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Transvaal Courtship

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Wliinevertlie son of a Boer goesa courting lie proceeds in the following somewhat .singular njanner : He at tire Iiimself ju his gayet-t apparel, puts hi best pipe in his mouth (without bis pipe the Boer is neithcr here nor there) mounU the most fpirited horse lic can lay his haii(J8 on, lo make a ehivalrous iui ression on the object of hia attection, an'l tinally providee bimceli with some proseut to win the heart of the fair onu. Alter having shaken hands witb all tlie faniily, he takes a .'eat and tries to appear quite at MM, bnt only sueceids in looking lathor fcojuh. At last, ader the golemo sib nee, which on one's payiog a visit to a Boer aiways procedes conversation, lie inquins alter the hralth of overy one present. The aunt roplies : " Why, what shall I say, nephew? Thank God, I tbiuk we are all uiiddling." The unele is ever of opitiion " that it is all uphill work with hiuj." The n.-t oftbe f'atuily merely wij'. " Thank you, eousin ;" andtheyoung lady whom all Me stir is about preserTcs a oioí-t stubborn .-.ikni'o. Mounwhilethe pres tut, generally consisting of a dress or s nic art iele of wearing epparel, is pnduced, and with Mime ehoTt fpeech, tbc la-t wordsof which are hut faintly beard, hatided by the basbfttl and awkward Miitor to the lady, alter w hirh he teels more at his BM6, 'J'he t'uuire latht-r in-law, lully couscious of his great wi.-di ni and moral sup riority over the beardltss .'uitor, avails binuetfof tlie awkward paiisewbioh epsuea to overwbehn hiin with incoherent, -pcculations on the present goveriniipni. Altera .-hort interval the joung lady tBpewa in the robe (bat bas been presented to lier, which her suitor looks on a.s a token of encouragen.cnt. On the table is ;,l I ounjiU ...i.:.i. ,t... -T --Mji -ttt in the negotiations about lo begin. Till this candle ba-i burnt out no decisive answer can be üiveii, fii wbile it is luiruing an opportunity ia affbrded to the yonng man to open his heart to the ynung lady, and acquaint her witb bis pro.-pect.s i say 4,000 acres of land, L'O oxen, IMohèep, a robustconstitution, a mothcr who bids tair to be a blessing to her daughter-in-law, a good house of his own, etc, etc. Souietimes the youne lady brings a very short bit (lor the candle always appcars with her), and then the scène is ratbcr distressing, as it muy be a sign tbat she is eithr in a hurry to rejeet his suit, or eager 10 accept it. In the saue way a long candle denoies hesitation. It al.-o happens, 1 am told, tbat in the course of conversation tbc girl slly euts offa bit of tbc canille ; or, uiaking light of all tedious fonnalilies. Mi'ldenly goiffs out "the lingering taper, " and repuesto the suit of tbe anxious youtli by tbrowing her ;irms about his neck, niakiiig hia a happy man for eveiinoic