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Origin Of The American Indians

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Ihe ongin ot tne American inaians, wno aro always a theine of painful interest with us, continued to be varioualy discussed by anthropologits. A Germán writur bas put forward ooe theory Of the subject, and an English writer has put forward anotber and directly oppotte theory. The difference of' opinión cniic Tiiing our aboriginals among authors who have made a profound study of races is at once curious and interesting. Bluincnbaeh treaU tlu'in in his classificalimis as a distiict variety of the human family ; bot, in the threefold división of' Dr. Lat.hum tin y are ranlted among the Mongoliilse Otln r writerson race regard theni a a bram li .f the great Mongolian family, which ut a (li-taiit period timnd its way trom Aia to this wnlinent, and remained here lor centuries -eiiarate fiom the rest of niaiikiul, pas.-iiiíí meanwhile through diveis of' liurb;irim and civilization Mor ton, our emiDt in eilinoloii-t, and his followcr, Noit and Gliddou, claim lor our nntive ri'd men an oHgki a di.-tinct as the flora and fauna ut' iliis continent. Priehard, lio.e views are api 10 differ f'roiu Morton '.-¦, finds reason to belicvc, on coinparing the Americin uibes toeether, that they must luivi' fbrined a üepurate departinent of natiotis Iroui the i;arliest period of the world. The era of their existenee as a distinct and insu'ated pe pie mu-t probably be dated I uk to tlie time which separated into naMons the nhjibitautt of the üld World, :iiiii ;;:ive to t-ach its in lividuality and prim itive kanoaarie Dr. Robert Iirown, tlfe ftt t authuiity, attributes, in bis " Races of Mankinil." an Asiatic origin to our aboriinals. He says that the Western In(iiati.s nnt oily pcrsonally retemblé their nearest neiiihbors - die Northeast ern Aiatic - but tbey resomble them in language and tiadiiion.s Tbe E.-quiniauz on the American aml the Tchuktcnis on the Asiatic side undetand one another perfeotly. Modern anthropologitts, indeed, are disposed to think tliat Japan, the Kuriles and ntighboring reions may be regarded as the original borne of the greater part of the naiive Amcricnn race. It is also admitted by theai that between the tribes scattered from the Arctic sea to Cape Hom there is more uniformity of physical feature than u seen in any other quaiter of ihe globe. The weight of evidence and authority is altogether in favor of the opinión that our socalled Indiansarea branoh of the Mongolian family, and additional researohesstrengthen the opinión. The tribes of bolh North and South America are unquestionably homogeneou.s, and, in all likelilioml, liad theii origin in A?ia, though they have been altercd and modified by thousands of years of total separation from the parent stock.