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CatarrH NEVER-FA1UNG RELIEF AFFORDED BY SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. 1T ia a flirt tbat can be snbstantiated tv tho mort "iilals over oifered m favor oí r.ny proprletañ medicine, that tho Kamcal Cubi pos Catai;i:h duus 1 cvtry caso aiïord instant aml permanent, rwllof. N o matter of how long standing, or how severo the ili!(two, tlio ftrstdoso glves Bnch evldeuce of ltsv:ilu! In the trciitnu'tit of Catarrhal affectloi.s that ut once feit In Ju ablllty to do all tliat is clHlmi'd for lt. Tho teatlmony of physlclana, drutrtfiHM, is nnanlmous In Uil rospect, and the MciiniilatiiiK erldenee l In polnt of reopectahillty Bunerlor to any cwr before ohtalned In favor of a popular (t. Tlio proprletors, therefore, niay JukUy feel pruU'l of the pnnliton the Radical C"i-ek Uaa attaltied, bellere lt w-urtlty of IUj reputatiou. 10 VEAR3 A SUFFERER. From Hon.Theo. P. Bogert, Bristol, R. !. Mcmn. Mkïks & Totthh: Gentlemtn, - Feellng IiIt oouvlnoert of tlio efllcacy of Sanford's I ATARBii.Uin lnduccdto drop yon ihftt althouKh I have been sceptlcal of all itjorns "radical curet," I havo i pronilsea sach rolicf and - l hare been uflllctt'J v.tli tlnu tlrcndfiil diseae for lts, and not nntil rccenily eould L w Ith any untli I read the letter í'knüywkli a, and can truthfully say that after Bve orslx bottloa 1 nm thorouglily convlnced of propertlee. Jlilnn tlmt others sfinllnrlv Uitce mytelf irlll De Inducod to make tho trial, . uticuicii, very truly, etc. TUL0. P. BOGEKT. BaiSTOL, B. I., July 24, 1377. CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS, Fuch U 9-otc, "Weak, InQamfd, Red, and 'WaterTEyca: and lnflainuiatlon of the Ear : Rlnslng ITriul: Bore Tliroat; Elongtitlon of the Tonsila; Nitous Hcadaclie, NenIB, clomUfi Memory, Loas of Neryous MloB of Spirits, - ure all carefully and d wlth this remcdy accordfntr to , :iny oncli bottle, or will bo d to sny Bddrcss on recelpt of stnDip. i:,uli p&fíltage contains Dr. Sanford's Improved Inh-illiiK1 Tube, wlth full dtrectlons for nso In all caes. BOM ï'V aU "Wholesale and Itetall DrngglBtS '(' l'nlted Stntci and Cnnadns. WEKKS & ;C. (.funeral Agenta and Wholesale DruKKlsUf Boston Mass. VOLTAIG PLASTER A iTords the most firrateftd relief In Khcunin. . Woak Rplnc, Local Palng, Ncrvoug Afii, Local Kheuinatigm, Tic Dooloureuz, Vrvou.s Paint Aifcctlons of the Kilneysf Frnctured KlbB, AlTectlons of the Chet, Coldft and Cougha, Injuries of the Back, Str&lns aml BrulHes, "Wt-iik Back, Nervous Pain of the Bowels, Cranip In tho Stomach and Llmbs, II. uit Aflections, Knlargd Spleen, Brulses and Puncturcs, Rhuuinatlsm of the AVrists and Arm-, A .(lima, Gont, Local and Deepm :(1 rains, Pain In the Chegt, Stltch In the Ji'ick, Pain in the Hip, Varicoge or lSnlarged alna, Crick in the Back and Neck, Pain and AlVakness lu Side and Bock, Hoareenegg, Sore Ttiroñt, Lumbago, Whoopingr Cough, Sharp ï'.iins in the Breagt, Heart Ulseage, Qnlngy, Diabetus, and for Lanienesa in any part of the Body. Prlcc, 3S Oente. Ask fop COLLI NS' VOLTAIC PLASTER. Sohl by all AVholegale and Betall Drngglgta CinMihout the United States and Canallas, liy 1VEKKS & POTTER, Proprletors, J'.oMtoii, Alass. J i-IIJll, iUIHBê Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Gure. . (Förmtrly Dr. (aig's Kidney Citre.) X vegetable preparativo and the onh mre remvilj in the worM fnr Itrlsrtil's Plffme, IHalHU. nnd ALL hilnc.r, Iiver, aud L'riaary Uiwatei. ttTesttmoniaJs of the hlghest order In proof of these statements. -For thf cure of ninbetea, cali fur Warner's Suf.' IHi.fxf r ure. fftf"For the cure of lli lLli.'a Rnd thenther diseases, cali for Utuuer'i Safe Uldny and Llrer Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It li the best Bloot! Purlfler, and stimulatet every function to more healthful Rctlon, aud iathusa benefit in All dlseasei. It cures .Serofuloui und other ftfcln Kruptlotu and Diseases, lucludmg Cuuvtn, tl eer, and other Son1. l'iM.i;i. Wcalinpunfllie Ktomnrh, Coostlpatlon, Dïuiim-m, (miicihI J-IUlt.r, etc, areeüred by the sr Bitters. In unequaled asan appetizeraud regular tonlc. Boules ef two sizes ; prices, ÖOc. and gl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly gires Roit nnd Sleep to the suffer 1 mr, cures lleitdikclie atul Neurnliia, prevents KplleptlcFIla, and relieves Nervou I'ioitration brougbt on by excesstve drink, overwork, mental stmrks, and other causes. Puwerful as it Is to Btop pain and soothe disturbad Nérvea, it never ïnjures the syatuu, whother taken In nmall or larRe doses. UutLles of two sjzl'3 ; prices, 00c. aud 01.