FEEÜ, TOUACCO AND ( Ui AKS. All EOods are irixti iind new, nml. being purchíistd t the loweal boléenle i'aih Prins, wlll he íold at iliiiu'iv Imv. auli pula lor all kind'. i oiiiiId l'rodlioi. s:m-ss aspar rinsky. dandeOoñ lr. W D-iiuieliou Altfnilivr, th I uriilir nnd Renovator. A I ver umlumt, BtUeaneM Chille and i pslij Di Maje, Rhmat1m and Con !'■ ri, EcemoTt plmplée and fallowocM fron ■ cmiplcxH'ii. Il is i';r Iv ■. (.- rftectlj h mi ep and pleiwai t to I Ini oi fl, umi i-very lvittl wurrn PULMONARIA, - r Ciiuh-, Cnld, IroDchltla, Uroup, 'hooplr.g Cooiih and I' cíplent Cooaumpttoo. PUI) ent per bottle. Lfera bottl $1, aní cvit.v ' UTauted. Kor cale (n Ann Arbor by Kbcrbach Ion, auü druKÍita verywhore. 950-101
Patent Medicines
Sanford's Liver Invigorator
Tutt's Pills
Hop Bitters Manufacturing Company
H. J. Brown & Co.
C. Eberbach & Son
Day Kidney Pad Co.
Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store
Dr. White's Dandelion Alterative
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
H. J. Brown
C. Eberbach
Casper Rinsey
16 E Huron St