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Estáte of Clara E. Panama. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw.Bí At a sessdon of the Probatr. Court rnr the Oonnty oí Washteoftw, holden at the Probate Oflki'. In the cirt of Ann Arbor, on ThurBday, the twenty nixth day ol Febrnary, in the year ose thousand eipbt handrea and eighty. Prepem, Williain I). llarriman Jndue o! l'robnto. In the matter of the Potito of Clarn E. Parsoni, minor. On readinj? and fltiüi? the peiltlön, dtily veiifted, of Thomas S. Hanlord. iruardian, praylnp that In1 may be liceused lu eell ceitain real estáte beloning lo ald minor. Thereapon It ifl ordered, that Saturday, The twentieth (l;iy of Mareh uext, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, be apfiDed lor ihe hearing ol naid pettUon, aiM tbat tbr oext of kin of aid minor, and all nther perdono intereled in said eatnte, ure t required to appear at a naaios ot inid eourt. then to be holden at the Probate Office, m tbs city ol Ann Arbor, and show caute, if any rhere be. why the pnt er of the petitioner t-hould not be pranted. And I n uinherordered, that aid petitioner glve ttolice . to t ie persons tntereêted iu etiid estáte, ol thtt pendency ot said petiiion, and the hearing tttereot', by cauniir a rony of order to be ptfjB&iiad in the Ani. Arhor Courier, a newupaper printeü and eirenlalinp in eaid coun'y, thrt?eeucceft?ive weeks previoup to ?ald day of hearinff. (A truc copy.) VVII.I.IAM I) IIAHÜIMAN, Indoe of Prpbat. W.M. O. DOTY, Probate fteílBter. (TO íffí Estetè of A l ïir.ii I E. Latimor. QTATB OP MICHIGAN, County oí At a sewHion of ttie Probate Oonrt for thn Conuty ot Watitenaw, holden at the tMlice, tn tb(: cny ol Aun Albur, .111 Wi d.isduy, Ilie tnellty-fllth day of Feliruary, in the yt-ar one Ilioiifaiid eiiitit tmndred and el.'lry. Preaent, W illiam 1). Hurriman, Jnde of l'roltate. In the matter of the estite of Ab'itail E. 1 atnner, uil" and fllinc the eiltion. duly veritifd, of lx-vi tí. ljtlnjer, pra,intí tiiai Chárli s K. LiiviiiHT. or bqiuq oiiüi ii Itahle i übou, may bn appóiDted admloUtrator of the eatatt) ól aald dien-.d. rhereupon it li ordered, that Moinliiy, the '. -, oud (Lu ut Mareh next, al ten o'clock in the forenoon, , ¦ ad :or the noaring ofnaid petttqn, and thai the helix at litw ol Miid deceased, Mtid all other ¦ mu-renled in ;aid i-uue, art FWfUlred to jtp[M.ii .u aoeuBtOD ot oíd etiurt. Ihen to he bolden . l'rohuie i'fflce. in tlv .if. .i Ann Arbor, and -hov chum f iniv ixvwhv theprayorbrthepei stionld not Ihj 1,'ntnleu. Apa H -ï Ulrihir oi'irn 1. thai íald neiiilo.ier mvc iiuiice io the pera Intef. eated Id tud estáte, of tbc uenclenc] ol sÁJdix and the liearintr the I, ;n lau.-ini a copy of thl order to he publiaheii In tin Ann Arlioi Cawier,e iberprlntedandclrculated Insatd couuivjliree BQGOBUlve weekt previour to aid duy ol hearing. A true copy.) W1IXIAM D. IIAKIilMAN, Jtidire of Prohnte. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Keüislar. 975-D7S Drain CommJsalonér's S,oücé. WHEKKAS, Apulicntion ha? be.-n d'ob oaade bk petitlolt In wiliinj; to A. K. Bu,lock,'l'owi,i.hii Drum Cominlaalooer lor itie lownnhip of Sáieni, OonjUy of Wuchtenaw, and State of Michigan. U lócate and cunntruct a ditch or drain in the l'own, C'onnty ai. d State aforefald, and to run a IoIIowbI: Oomrueiicinti on tlie aouih iovu line ot jaitt bOmMhtp at [i:e corner, or at Uie blldi(fl neur ihe conu.r, ol ectlont ihirty-lonr and thiny nve, rnnnlnu n. on Ihe line batween tl. e I ..t w itoili Ui .¦, „u'ü AdolpniiK Uiuier ; llience Iitii th. lal (i ol Wil liam Vrood and Mnah ijtraw.iy ; tbeuce uoi IhbaHl rly the land of Willlam VVood anti s kx m Ule Oambw; tkjuoe throogk tke kndaoi Willlam B as lar a.- necessary, or t) the Territorial; and WiiKitKAs, Sald Uommisgtoner haa ijctermliied thai there II anflWIetit c ¦nn for niaki -j said aip Icatlon, and further thai thure are cnaln nou-rl minorx and Incompetenl i.i-r.-on inte,, ted n, raid dlteh: It is hereby öirected, hj aald Commisklotiel Umi the resMitaco ol WUllam üusie, Townall p, C'ounty BLd Htate afoie-a.d, ue and ) herehj uppotnted an ihe pace, and the tenty-ih!rd i Man h, A. 1). 1S80, as the lim . lo au ezanrinatiou ol sa.d apphcaiion, ai which urne aml place all pvtiic Interested m Incatión ol said dralu are hcreb) notiiled to he presuDt to coneider iaid appl'i Ai, d nis lurdier ordeied tiiat ihi noüre be parij in The AnnArbor Vourier, a papel piinled and pulillabed In toe County and Statu afpreaaid, for thre B n wttía neü heloru tlie said twenty-luiid dav oi Marcu, A. ü. 18eO. Datad Kehruilry 21Ui, A. D. 1 A. B. BUT.T.OI-K, !'78 TowiiRhtp Umin Commies-.oner. It wil! be for jour Interes! to Know 1 hal CASPAR RINSEY (Liite from ft Wbpleftl (írorcrV Uouye in Detroit,! lian oponed a EW ID MI STORE AI Xo. 10 Eatt Iluruii XilrvcU lie will aho keep In ttock FLOÜR, FEEI), TOBACCO AM) ( ÍUAHS. AH irnoda are rreli and new, ani!, being ptirrhiuipd atthe.lowmi K boléenle Cuta Prtce, wlB ie polil at rato coirer-ti uidiiiflv low. iil patd lur ill k iiiil of omití j Produce. 'M-ti8o A8PAB Ü1NSI5Y. ü F. B0YLAN, Keal KMtntr AfttMioj-. ForniK and Btnuea bonCht, oíd, ranted, rei air. d and iiiKiired. (ifllce at Wol.VKKINK STO1ÍK, 9Wtf Córner of Hurón and Fllth Sfm