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Estáte of Clara E. Parsons. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County At íi peas ion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, Lolden at the Probate Office, Id the city of Aim Albor, on Thursday, the twenty slxth day of Februnry, in the year onc thousand elght hündred and eighty. I"rcsent, William D. Harriman. Jndge oi l'rohate. In the matter of the catate of Clara E. Parsons, minor. Ou reading and flline the petitfon, duly verirted, of Thomas S. Sanford, guardián, praylng that ho may be licenscd to teil certain real estáte belungiiig toeaid minor. Thercnpon it is ordered, tht Saturday, the twuntieth day of March uext, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon, be asáigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor, and all other persone interestod in aaid estáte, are reauired to appcar at a session of eaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thero be, why the Irayer of the petitiouer should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitloner glve notlce to the persons interested in saíd estáte, of the pendncy of said potiiton, and the hearing thereot, by a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper prlnted and circulating in said county, fourBUCcessive weeks prevlons to said day of hearing. (A trnc copy.) WILLIAM D. HAHKIMAN, Jndge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Kealster. 975-978 Estat of Abigail E. Latimer. tjTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At a se8slon of the Probate Court for the Connty ot Wahtunaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedncsday, the twcnty-flfth dayof February, in the year one thousand elght hunclroct anü eighty. Present, William D. Uarrlmau, J udge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ablgail K. Latlmer, deceased. Ou readlng and flling the petltion, rtuly vuriflud, of Levi fi. Latimer, praying that Charles K. Latimer, or some other snitable person, may be appolnted adinluistrator of the cstïte of said deceased. Tberenpoa it isordered, that Monday, the twenty-secood ay ol March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asigneti for the honing of said petition, and that the hiirs at law ot said deceaeed, and all other persons inturested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at tbe i'rolwie office, in th-j city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any Ibero bc, why the urayer of the petitloner ¦bould not be graoUd. And it is further ordered, thrtt said petitioïier give noticc to the persons Ínter. usted in said esiate, of the ueudoncy of said petition, and tlie ticurini; thun.-of, ïy causlng u copy of this cirdi'r tci be paOIlthed in the Ann Arbor VouHer, a nuwsoaper printod andclrculatcd in said county,three aoceulva weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A truecopy.) WILLIAM D. HAIÍRIMAN, Jude of Probate. WM. 0, DOTY. Probate Kerister. 976-ÍT78 Druiii ('oinmissiuner's Notlce. WHKUKAS, Application han been duly made by petitlou iu wrltlns to A. K.,Towiii.hlp Draln .'ouiniin8loner for the Townsbip of Salem, l'ounly of Wimhlenaw, and Sute of Michigan, lo locute and construct a ditch or drain in the l'own, Cnunty uiiii State aforesaid, and to run as lollows : ('oninuMiciug on the south tuwu lineol said township nt c(irnur, or at the brldv6 ncar the corner, of sections thirty-loui and thirty-üve, running nonherly on the line hetween the laudn of Watson (eer and Adiilpiuis Gigtor ; thence between the lands of Williani Wool nnd Sarah Iju-away ; thence northcastcrly ncross the Imiils of Wllliaui Wood and Sazon McCumber; theuce thniugh the lands of William Kussey iis iar as necessary, or to the Territorial road ; and Wmekkas, Wnlil Uommissioner has determlned that Uure is sufllcit'iit canse for inakiiig suid appiication, and furtber that there are e. rtaln non-rtsidenls, minors and incompetent persons interested In said ditoh: It is herewy dirtcied, hy said (Jommlssloner, hal the reeldenco ol' William Buseey, Township, riinniy and State afnre-aiil, be and is herehy appolnted as U placo, and the twenty-thlrd dar of Murch, A. D. vm. as thu time, for an examination of said appiication, at which lime and place al) parties interested In the locatlon of said draln are htreby uotinod t W present to consider said appiication And it is fnrther ordered that this notice be publiphed In The Ann Arbor Couritr, a paper printod and published In the County and State aloresald, for throe snccossive wooks next berore the said twenty-third tlay ol Murch, A. I). 18S0. IJaleil l'ulirnary Mlt, A. D. 1880, A. E. BUI.LOCK, 975-978 Township Drain Commisaioner. It wlll be for your Interest to KnowTliat CASPAR RINSEY (Lato frora a Whclesale Orocer's House in Detroit,) ba o pen e tl a Mm UI PRÍ71SI STORE At n. 16 i:a-l Ilurun Mrcot. He will also keep In stock FLOÜR, FEEI), TOBACCO AND CIGAKS. All goods are fresh and new, and, being purckased at the lowesl Wholasala Cash Priem, will he sotd at ratos r..rre-piindliiirly low. 4'asli pa ld rr all klndM ol ountry Produce. M-W5 A8PARKINSKÏ. "D F. BOYLAN, Keal Ktitste Acency. Farme and Houbos bougbt, sold, rented, rolrod and inmirod. Olllco at WOI.VHUINB STOKB, HStf Corner of Ilnrou and Flfth Strtota.