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an tnimediate and active stimulus for a Torpld Liver, anM oara CoitWenii, Dyipeptia, Bll¦ WTTBHVTf Ê iomneii. Bilioui DlriImIrVI GÜiJ V. rhoe&, M&UrU, Fvir ¦ rTTri V lltffTÍ IBÉb nd Agu, and should uiriÉMKLyUBH be used wheiiüvtT tbo I 1FtPÍ33 H BS I'"wh1s do not opérate íyjLitL BkB rei'' lllM' regutarly. B WjTp7tTTnS Eal sml" ti"" r"r thor111 ¦ lMAUUm ifl wiirk. I'rlrc Sf et, a box. ¦ PBm5W5 1 M drnpr1 Sff Krtut-dii ir I E79 B WÊA 'B A"dMlF ¦trjwhf ri. BuRjl Proprietors, Li TVTllE'iM ROCHESTER, N. Y. BMmBV C '-'"'! ror l'unphlet ¦3 ii1 Tf Urn (ia UU. eefe-ioïe nSuMEDICII J That Acts at the Same Time on L 3 THE LIVER, E THE BOWELS, j and the KIDNEYS. f] Thpeftercat orKans are the natural II ut t:a of ihe Bystcm. lithcy work well, heallli U 9 win bi perfect: lf tbey beconie cloegeü, M 't dreatlful dlaeases arerore tofollowwlta J TERRIBLE SUFFERING. P 9 Billonsncss, Iicadacho, Djrspepsia, li dice, Constipatlon and IMles, or ¦ in y Compluinls, Gravi-1, Diabetes, Sedimont in the Urine, Milky or I!opf l'rlne; Or IÍIibumatic Pains and Aches, H are dcvelopcdbecauie tbc blood Is polsonrit M m wltb the hvniors that tliuuld have bccu fcj I i'Xpetled natataüy. H J KIDNEY-WORT "3 vrilln'rtcro thehcaühy actlon nI al 1 thene B H catroylng eiïn will be baalshed ; neglect PI m Uiem ¦¦ :ni you wil] Uve bul to ulier. bi 'I Tbou8usd8havebeeacured. Tryitnndyou H I t.111 :uld ono more to the nnonber. Takelt r M andlK'aühwIIloncemorcgladdenyourheart. Il Why sufor longerf romthe torment U T Of an achlnps back ? p! M vhv bear suoh dlstres from Lj rs atioa:lon and PI'e? Vhy ro ro feartul bec.Tueo of Cl J ordorod urine ? n will cnre you. Tryapacl:' ÉJ W agc Rtonco and e satli'flod. 2 li !.v a iry eegeuxile compoimd and .. OocP:nkm?fmakMiifiiartiofaedk:ns. B [UB30".I4 C5„ tnyMm, ü Birtli - to, 9S4-1006- oh e w ¦¦ ¦ mama Whv do '" euflor tí ff II I 1 lf:!i pain in yciur H I IM flt. Ioí.íx or „id,-? I ú V I Ycur kulncys. dis. ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ , l8ed Do nnt delay, biit trv al onciï -- ... HuntV IC.m.ilv. H B #¦ l# ¦ 77 All In' kíílUlll'l I" iieyn, klaildurjivrrand ¦avanFal ¦ íí'.ivt'l. Alábate. Briffbt'fl 'liseane oí the kidncys, inl lncontínence hi íi retentlon I Hant'a Ittinrdy, if e , :'klsi,v tur tbee üii'aimron Conntf, Central rcnimylïiiniii, .l)Kiv- ,.i, N..v. 18. 1879. i ! mu-t aay BDSTa KEHBDY hns rüHeil tilo d 'i B16 fi'ln dead íor pure, Jis the du Iven me ii[i tu iu S1X lloras, .-.uil mi had all the people. My irlanda calaal to prep irr m ¦ lor death, mid be alo said I waa doomed. TheyaU hn! me ilrul, bm lluni'f Kemed) uved íw. aod 1 am allve I eiiund and cured ofdropay. R. W. TK0DK. Prom Rev. K. Q. laylor, l. I)., Puntar Kirst Baplltt Cha noe, R. I . Jai . 8, 1879: I tun n-Hiily to tbe rtrtue r IH.vrs itHMKDY in ki(lii- '¦ i actual trial, h tviii ht'in Lrn-iiily tayCor. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ as, ¦ ajaaaj ak II imt's Bemedy ftl T 1 O ll B ll.'Cll Il-Ki l,y fuTIIH I IV IX ¦ i"r :i" ¦ Uil U'-m;-. It i ¦¦¦ " w i b known to faO. u il t aaftt, fure and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -.wdy cure IL I DCMCnY ncmcui; CLARE airea, R. I. I S11 liy all Dmcstatak and bj Farrand, Williams iCo.. Detroit. u-m.ï 7 ILLIAM W. NICHOlAg IDEISTTIST 1 fBffl -nortoO.W North. Ofllcc, 1 Sonth Muin Btrect, oppoeite National Bank. Resfdenrc, 27 Llbi orty Street. Nitrous oxide gtts adminietered whoc requested. B68tf