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University Clinics

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Tue unfortunato of tho State are ju-it beginning to appredate th advantages offered thcm at the Universify olinL-s, whote without moiiey and without prioe they are given dio bM tnatment thal medioal skill can devise. It is or shouhl be generally known, that in connection with the medici deparlinent, and soon will be witli the homeopathie college, a hospital Ahera théáe who come hére for treatnient are taken care of at an expense to tliem only about tuffieient to cover the actual expense incurred. There are niany throuhout the State whoe circuoistances are nuch that they eannot even afford to pay their tmtRportAti'Hi here, muuh loss pay for board and att'ii'lanee while in the hospital. To meet such iase an 1 afford rolief' to the unfortunate-', any wealthy panos h4 feebdispoed can place a sum of money in charge of the hospital auíhorities Cor their l enefit, and thus do an immense aiiiount of good. A geut'eman from Muskegon named B. E. Dirks, weight 240 pound?, was brouglit to the hospital last August o paralized as to be belp'esp. Lust week he went home a well man and feit o grateful that he left f25 to help defray the expenses of some poor persons. This is thc first money furnished for this object and will probubly not be the last. It eannot be expectod that the phyi-iciiiiis through tho State ean devote their time to those from wlinm they eannot expect pay ; that tbey realty do more work without receiving pay thorefore, or eveu expecting it, than any other claas of any community, is well knnwn, and they eannot be expretcd to do more. As a sample of the ca.-es oierated on in the regular clinic of' the dcpartiuent of medicine, we might inention that last week there was one of stone in the bladder. The operation of lithi.toniy was pcrformed at once, the patiënt being an interesting little boy aged eight yeare ; seeond, of a wry iicik, lor wliich delicate mul mee oporation waf performed ; third, the removal of the lower jaw witli a largo tumor, the operation having been pcrformed a week previous and the patiënt walked into the classroom, looking and feeling strong and happy. Also a person who eighteen months previous liad boen treated for club fiOt who returned to show a perfect cure. There were also a nurober of eye oases successfully treated. To those who have failed to get relief otherwisf; thi íh a "pool of Siloam," and if those who feel that the expense of maiutaining such a depart inent by the State is onerous, will be di.-abused of filis idea by invehtigating the nmtter and seeini? how suffering humanity s relieved.