Real Estate Sales
i hu tollowing estáte cales have ben rooorded in the reister's office sine oiir lost report : WARRANTV. Alonzo lYlton tu Janett Mcililluu, huid on South ITumii MriTl aljoniin lul Uvo, hloek oiic. rali ge tiva, etc., $.1,000. TbnniiiMiii i: Jones to H A. llnl, Int eleven, lilook l'our, sontl) of Hurón street, range íiiiic east, city of Aun Albor, $l..r)00. Geo. WItmayer tó Bdward "Ar. Ctuhman] .ixty aercí (if'liinil, wction twmty-three, tou -nsliip of M:inrhester, ftt.tKXT. Alexandcr McCollum by lieirs to Fianklin Stouts, 40 acres of land, section tueiitylive, township of Manchester, $2,500. ttia. C.WIm to bise} and (Joi.ün.u. ?BietjM.vo ierfes if luBd, spetion eleven. hip dI k, Í2..T0II. chis I' Wilmott ín Elijan K. lCellt, land ;i(ljniniiir Forest Uill ('emietory, $72!i. .Fohn W. Reeve tu Edwin Bïill, twMÍty acres of land, section twenty-thrce, town(hlpof Webster, $1,000. Cathariotí lírigs to Charles H. Horgman,-li)t three, PottcrVafldritím Urthe city of Ypsilanti, $800. A. V. Bardjp to M. II. and J. HsDMlmali, IDO arre., o f land. seelion twcetyven, Uiwtistiip of Anusth,' 2,400. "v John Sanborn to Ellen S. Carr, forty acres of land, section ten, townsliip of Uancbester, $1,200: Isaac Taylor to David 15. Taylor, lot to Cnclsea vllhige, éáóa J. C. Taylor u O. K. Clark, lots twentysix and twenty-sovon, block two, accordlng to reeorded plat of ciicNc-i villaje, $500; V. A. Burkhard to Win. 11 Qlenn, land in nction tlurtecn, townshii) of Lyndon Arlliui lm -ii to Juditliand l'crcy (Irrcn, 100 acres of luml, Kcctiim twenty-seven, towtuhlp of Boaron, f.",roo. Judltb mul Peroy Green to Qeo. Witmayen, mmbc " ucatt above, toaBOBi John Groff by li-iis ii John Grofl', cijrlity-tliicc iicics of huid, sections thrce, ten mul eieren, UtWIHAllpof liridirrwatcr, 2,986. Mhi.v A. JJui-k to Win. Btirk, lolu MM and liltecn, lilnck luo, on Union itraet, range bíx cast, $5,000. Grao. J. Manu to Gtottlteb 0. Uann, 186 aciis of lauü soctioi) twi'iitv-four, townsliip of Krcedoin, $8,600. QülT-CLAM. ¦ áginps, S. lV'ynolcls to Mosos Kartlftt, f"ity-t'oi BJUí r,.,ls oL Mni aft iiróiid, vlliiipp of Miinoficstcr. $."0o. Charle ö. Wiicclir to Wheeler & Kelsey, nhiety aerea pf land, loutlpn Uilrteen and toiirlucn, twnshi of Vork, fl.lKMl. Bdward .Mead to boel ui I). Watkint, lol two, tll.c.-. arrmdiliK to U)C If.'oldcd plat of the villagi' of Manclutor, í:,00U
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Thompson & Jones
Kelsey and Gording
Wheeler & Kelsey
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Alonzo Pelton
Janett McMillan
R.A. Beal
Geo. Witmayer
Edward W. Cushman
Alexander McCollum
Frankln Stouts
Chas. G. Wheeler
Chas. T. Wilmott
Elijah E. Kellogg
John W. Reeve
Edwin Ball
Catharine Briggs
Charles H. Borgman
A.W. Hardy
M.H. Hauselman
J. Hauselman
John Sanborn
Ellen S. Carr
Isaac Taylor
David B. Taylor
J.C. Taylor
O.R. Clark
F.A. Burkhard
Wm. H. Glenn
Arthur Green
Judith Green
Percy Green
John Groff
Mary A. Burk
Wm. Burk
Geo. J. Mann
Gottlieb C. Mann
James S. Reynolds
Moses Bartlett
Charles G. Wheeler
Edwin Mead
Lucius D. Watkins