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MUwankee hu mi-el 06,500 toward the Irish relief lim!. Nest week Cons;ress will attend to the appropriation bilis. Kinigration frora Germany to the United States is nid to I' tncnsñng. All but eijilit of tbo sixty Maine fanónUt hV taken their teats in the Legi.slature. The S'. Louis wagon makers refiise to adTanoetbewagosof workmeo fifteon percent, as demauded. The Shennan club of Man-ificld, Oliio, the home of the Secretary, numbers nearly 900 inembcrs. Cincinnati coal gas will be furnished to consuméis, lor the next ten years, at $1.60 per 1,000 feer, after March Ist. On the 24th inst., one-third of the business portion of the village of Brewster, NewYo:k, was destroyed by fire. Loss, ?160,060. The Lansing Repubüean remarks : "Gubernatorial candidate are executing their war dances in silenco or have stopped a moment to spit on their hands to get a new hol 1." Mr. M. M. Wooster, who has rccent'y assumed control of the Dacatnr Repablioan, is very much encouragcd with his success, which, judging from the manner he is conducting things, is assured. The que-tion of a bridge or tunnel over or undnr the Detroit lliver will be considered by the House sub-committee, Slarch 10. Intercsted partios will be on hand with their argumenta pro and ¦¦ The Ann Auboh Coukier is a welcome visitnr at our sanctum - always full of good things. The more one reads it the more they becouie cunvinced of its worth. - [Gazet te, North Branch, Fe-b. 20. Several hundred negroes are en route. from South Carolina to Indiana. This State and Kansas are beiog almost submergcd with the black cloui, and the latter State will not bo apt to get manymore white emigrants. It takes fifteen per cent. of the wholo revenue of the Government to pay pensions. It being $30,000,000. Notwithstar.ding Great Biitain is always at war, her annual disburscnients for pensions ia only about onc-fifth of ours. The National Democratie Convention has been appointed to takc place in Ciucinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, June 22d next. EmI State isentitled to representa! ion therein te doublé the number of its Senators and Representativos in the Congress of the United State-:. Mis-; Eïoward, a Canadian girl, edueated at Ann Arbor, Mich., aud a popular doctor at Tienrsin, China, has been sent ie Pekio in a roya] bargc and lc.aded with presents for successfully treating the wif'c of a leading CbÜMM stutesüian. - [Shiawassee American. AsOongress. hasauthorizad the Seeretary of the Navy tn detail a Government vessel to carry to Irclan i contribuí úns lor the relief of the suffering poor, it certainly can with much more proprioty make some arrangemen'H for the ullevi:i(ion of the suffering peoplc in Kansas. The city of Mexico turned out to do honor to Gen. Grant on the mgbt of the 21 st. The depot was illumioaled with Chínete lanterns, anddecorated with American fliijs. He was escorted to his rooms with five hundred dragoons wilh torchea illuminated. Oo the 23rd ho called upon President Días, who receivedhim in a most magnificeot manner, and then retumed the oall in two hours. The Michigan tomperanee people have talkcd of taking the initiative in gettint; a coustitutional amendment pafsed piohibiting tlie manufacture ind sale of liquors in the State, but as the Iowa house of repre"¦entatives have agreed to submit such an amendment to the people of' that State and ;he Senate wil) probably concur, it is aarely possible that this State will be left ín the rear. The people of Iowa will vote on the amendment next November. A new bilí has been introduced in Congress in reference to the varions PaciËc railroads and their branches, which have re ceived government aid ; it, in effect, con'era upon a government board of coininissioners, to be be appointed, supervisory control over the opcrations of the aubfidized railroa Is, with power to regúlate obargea over the same, and section ten repoals the actof Maroh IsTá, granting the right ofway through the public lands to railrouds. The leople of the Western Status and Territorios have come to the conclusión that railroads shou'd be underc uitrol, and not given rights that are not aecmlid to private ndividuals. The Farwell Register of the 21 st conains the following : "The suggestion made by the Register of W. N. Brown, of Vit. Pleasont, for attorncy general of Mii ligan, has met witli favorable responsos from oeveral newspaperf. The fact that Mr. irown bad about a year's experience in his office with bis fyther-in-law, the late .¦uii' rited Gen. Dwight May, h no sinall tem in his favor. He owris, pcrhnps, tlie argest law library of any lawyer in the State north of Saginaw, being valued at about $4,000. Mr. Brown is a self-maifl man. He Ferved through the wnr for tin1 Jnion, and is ecrtainly entitled to som e onsideration on that score M. de JJesaeps bas reached Paoama ml will now devote him.seli'to the iateré6tof he inter-oceanic canal. On this subject he Star-IIorald says : "The canal route ïas been thorouphly studied, its difficulties nvestigated, and practical plans laid for heir successful treatment. Material has een obtained for tbc settleraent of all disutes as to the quantities, cost, etc, and niiiiy prejudices in the mindsof some uu in era of the commission removed as to the iractic.bility of the lcvel canal. The whole work, including every eventuality, is set own at 843,000,000 franers, or $108,600,00. Económica! studies still going on will educe these figuros, it is belicved, and sevral tnciubers of thecjmmission believethat be entiro enterprise will not involve the uthiy of more than $150,000,000. The ïme allowed for the work is eight ycais. Europeaneovernuients are alway s fearful fa ion against them for the pur)ose of' their overthrow, or lor tho acquir I ng of a portion of their territory. Tho I STorth Gemían Gazette of the L'lth says : I That when once tho belief is created I mung the Rfllinn people that an attaek I n the part of üermany is feared, it is only I a short step froin that point to hostüe exciteniont against a throalcning Deighbor. lf it be true that the Russian defltgi againal ücriiidtiy, ofwhichGen. Milioutini, I the Russiao Minister, isoredited with being chief promotor, aro only posponed until I France is ready, then fortifications agaiust j ft peaceful noigbbor roy bo regaided asj gore proparation fir future aggrcssive war I with Germany. Noither France nor I si;v lui ever been attacked by Germany, and I the eolios] arniaments of those two States, I which by compulsión weigh upon the rost I ofEurope, can thorefjie only be bassed I upon an aggreüive policy." The Adrián Times gays tho developmcnts I in regvd to the l'onca Indiana, seem to I show that tho agents of tho government I deliberately deceived the Indiana, I ing an agrooiuent to cede ccrlain lm. Is and I remove to the Indian Tcrritory. Thu I caí coniplain of ibis treatment and ask that I the lands they wero swiudled out of, be I en back to them, and they be allowed to I turn thereto. These Indiana had, when on I tlieir own reservations, cultivated farms, I good dwelling honaea, churches and f chools, I all the result of their own industry and I labor. It does not look reasonable that after I having got so faron the road to civilization I they, of their own volition, gavo up all I these results and went cut into a wild and I notoriously i-iek región. It is said tliat the I reoords in Dakota show that the title to the I ulil PoDM roservation stillrestt in the I cas never having hoon relinquished by them. I Tilia confirma the claim of the Puncas that I they were dectived and misled into signing I a paper agrecing to relioquish their lands. I If it shall turn out that these Indians have I been abused as they claim they have, the I men responsible for the outrage can bc I fouud, and when found, they shnuld be I puqished as thuir crime desrrves I ished.