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To Instruct Or Not To Instruct

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TIn' qiH'stion of Inatructlng deJegates to the Gliloago convantlon l áttraotitig soaie attantion In tbë Republtcan papen of tilia State. Thii matter ihonld be thought of and discuweU by the RepubUcani of the State befora the conventíon. There oan be no two ways of thinking about the pollo; oí putting the matter ofi umü the conventíon :is.semblc8 umi then sprint it, JeaTlne the i the ixarty no itrt uniLy tú piipgg an opinimi toncliing thé niailci'. The muiilicr of fiepublicanB win oompose a Siaic i'imvniinn of thelr party ha Michigan ts .";;{. Tfeere ane nm lesB than 180,000 Republicana la Uw State. I that the ."'-'ií, without :my Ingtructions, slmil take so Important n step :is to 'Mngtrucl " the 22 delegntcs to the Chicago oonyentlon for wliom tliey shall voto, s aa praumption of authorty that the maas of the Republicana of Michigan, at least, 11 not quietlv submit. The twenty-twe men who sbajl represent Michigan In the Chicago convention will bc there CO reprosent the wishesDof of the .r(i.'i Bepabllcant.who ahall com pose the Republican State convention, but of the 130,000 or inore who etpect to vote the Repnbncan ticket in this state ï.cxt fall. Any instruotions cnlruiiitid to determine the action of Miohigan% delegatlon to the Chicago convciitioii, to be entitled to auy ïi'spcct or oonsideration, imul emanata trom sonie ngency nenrer to the peopU than a the State convention. If it u dealrabia that our ilclogntes to the national convrnlion fthould be instructed, it is duo to evety member pf the party tliut the queation ofinstructing. or not Inatructing, be paaaed upón by t lioso interested, and that Includes etery raan who votes the Republican ticket.' rnstrucdona entltled to any sort of respect by the delegatea to the Chicago convention ought tonaTeot] thein the scül of M]provnl ot rnorc tli:iti the 568 Reptiblicana vwiö chanoe to cómpoBc tin' State ronvciition. The last Xational Hepublican comention interlered to protect the Republicana of lVniisylvania ajrainst the unjust resulta tliat might have been cotnpiL-sfd, liad tlte i!_rhl ol .i State convention to " instnict " been recognizcd. Il' t li desired that the coming República n State convention shal] nstruct the delegates to tli itional conventlon, decent regard for the right ö( each Individual Republican In the state, would glve to each, so far as ponible, the opportunity to record Iiis wian. The town and wunl eaui-uses are thr flm oigintized apnolegwt to #oids In gistiug au expreaaton of the will of the party, at this end rather than at the othorand futheat :iway from the individual, the polcy of Kmding au instriKti (i deUgatlon must be pataed upon, it it ladedrable to eet an expression entitled to respect as binding on the delegatea who hall act for the Republicana of the State In the Republican iiationai convention. It is hard to how an independent, Bèlf-respecting man can consent to l)e :i delégate to r rratlonal corrvention, and be bound by the Instrnctioha of a State conventloQ w hose riht to ftretruci without iiny InatructieM troul the ra of the paity, is certainly en to queation if it be not cleaily an unwarr.mti .1 aiunption ot power, The declsions of Republicau natlonal conventiona are againat the binding force of auch Insti-uctiens. The polfcy of the Republicausof Mlchr Igiin has heen to Beleci as delegates to repïi-scnt them In national convention, men in wlioso judgment they have confidence, and who will act for th'e best iuterests of the Refmblican party In the convention. If it, has come to pass that there are not lventy-tvo miiIi men in the ranks of the Republlean party of this State, which the Time doet not adfaiit, then it will be proper lo instinct tbe men who may le cliosen delegatea to Chicago, but auch instruction must, to lie at all binding, have the approval of more than 563 lïepublicans who be iiaineil.-