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The following beaiitiful tribute te Úk nicmory of Katie Hicks was sent lo Mis. Wealey Ilicks by a agrmpathizlng fricnil Dear strlcken raotber heart, I come to Ibta In sacred bonds of tenderest Rympnthy ; I come to Kit wlth thee at sorrow's shrlne, Only to let thee know thy sorrow mine. I bring no words nntlmely- will not teil That He who smltes thee doeth all Ihings wi 11. I wlll not teil thee look beyond the snn. And say : " Our Father, let thy wlll be done." Orlef hears no counsel ; bendlng wlth strnlned ear, She llstens for Ihe volee she muy not hear; Llstens for footsteps, when the feet nre bid For evermore beneath tho ooffln-lid. Llstens, and lUenl vul Is for the oveu A nd loving words that nevermore wlll ble; From inorn 1111 eveuinR wnit, nd Itnous it valn. She counts the hours of night and walts ngnln. II sleep nttend her, she but waki s to í i l Agaln her agony, as the cold steel, In memory's hand, reopens every womiil, Jars every nerve,- makes discord every sound. Day follows day, but to renew hor pain ; Week follows week- a sorrow-frelghted trui n ; Month follows month, tlll time and trust and tears Drove the grrat healers In revolving years. And the bereaved one, belnc reeonclled, OrtéCÏ ' God, our Fnther, keep - Oh, keep - my chüd ! Roep her close-folded In Thy arms above,- Keep her, for Thoo art God and Thou ui 1 lovi-. " My hunyry heurt muy never be at prace,- lts constunt crnvlng for her may not oease; But, whllc I miss her more than I can teil, I know that wlth my daughter all Is well Hurm cunnot reach her in her new febode, Nor troubles grieve her; keep lier, Oh, my God , " If from my brow a Jewol has been torn ; If du thy crown a Jewel now is wom, I wlll be happier Huil she once was luJne, I wlll be happier thst she now is thinc " Once mine, in doathless tove she si i II is mine. Now Thino, ('reator, she whh always ï bine. And we are 11 Thy ohlldren- evei y lui. We see thy presence, and we feel thy care. " When partlngs come- and partlngs grief wil brlng - Something reinal ns to sooth our sorrowlng; Bomethlng to care for, to employ our powers. And make leHS wearisome the lonely hours. II And by Thy wlse design the llttle blessed Wlll suffer least; 'tls we, who are poMMiad Of the most preclous glfls, may ofleneat kim The keenest angulHh and lh deepeat WMj And t h Is we come at last to undcrNtaiHl, And lmld our treuHiires wllh a tromhllug lmtul " Oood Father, wipe mine eyes that I may see The blesslngs left me aere, nnd, If I be To olherH wliat my darling was to me, Oh! glve me Joy, to matee their livi-s the brlghter - Wisdom and strength, to mako tht'ir hurdens llghter." So ends the mother's prayer, and duty cali. The mother hears again - to disenthrall Her sorrowlng spirit from Uk sulfer Ing ; That on the ashes of her woe may qnlDg Theflowersof peaceand hope:uid lOTeudJoy. May they all bloom for thee, itear luart.and may no blast destroy ; May they all bloom for thee, sncli gladness liringing As from an angel's care the Mmvers were prlnglng.