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The Roscommon Pioneer of February 27,1 says : " We find od our table this week, al copy of the Ann Arbor Courier, and, with pride place it upon on our exchange list. I The name of the brave and talented R. A. Beal, as editor, is all that is necessaiy to niake the Courier welconie in any Michigan home. His action in the great University steal, or rather bis fideliiy to the much injured Preston B. Rose, erfates a desirc in the heart of' every honest man to becoine better acquainted with him. The Shiawassee American has entered upon its 27th year. As the editor remarks, it is, with but one or two exceplions, the oldest paper in Michigan. The American has done good service these maDy years in the causo of republicanism. Brothcr Ingertoll is a great worker, and be has made his paper an acceptable visitor to a large nuniber of homes, not only in Shiawassee, but adjoining counties. During the coming year we expect to see our old friend striking stalwart blows for the party ol which he is one of the main spokes in this State. A. L. Aldrich of the Flint Globe, extreasurer of the Michigan press association, Feb. 24th sent a draft of $57 to E. F. Grabill, present treasurer of the association, being the amount in his hands as treamrer since 187f Mr. Aldrich heretofore declining to pay over this fund to his Fticcessors in office on account of technicalities possibly satisfactory to hiniself. His late action may not have been induoed by the resolution of tho last meeting of the association respecting his rcfusal to pay over the association funda. We siraply note the fact that this payment speins to be a sequence of theresolutiou. - [Greenville Independent. Itwas the exprossed conviction of many members of the association at the time the resolutioo rcferred to above was passed, that it would produce, or hasten the action which he has finally taken in regard to Üiis fund. The Shiawassee County Atlas of March 2d, contained the following ; " We have rcceived a nuiuber of the Ann Arbor ltcgistor containing a large supplement representing the Douglas side of the somewhat noted Rose-Douglas controversy. As we have taken a pretty close observation of the different phases of this matter as they occurred, our opinión of the matter has prnwn up gradually trom said observation, and is not likely to be changed by ex-parte retrospection. From our stand point it looks like a fight between a Bmall ariatocracy (whicu smells damnably of codfish) od the one side, and the people of this State on the other ; and, aa we feel about it, wc would be perfectly willing to let Mr. Douglas take the University if he would remove it from the State, go with it. and place himsclf under bonds not to take anything else belonging to the people. This may be severe critieism but it is just the way we feel about it and we can'thelp it. Should this little band of aristócrata become trinmphant we would do all we could to prevent the appropriation of one penny to sustain an institution that would grow what we should look upon as a damnable outrage on comnion sense, humanity and decency." The Evening News, of March 3d, says . "A suspended sentence for a railroad clerk (who was alsoa lawyer) for stealiog $600 from his company, and four years in the State's prison for a poor boy who stole a $30 suit of clothes, is Judge Cooley's idea of justice as excmplified in two cases just disponed of by hirn in the Lenawee circuit, where he has been sitting for eonie time past. Judge Cooley is a great jurist, one of the greatest in the United States ; but, after all, to have the philosophy and history of English law upon one's finger ends, does not always make one a just judge. It requires qualities of the heart as well as of the head to produce that resul t. There may have been oxtenuating circumstanoes in the first, and aggravating circumstances in the second case that do not appear on the surface ; but one should think that if mercy was to be shown at all, it belonged to the poor boy who committed his first offense, and who knew nothing of law, rather than to the lawyer versed in the law he broke, whose tweniy times greater theft was also a despicablc betrayal of the oonfidence reposed in him by his cmployers." The Newa is no respectcr of persons. It criticises ia a bold outspoken manner thosc who sit in our " high places " as well as those in the more humble walks of life. It shows a manly indepcndence cotnmcndable in this time scrving generation. I I