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KKA1IIXÍ NOTICES. Fon Sale oh Rent.- A house and lot, No 10 South Tlmyr Btreet Irruiré at (bis office, pr of W. V. WTiedcm. Re. Mr. Sundcrland's lecture next Sun diiy evening will bo a review of Dr. Cocker's " Univcrsity Lccturee on the Bible." Subject of' uiorning sermón, "The Doctriue of ImiLortality íd the Light of Science." On Monday evening next Prof. Denitnon wil] read u paper upon "Rembrandt and Ilis Works," lor tlio benefit of the Ladies' Libraiy, at die ftsMeiteë of Prof, Tyler. J'lnt locturi: i!l ciininonn; prompt ly at eight o'cloclc, and will bo illustrated by etohings. Admis-ion (en cents. All are cordially invited. A Cross Baby. Nqthing is so conducive to a nian's remainiog a bachelor as stopping for one night at the house of a married f'riend, and being kejit awale for five or six hours by the cryinc of :i cross baby. All cross and crying babies nced onlv Hnp Bitters to make theru well and sroiliwg. Young man, remember thi?. - [Ex. Elts Ortam Bnlm cures Catarrh without the unpleasant effects of snuffs or liquids. See advertisement elsewhere. [925-976 1 Atropliy Arrrsiwl ly FYlIows' Compound Syrnp of U)i)o)liosj)lnlcs. W'astinii of the tissues of the body is arreted, the tDMolei made finn, and the oerves regain tliuir power by using Feltowt' Couipouiid Syrup oí Hypophosphites. Iiucklcu's Árnica Salve. The best salve n the world for cuts, brui.-es, sores, ulcers, Halt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every c-aie, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 935-986 The Word "Sozodont," Wliieli bas already become a household word, is dcrived froiu the Greek, and composedof two woids, Sozo and Odontes, "Siizo" translated, means to preserve, and "Odontes," the teeth- "SOZODONT," I preserver of' the teeth. And it is truc to its name. It, beautifies and porifiöa the ti'cth, hardens anil invigorates (he gums, and correéis :ill iinjmritics of the broath. Th odor of this pure preparation is so delightful tbat it is a luxury to apply it. It 8 is harmless as water. Sold by arnggista and perfumera. 972-97." Facts I'hat We Know. If'yon are sufferini; with a severe cough, astbma, bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the throat or lungs, we knoio that Dr. King't Nea Difcoiery will give you imniediate relief. We know of hundreds of cases it has coiuplctely curcd, and that wbere all otner medicines had faileii. No other rèmedy can show one half as many permanent cures. nw to ;ive you satislaciory proof that Dr. King'a .New Discoveti mtt cure yon ofasthma, bronchitis, hay fever, consumption, severe cough.i, colds, hosfseness, ór any throat or lun disease, if yon will cali at L. S. Jitrch, Ann Arbor, drujr store, you can get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular Rite bottle for $1. tlt 988