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READING JïOTICES. O. L. Robinson will scll at auction, one mile north and two miles west of the villagc of Saline, on Monday, March 8th, all of his stock and farniing (ools, among which are one hundred good breeding ewes, one pair of niatched black marea, weight 2,600 pounds ; one carriage horse, plows, dras, ujower, soales, one circular sawing machine, horse-power, power corn shcller, etc, etc. The sale is to comniencc promptly at one o'clock in the afternoon. 976 Ely's Crcam Bcdm cures Catarrh without the unplcasaut effocts of snuils or liquida. See advertiseuient clsewhcre. [925-970] Aphonln Curcd- Bjr Follows' Compon ml Syrup of Hypopluksphitcs. Aphonia, or loss of' voice, is remcdicd in a short time, no matter whether the oause be from innaiiitnatinu of the lining nieuibrane, fioui cold or nervous derangement. Itucklcii's Árnica Salie. The best salve in the world for Sits, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chappcd hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to givc perfect satisfaction in every case, or uioney refundcd. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 935-986 A Fragrant lireath and l'enrly Teeth Are easily obtained by cleansing your teeth daily with that justly popular dentil'rice, Sozodonl. Composed oí' raro -'".''"' uuiua, il [inym wu tt mveirefia to the teeili, a delicious aroma to the breath, and preserves inteer, from youth to oíd age, the teeth. Acidity of the stomaoh will deatroy the strongest teeth, unless its effeets are counteracted with Sotodont, and this pure toothwash protects the dental surfaces by removing every impurity that adheres to thoin. Ask your druggist for Sotodont. 976-979 Stop Tbat Coug-li. If you are sufforing with a Cough, Cold, Aslhnia, Bronchitis, Hay Fevor, Consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of throat or Lungs', use Dr. King't Nete Discovery for Consumption. This is the great reiuedy that is causing so ruueh excitement by its wonderful cures, curing thou-ands of hopeless cases. Over one million bottles of Dr. King't New Discoveiy have been used within the last year, and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. We can unhesitatinglj say that this is really the ouly gure aire for throat and lung affectinns, and can cheerfully recommend it to all. Cali and got a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for $1.00. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 976-986 Cousumptimi Cnrcd. An oíd physician, retired from practico, having had placed in his hands by an Baat India missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronohitíe, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, airo a positivo and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous ComplaintH, after having tested its wonderfal curattve powers in thousands of cuses, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in tierman, French, or Euglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addrossing with stamp, naming this paper, W. VV. Siikakeu, 14'J l'owers' Jiliic!.-, KochetUr, N. Y. M Ht o w STÜDENTS' LECTUBE ASSOCUTION. REMËNTI gkrA3st:d GIFT CONCERT! FOB TUK HKNKFIT OF THE GYMNASIUM FUND, BY THK OKBAT VIOI.INIBT EDOUARD REMENYI, AfBÍHted by hit M Student Friendu," in University Hall, Thwsday Ere., hú 11, 1880. TICKETS, 5O CENTS. Nü UKSEKVKD 8EATS. For sale at Andrews' Bookelorc. FARM FOR SALE. I will Bell flfty acres of land, on the south side of the road, includine brlck honre, twu lmrns and carrlage house ; or elhty-soven aerce on the norih side of the road, lnchuHng the J. Wlng plnce, with (jood buikliup ; or will sell the whole farm combined, as purclmser may Salín, The land is located on the Dcxter road, thrc and onchalf mile wi'Bt of Ann Arbor City, and is in a very (Iec sute of cultivation. Turms to Bult purchasire. If not sold by April lst, will let the same on shares. Will alao let the Flllmore farm of une huiHlit-d jicrt-s adjoiniuc the abovc. 75tf J. W. Ilradford. T OGS WANTED. I will iay, at tlie Aun Arbor steatn saw mili, for Vhite or Swamp Oak Loi;s, from $ R to $10 jicr M Red Oak Hntt r.(-', kcmiihI 7 per M White Ah _ 10 H pur M Wbitewood. 10 II iht.M ïasBwood 8 10 per M [lekory 12 per M Unrd Maplc - 12 per M Valnut 25 40 per M Butternut W 15 per M Red Kim lü per M Will buy Iorb wilhin four miles of my niill, f deired, and draw Ihrrn. Peraons huvinu Iors to nell are reiieetcd to cali nd ttee me &b soou as posnible. Nov. 4, 1H7. J. T. HALLOCK. 959tf llf I tlTrn ACENTS TO SELL TEA, UU AM I Ll"„IW.I.,li., ' ¦ ¦Uil I M II.UHIS MI1M UtlK. llullil (rrr. wnii ¦ i'L.,[.u,.irji u.,iiuiui'j,ai.LuLi.,M.,. 972-1011!