REÚISTKRED IH U. B. H j8. "Cvíi ASOOAifAPA. - FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of Dr. Chase' Fnmily Mdleines Is the aathor of Ir. 'liae"M Keelpea : or. Information rorKverjboly,an.lotliir K.vipu Books bearlng hls name, and were bronght about through the inmilrl.s of many of the purctianers of hls Books for pmethlng to meet thelr llngerlng and eoinpllented iüheased eonditions, which theydld not flnd descrlbed In hls Books. Tiie proprletorshlp of the MediclnoH. nnd the business management of the lome, havlng pnssrd i uto the hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQjLJARTERS AT 3DR. OHASE'S STDAM FE1IT1 HOUSE AKW ARBOK, MI III., We would say to the public, that they eau rest asHured that Ir. Chase's Family Medicines wlll glve them a greater natlsfactlon than any others, for the Discases for whlch thelr ñames Indícate them to have been prepared- equal to that of hls Books over all other books of a similar cbaracter, as shown by thelr sales, whlch have exceeded the sales of any other, reaching over million -opl'H. Glve them a trial, therefore, and know for yourselves. Is all we aslc. DR. CHASE'S BoughandWoundBalsam Has been found the qulckest and most certaln cure of Coughs of any preparation In use; also qulckly rellevlng Hoarseness, Soreness of the Throat or Lungs, Pain or Tlghtness across the Chest. Bronchitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, and Consumptlon In all lts earller stages, Whooping Coiigh, Croup, etc. Pricc $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for 5. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevenís and cures the Pain and Dlstress of the Dyspeptlc after meals, and for Purlfying and Kenewing the Blood, qulckly toning up the Stomach, and lnvigoratlng the whole System. Prlce $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottlcs for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For curing the Dlseases of the Llver, and correctlng Bllious condltioiis of the Hysleni, u well as for all Cathartio purposes. Kugari-nalci I ; selllng for L5 i-rut n per Box, or i Boxen, I paitt, lor SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT -AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a donblo-strength Llnlment, eradicating Int.;rual or exturnal Pain quicker and more permanently than any other in use. Two,5O ontH and 1,- or S large Bottles for #5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLAST ER Is put up In Koll or Stick Form, whlch wlll spread a dozen Piasters, glvlngastrengthening and heallng Piaster for two cents not equaled by tliose for whlch you pay two shilllngs ; selling for 25 cents per roll ; flve rollK, jiostjmid, 81 . Dr. CHÁSE'S CÁÍARRH SNÜFF Is for the quick cure of " Colds in tiie Head," and dolng all for old Chronic Catarrh thnt meillclnecando. Selling for 5OrtH. ir bottla. IX OKDERIXG Any of these Medicines, (lf your Druagist lian not tot them,) or for any further Information, in relation to theui, addres the Dr. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPAXY, Aun Arbor, Ilicli. VHf ALL FORMER YEARS OUTDONE. 356,432 G-EHSTTJIIIsriE: SINGER SEWING MACHINES SOLD IN 1W8, BBINO 73,C2O More Thau in Any Previous Yonr. WE WAKRANT KVÏIIT MACniNI SOLl" BY VS. SOME VEEY HABD NUTS TO CRACK 1st. Companlcs huye sprnne up In every part of the Union lor makin!; an "Imitntlon öinger Machina." Why ar, not 'imitar comianits formed fot rnaking Jmltations of other Seteing Machines t The pabilo wlll draw itn own IMkrence. Gold is continually counterfnted ; brast and (in nrver I 21. The SinRCT hos taken the ruun Prlze ov('r m.i, competltor moro than two iii'nduei) Tinca Wlij r After tho Chicago Firctlie Heüef CommUtee und'rtook to furnlsh MHlng machineH to the neody wonrn of that ciw. Applicunu wurc purmittcd to chooe trom lx diflerent klndi of mnchinee. 2 911 apullcante were furnlsliert wilh machines; 2,447 chowe sinuvr Machine, and 517 dwtribnted thulr choicc unong the flve other kinds of machine. Th.. L'irlB w-ro to KAim thkik i.iviNo on these raMcbfiiea. y il i.l iii-y Singel- For íurther particular cali ou AT TUK SINOEU ÜFFICK, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Who will hcII you a Sewlng Machine cheapcr than imy other man. I am aeent also for the UOMESTIC and for the NEW WHITE, tbe most jiopular new machine in ihe world, baviut; gaiiicd a Mlu azeseded nly by tho Slngcr, in the short epacc 61 two years. KKPAIRING a Spccialty - Singers lade as Good as ew. fctótf I. L. QKINNKLL, Ann Arbor. T INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKER Y, GROCERY AHD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc keep constantly on hand, BRKAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TKADK. Wc ahall al?o keep s enpply of SWIPT A DBDBEL'S BK8T WHITE WUKAT PLOUK, DELHI FLOUR, RYK FLOUK, BUCKWHEAT FLOUK, OOBN M BA L, FESD, Ac., Ac. At Wholesale and retall, a general ttock ot GROCERIES AVI) 1'ltOVISIOVs onetAntly on hand, whlch will bn old on as rendon ibloterme as at any other hoiiöo in the city. cmi pald forBatter, Egg, and C'uuiitry Produce enerally. pWUoods delivored to any part of the city wtth ut extra charge. yr KINSKY RBABOLT. and Job Prlnting. All klndN of printing and Job work wlll be lonoat Tuk ('uu kik n oflloe In better ityle and kt ohttHper rutea than at any other offlee.
Patent Medicines
Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company
Dr. Chase's Steam Printing Plant
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Sewing Machines - Sales & Service
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Printing - Typesetting & Book Manufacturing
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
I. L. Grinnell
17 S Main St