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...Tlie Republican caucus is calleil fur this afternooD, to nominate villago candidatos. ...The M. K. Suuday School has just received new library catalogues of its books, The nutubcr of books now in the library is 347. ...A boy and girl of tender age, a fow days a?o, were duputing as to what tbi'ir mothers could do. Getting impatient, the little girl blurted out by way of a climax and a clincher : " Well, there is one thing that my mothcr can do thnt yours cant - my mother can take every one of her toeth out at once." ...Last Saturday and Sunday Mghta Gen. Cary diseoured on tempcrance. Saturday night in tne K. 11. hall and Sunday night in Costello's hall. Subject of last lecture, " Christian I'hilanthropy, Moral Purity, and Eternal Welfare of' Man," in which every patriotic man, woman and child was deeply concerned. H is chief stress was laid on the nature of Bible crimes. ...Gen. Cary's lecture on the " Mislakcs of Moses, or Ingersoll, Wbioh?" lul iïriday night, is very well npoken of by muny whose opinión i.s worthy of respect. It was certainly the ablest defense of tbe Bible against modern nkepticism nnd infidelity that we have hcavd in a long time, if not the viry ablcst of any that it has ever been our privilege to listen to. ...Mr. I. Bailey, fátharofthe Masara Iailey of thi.-i place, fl Ijinjj ill at hi.i fod's residence. He was formorly iad for a long time a resident here, but lately lived near Fowlerville, Livingston Co. A few weeks ago he and bis wile wont to Detroit vi-iting. On their way home lm was taken mek and had to stop some time in Ypsilanli. ÏVy finally carne to this place wliere he is now in tlie care of his sons. ...Gen. Cary considercd the various objcctions ofïurod against the sckntific accuracy of Genesis by such men as Ingersoll, Darwin, Huxley etc. These objretions ho answered more or loss successfully and satisfdctorily, as each individual listener was inclined in his belief before going to the hall. Suffico t to say, however, that this lfcture has dona more good than a scoro of ordinary, off hand, dry sermón. ...The Wilkinson'splayed "Uncle ïom's Cabin," (with the cabin left out) to a ful house last Saturday night. A fow of the chanu'tors were well taken and played. "Topsey," " Marks " and "10va" were acted very well. People laughed at the vagaries of "Topsey" and her 'Tnn wicked ; ' ' and many an eyc was Glled with tears at the death of Hule "Kva" and her allusion to the "briht spirits." ...Ir, may not be out of p'aco here to state a few facts wliich your humblo scribo has gleaned froin the Oeneral's rctniniseenses. He said he signcd the tetotaller's pledge on Washington"s birthduy, 48 ycars ago Sunday night, whilo in college, at a meeting pre.-ided over by llobt. U. Schenok, late minister Plenipotentiary at (he Court of St. Janus, England. That he had kept Iiis pledge fiom that day forward; bad l.clure.i on tlie eubjoct of ntenjpor anee in ül Sia'es of the unión, in every city and town ofany importunce in Qfuada, England, Sco'.land, Ireland and Wales, and spent over $40,00ü of his own priva'.) pvne in the eausu of temperanoe. Ot 60,000 sigued the pledge as the result of his l;i!iors. ...Tt was a picasint COttVpiOy tli;it gath èred at the M. E. parsonage last Wedncsday ovcning. Tho occasion was a doríatíoa visit to llev. L P. Davis, of the M, K. Church. A goodly number met thére- in fact as maiiy as eould bc acoomtuodated with ease - and a most pleasant time tluíy liad, ltefreshments werc scrved to the coni any (and here we would like to whisper sotnething in your car, bul wil] forbear ttMnMt - wol!, we won't say more,) and wlun all had gone home tho pator found hfaisetf wortli one hundred dollars more in tliis world's goods. The donation, in other words, amounted to soinathing over a hundred dollars, inc'udirip; twenty-six yard nt carpet.s (irovided by tho gond ladies of the ehurchand society. Dr. W. E ffiegenfase made brief presentation remarks to tic company and Mr. and Mrs. J),ivis in i)re¦entiog tho c-irpet, to which the lii-v. Mr. Davis r.sponded, thanking tho hdios for the timet; and sppropriate gift. salín i:. ...Family gatbrn to-day at KI. Bickford'g. ...Truman Carpentcr is here from Chi cago on a hort visit. ...Gross Bros. are putting up a great many windiuills in this vicinity, ...Adam Haitler was married list weck, nd will inoi-i! tu the Ed. BiekforJ farm soon. ...Adam Seh.nen lias bouIit Üie Pctór Kanouse farm on the town line between York and Pittsfield. ...The donation party at Rev. Mr. Bush's on Tuesday evcning was well attehded, and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. ...The lawsuit between Mcrs. Stacey and Howard about a horso, resulted in a verdict of no cause of actioti. Howard has the horse, ...The Prtsbyterian church ehoir have organicèd a musical society, and are preimmiif to give soujo fine munic. Go to church early and hear their anthem. ...The temperance lecture delivered last Sunday evening by Mra, llcnry was very original and interesting. She figured tho cost of rang a boy until fifteen years of age, and presented the iuipoting amount of $3,280 and places the of girls at the same figure.