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I ' . I 'II I I II. 1. 11.1, I ¦¦ ; ALLFORMER YEARS OUTDONE. , 356,432 O-EITXJXlsrE SII6EB SEWIHG MACHINES SOLÜ IN 1878, BJUNtt 7!,62O More Than Ín Any Prevlous Tear. WE WAHHANT EVKHY MACHINE SOLU 1IQ. ,, SOME VERYHARD NUTS TO CBACK Jít. Companics have prnni; up lo ettrr partof tkc Linón Ibr makini; mi " Imitatlni, .sinr Mactiin Wfiy au nol rtmilar rómpanle, fomrUormUkChe putillc will dra I tí ouii iuii-rfíicu. ffold I lontlHiivUy coutítfrf,l'id: brUi a,„i li„ „, 21. Thr Sinu'ur has tajen the na-T I'rizr otr i i . rnietlt(iriiuiiri:ili!in two mi'nukkii tibim W liyi Arti-ltb.ilViicjig'iFirctheH.'lH-l Ciniíuill'fuiKl'rlook tofurnlíh sewlnjt machines tp the i.edv womeu of ihat city. Appllmntn wcn permltted to-rtiom? !riin a dlferot kiud oí nmchiiios. 2M hiiiiIIWinder Machine, and 517 dIMributed tlu'ír ch.k amonif tn five ottier kimli of tnacliiuun. riH Pur furiher partlcittars oill on iwuri , I. O-inSTELL, AT TnE SrNdER OFFICE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Vhn w1ll ell jmi a Sewfní Machine rh-Kprr tlmn iny olher man. 1 am aL-cntelsa í'or tht ly WKM'l Kü iml fpr lie NEW WHH'K. (be mwi 1Upulu; , miichlno In thc wurld. havtni; calnod a rtflo êxcewted only ly the Bmyrr, tu thu sliurt upacu ui two f ini KEPAIRISC 8pwity- Singer lad u Cood ÍA Itw. i5tr ' I. L. GIUNNI.I r., tiln RIN8KY & HKABOLT'S BAKKRY.GKOOKKY K - . FLOUR ANO FEEO STORE. W kcqp constantly b raid, BUEAD, CHACKKHS, CAKRS, ETC., i FOK WHOLRBALB AND HJDTAJh IHADK. i We shan also Ueep ti nupply of 8WIFÏ A DKUBKL-S RÍST WWTK W11KA1 ! PLODR. DELHI FM! YB FLOtnR, J BÜCK-WHBAT PLOT'R, COfek KEAL.FBÏ0.4C.,-,, L { At wholeaalo and retal!, a Rtntiral stuekot IUK KKII S WD PKOVISIOS conatantlyon haud, whu mili bennlfl o avumtoi ) able tormB as at any other honav in Lke cly Kcnlmlf."1 fr Bnt"T and ffmf I j er-(fcudg dulivurwi to any part fitta 1 witt i out extra chaxgo. y KINSFV KAHOIT. ü ftAWIftin Tiír l nn d LöAWINHTHtLIIÏ,, ,„{] THE GREAT SÜCCL$SE I-J? WOJfBERnJL IIPÍOVED Ol1 ' I iVVbV,rS5v""lOISITIUIIBIlílwMACTirrB ' la ftillj (lem.nilrnil hy tup nomo In nw uní tl.e ¦ 'i prnwnKIfinandrorthun. Il uw of nnr Iza. nr man can naw mora loKs or wood In oue c' lay Mul raaltr than two a.ti tan the oíd wav. It wlll hw u two foot lug Ín three mlimu-s. Kvrr, Band for Illiiülrml i.lrculur Riid '('crnis E i.iüimH.i.ii),,mi(u,t(ip 17 Klm ... tWlMl, X Í)OL ¦