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KKAMSH NOTH'ES. 1r Sat.k or Renx.-A house and lot, No. tí South Thayer streef, lnqnire at thïs office, or of W. W. Whedon. 'llw Ladios' Docoration tééndf wil! give a musical entertainment at Mrs. I). M. Tyler's, L'f Broadwuy, nt Thursday evo. Wantkd.- A girl to do general house work for a mikiü fanji'y. Oer man irl proferí ed. Apjily at the bookntore, cornor of Statcf and William streets. -, - , ___ Rev. Artlmr I'. Dcvlin, tin: well-known l'rtiinr ri 1 1 i prencher, fonucrly a lUman CrthdUo" of Boston, Ma?s„ will locture n the ojh tu ](,usc, Tiu'-ilay éyeping next. Subject: "Tlm secreta of tho confessionL" (ii'iitleiueii only adniitted. 'Hie ludios oí' t.lic $picpjHjl and J'resbyterin socintius delire to spress their tlmnks M Pwft. Kiiozc mxi ('ady, to the nieinbors nfthcChnral UniolJ !ftj UVk, and Kcmi.rm -n who a.-.Utcd in the ltu (joiiceit at the Fresbj teiiau Church. On Mondiiy cveniuti, I'il'. l.;, Mr. and Mrs. '. J. Florence will prewtat the Kreat play the " Mighty l)o!lr. " No oiie has ¦ver been fortúnate enough to see the Plorences play tliis piece witliout holding pp both. bands n upproval It. is innuenüf. All who have road the " HooierScho)lmaster," by KJward Eggtastoa, will be ioterei-ted to learn Ihat. it b t be pretented in the Ibnu of a play by fhe Young FüILh' Club of the Uniiarian Chureh. This book ia ono af ttie ïuost popular that has been puhli.-hed tbr many yóars, and iis racy and interesting account of tbc trials and hardsliilis of the " IiigrHimy Bcfiool teacher " of fifty ycars ago luis bofn the Houroe of tumto lauhter and pieiaoNJ to those who havo read ilio book. Tlie club is said o have inactB aCy!SUieé-3ful drainatizalioo, and it wil), bo doibt. be wórth attendinif. It is to be given Fiiday eveqing, Ft-h. CT) t (Iiiity (!hurx-h. Tickets will be gold t theiimr; pricc, twenty-five centH. n , A Cross Baby. Nothing s so condueive to a nian's retnainin a bacheW as Rtoppiftg for one night at the house of a niarried friend, and being kept awako for five or si hours by the crying of a oros baby. All cross and cryin babies need only flop Bitters to malie theru wel] and smiling. Young man, remembor thift - (Ex. . hly Cream Bulm cures Catarrh without the unpleasant effects of snuffs or liquida. öee advertisement elsowhere. [925-976] Itui-KIcii's Árnica Salie. The best salve in the world for cut.s, bruises, surco, ulcurn, salt rheuui, totter, ühaiipcd hands, uhilblairis, corno, and all dl' ,-kiu erupiinnn. Thi.s Malve u Kiiar.inittl to Kv' w.TÍ'tntl satiifction in every ca,-i.', or nmiicy Kiluiided. l'rice ''5 cente per box. For sale by L. S. Jercli, Arm Arbor. _ 935-986 The Word "Sozodónt,'1 Wbich has already become a housjhold word, Is dcrived from fhe Greck, and cnnpiiMMlof two woids, S...o uud Odontes, "Si'zo" (r&nsláíeü. nieans to preserve, and "(Montes,11 tho teeth- "S( )()!) )T " t I.rcscrvpr of the ieeth. And it is true to it name. It beautifies twA purifiuM the tKcth, h:irdcns and nviynrates, ilie guius, and cuín ets ;,ll iinjiuritieü of the brenUi. The (lor óf ttlis pure preparation is .-,o delihrru! tliat it is a luxury to apply it. It ïi is harniloss as water. Sold by druists and perfumera. 'JViii') An Honest Medicino. Of all medicines advertised to cure any aflVcion of the Throat, Chest or Lunfr-, wi; know uf' mnc wc can recomiiiend so hijrlily 38 J)r. Kihg'i Xcw Discovery fur Lonsuniption, Coughs, Cold., Asihjna, Krotichilis, Hay Fevor, Hoarsenes.-, Tickhng in iho Throat, loss of Voice, etc. flus medjijlne dors pontiuehpture, and that whtre 'everything else has fa'iled. Nu medicine can show on? half' so iuany posilive and permanent c'urès a liavc iilready boen effected by this truly wonderful retudy. Por Ashuia and Bronchiti t ja a pertect' specifii-, caring thé vcry worst cases in the shortest time poasible. We say by all uieans give it a trial. Trial boules ten cents. Recular size $1.00. For sale by L. S. Lccch, Ann Arbor. 974-986 Consiiniption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in bis hands by an East India raissionary the formula of 'a simple vegetable retnedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Cónsuraption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throatand Lung affections, also a unsitive and radical cure for Nervom Debilityand allNervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderfl curative powers in thousands of cases, bas feit it his duty to make it known to hbsuffering fellows. Actuated by this motivo and a (lesire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in Germán, French, or Englisb, with Bil] directions ('or preparing and using. bent by mail by addrossing with stamp, nWminx this paper, V. W. Sueakkk, 141. Powers' lilock, fínch,sta, K. Y. 998-986 e o w