All Former Years Outdone
356,432 Q-rEHSTTXIIsriE lV:! SEWIHG MACHINES SOU) IN 1R78. BEING I :t,G2O More Tlian n Any PrtM ious Ytar. WK WARRANT KVEUY MACHINE BOU) BY 18. I SOME VBEY EAED NÜTS TO CEACZ ]t. CompanioH have tfprWüg Dp In evcry part of tht¦ Uuion for mttkinir aa " Ininntinii si; .; i M u-hin--." Wky are not eimïlur ro7n}Hinïc8 formed for mak¦ ing mitafwns of other StftWwJ Machit!' f H The public wil! draw lts own lnfrice Gold U MB continiuüly counterfeiied ; braxs and tin never i . .. Ú. Tilt! SinL'IT htlH tk'Il t hp rill.T Pri-. m. r ut - " ¦ ¦ v ¦¦ut,1 i urn u i iiv r J IV l I I l.l IJ V I A J . i . competltorp more tliim two hi'niihki timkm. Wh) ! Aiter tb Chicago Flretha Kellel Uommltt uuü ttook tirrnlsh sewing miichinuntothe iiaeiij Komen of that city. Applii-uiif Ware permltted to cbooge tnim bIx different kindw m macfalliee. 2!MI aprilloaBia wen ranitabed ,wlth maotalnet,; 2,417 cnoüe SiDKar Maohioen, and 517 dlxtrlbuieil tliolr cholcf amons Uia tlvo other Modi "i taaebliMK. Thcp girl were to üjiiN TiiEiii i.iviN on Umve machines. Hli) dld ilny tukc Mii;it For further particular cali Olí AT TIII-: SINCFR OFFICE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Who win sel! yon a Scwing Machine cheepar tban tnj otber man. I an aVaDt also br the ikimkstic iikI lor the NEW W1IIIK, the bhI popalar ne machine In Om world, havinu L'iiiiiud a le exceeded only hy the Siniicr, in tha nnort pacu ol two yers. RKPAIRISG s Spccialty- Singers adc u Good as New. t)tf I. L. GMNNE1.L, Ann Arlior.