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Coli.eoe girl, eatinp: her first gooscberries: " N'yura ! N'ytim ! yutn-m m I wouldn't I like to seo the goose that laid these berries? " Half the fools in the world believe they can cure a aick man better than the doctors , two-thirda of the fools think tliey cat preach better than the preachers ; and every fooi thinks he can edit a paper than the editora. CHILDREN Cry for Pitcher Castoria. They like I becnuse it issweet? Mothers liko Castoria beeniise it gives health to the cliild ; and Physieians, because it contniiis no morphiiie or mineral. Castoria Is Nature's Remody fur assiiuilating1 the Food. It cures Wind Colic, the raisint' of Sour Curd and Diarrluiii, allays KeverIslmess and kills Worms. Thns the Chlld lias health and the Hotlier obtaius rest. Pleasant, Cheap, and Ileliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most effcctlve Pain-relioving gente for MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Bottlea sold last ycar ! The reasons 'or thio unprecedented popalsilty are evident; Centaur Liniments are made to dosorvo confidonco. ibey aru absorbed into the structare ; tht'y always care and novor disappoint. No person nefd longer snffer wlth PAIN in the D CS, Rheumatism or Still Joints, for the CENTAUR Linimentg wlll surely exterrainate the Pain. There is no Struin, Sprain, ('ut, Soald, Hm ii, Bruise, st in-, Gall or Lameness, to n lilcli Bfankind or Dumb Brutes are subject, that does not respond to this Smit liiiiir Balm. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relieve pain, bnt they incite healthy action, subdue injlarnjnation, and cure, whether the gymptoms proceed from woundt of üiefleah, or NeurulRia of the Nene ; from coniracted Oords or a scalded hand ; from a sprained ankle or a gaahed fooi ; whetuer from dlegusting PIMPLES on a LADY'S FACE or a strained joint on a Iforse's Leg. Tho agony produced by a Bnrn or Scald; mortiflcatión from Froet-bltes ; Siveltinrji from Strains ; the tortures of Rhtumalixm ; Crippled or He by some Deglected accident ; a valuable Iwrte or a Doctor't BUI may all be saved from One Bottle of Centaur Liniincnt. No Hondekeeper, Farmer, Planter, 'featnster, or Llveryman, con afford to be without these wonderut Linimento. They can be proenred In any part o the globe for 00 Venu and fl.00 a bottle. Trial hottlee 15 Cents. Swallowing FOISO1T 3purts of diitguaUng mucoutt trom the noatrils or upon the tonsüs, Wattry Bye, Smijflt9% Ruzzing in the Kar, Deones, cracUHng aensations In the In-ad , iDtermittent Pain a over the Eyee, Krtirf lireath, Nana! Twang, Scabs in the Noetriln, uuil Tlcklfng in tbe l liront, are SIGXS OF CATARRII. JVo other tuch loathtome, trracherous and undermining malady corees mankind. One-fliïh of our Children die ol diaeases generaled by itt Inectious Poieon, and one-foortb of living men and omen drag uut miserable exietenceB frum tbe sume caute. WMU asleepy the imvuittes in the roarrils are ni'Ci'warily iwaliowcd itUo thr stomach and inhaUd into the lungs to poison every part of the eyetem. l)r. We! De Mejer's Catarrh Cure absorbs the purultmt virus, and kllU the seeds of poi.sou in the farlhest pnrts or tlie system. It will not only relieve, but certaiuly cure Catarrh at iny stage. It is the only remetly liicli, in onr judvnieiit, has ever yet really eured a case of Chronic Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! Q. G. Presbnrï, Pmp. West End Hole!. Long lirauch Cured ol 20 years (JnronicCutarrh. 8. Benedict, Jr., Jeweler, 6!I7 Brodway, New York, (member of family) Cnred of Chronic Catarrh. E. H. Btowd, ai9 Canal St., N. Y., Cured of 11 years Chroiiic Catarrh. J. I). McDonald, 710 Broadway. N. Y. (Siater-iD-lu ) Cnred of 40 years Chronic Catarrh. Mrs. John Doughty, Fishkil], N. Y., Cured of 8 years Chronic Cuiarrh. Mrs. Jacob Swaitz, Jr., 200 Warren Street, Jersey City, Cured of 18 yiars Chronic Cntarrh. A. B. Thorn, 183 Montague St., Brooklyn, (self and sn) Cured of Catarrh. Rev. Wm. Anderson, Fordham, N. Y., Cured or 20 yearB Chrouic Catarrh. Mlle. Almeu, Opera Prima Donna, " I have ruceived very Kreat bencflt rrum it." A. McKinney, R. R. Prex., 33 Hroad St., N. Y.: " My family experienced immedlate relief." &c.t &c, &c , Ac. &c. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Cure is the most important Medical Discovery sluce Yaccination. It is sold by all Druggists, or dellvered by D. B. Dewey & Co., 46 Dey St., N. Y., at $1.50 a packape. ïo clubs, six packages for $7.50. Dr. Wel De Meyer's Treatise is sent Tree to auybody. 951-1002- eow HANfrSTERFER'S OYSÏEB AND ICE CREAM PARLOES, 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A SPECIALTY. Wedding Cakes, Ice Cream, Macaroons and Cream Kiss Pyramlds ¦ ADI TO OUDER ON BIIOIIT NOTITE. Whitman's French Candie, Frexh Fkh, Mnlaga Grapes, Florida Oranfios, Ac, Ac, KSPTCONSTANTLY ON BAMD AT HANGSTEfiFER'S 3O AND 32 MAÏS STREKT. 959-1010 All about mVYAC s e n d r. s 1 L AAo of the CAZETTEER & CUIDE, whioh oonalm full information on all matter of Interest relat in tothe" Lono Star State "and newoorreot county map of Taxaa, 30 x 26 lnohea JOHN ROSS L CO., GENI GENTS, ST. LOUIS.MO. UlAMTCn ACENTS TO 8ELL TEA' WAN I UI''i.Jur,..,i„l.i1,.,i,„ """' fcil'.„nl.'.T..i .. U,...„n. .. .. ; Ti-1013