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i hu tollowing estáte cales have ben rooorded in the reister's office sine oiir lost report : WARRANTV. Alonzo lYlton tu Janett Mcililluu, huid on South ITumii MriTl aljoniin lul Uvo, hloek oiic. rali ge tiva, etc., $.1,000. TbnniiiMiii i: Jones to H A. llnl, Int eleven, lilook l'our, sontl) of Hurón street, range íiiiic east, city of Aun Albor, $l..r)00. Geo. WItmayer tó Bdward "Ar. Ctuhman] .ixty aercí (if'liinil, wction twmty-three, tou -nsliip of M:inrhester, ftt.tKXT. Alexandcr McCollum by lieirs to Fianklin Stouts, 40 acres of land, section tueiitylive, township of Manchester, $2,500. ttia. C.WIm to bise} and (Joi.ün.u. ?BietjM.vo ierfes if luBd, spetion eleven. hip dI k, Í2..T0II. chis I' Wilmott ín Elijan K. lCellt, land ;i(ljniniiir Forest Uill ('emietory, $72!i. .Fohn W. Reeve tu Edwin Bïill, twMÍty acres of land, section twenty-thrce, town(hlpof Webster, $1,000. Cathariotí lírigs to Charles H. Horgman,-li)t three, PottcrVafldritím Urthe city of Ypsilanti, $800. A. V. Bardjp to M. II. and J. HsDMlmali, IDO arre., o f land. seelion twcetyven, Uiwtistiip of Anusth,' 2,400. "v John Sanborn to Ellen S. Carr, forty acres of land, section ten, townsliip of Uancbester, $1,200: Isaac Taylor to David 15. Taylor, lot to Cnclsea vllhige, éáóa J. C. Taylor u O. K. Clark, lots twentysix and twenty-sovon, block two, accordlng to reeorded plat of ciicNc-i villaje, $500; V. A. Burkhard to Win. 11 Qlenn, land in nction tlurtecn, townshii) of Lyndon Arlliui lm -ii to Juditliand l'crcy (Irrcn, 100 acres of luml, Kcctiim twenty-seven, towtuhlp of Boaron, f.",roo. Judltb mul Peroy Green to Qeo. Witmayen, mmbc " ucatt above, toaBOBi John Groff by li-iis ii John Grofl', cijrlity-tliicc iicics of huid, sections thrce, ten mul eieren, UtWIHAllpof liridirrwatcr, 2,986. Mhi.v A. JJui-k to Win. Btirk, lolu MM and liltecn, lilnck luo, on Union itraet, range bíx cast, $5,000. Grao. J. Manu to Gtottlteb 0. Uann, 186 aciis of lauü soctioi) twi'iitv-four, townsliip of Krcedoin, $8,600. QülT-CLAM. ¦ áginps, S. lV'ynolcls to Mosos Kartlftt, f"ity-t'oi BJUí r,.,ls oL Mni aft iiróiid, vlliiipp of Miinoficstcr. $."0o. Charle ö. Wiicclir to Wheeler & Kelsey, nhiety aerea pf land, loutlpn Uilrteen and toiirlucn, twnshi of Vork, fl.lKMl. Bdward .Mead to boel ui I). Watkint, lol two, tll.c.-. arrmdiliK to U)C If.'oldcd plat of the villagi' of Manclutor, í:,00U