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The regalar montbly meeting of the city legislatura was held Monday evening. There was a full board present excopt Aldermen Kellogg and Ferdon. PETITIONS. A lengthy petition signed by a large number oí' oitizons was presentcd, asking that somo action bc taken toward compelling the Michigan Central railroad coinpany to bridge over the track on Detroit streek Iteferred to the city attorney. From Fred Schmidt, to be permitted to erect a wooden building on the south line of Washington street. Qranted. From Dr. George, to erect a frame house on the corner of Main and Washington streets, 22x28 feet and two stories high, with wings on eithcr t-ide 14x16 feet and 14x18 feet Granted. becorder's report. Balance on hand-General fund, $520.89 ; general street fund, $23.67 ; first ward, $368.11; srcond ward, $721.25; tMrd ward, $3,571; fourth ward, tt.Ol ; iii'tli ward, $287.7(3; sixth ward, $50.87 ; contingent fund, $2,223.95 ; city ccmctcry fund, $44.88. The wliolo number of arresta reported for the month of February was 7 ; vagrancy 1 ; drunk and disordcrly, 5 ; larceny, 1. SIDEWALKS. Tlie sidewalk on theeast side of Thonipeon struct, from the corner of Jefferson strcet north, in front of the premises of Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Fall's, was ordered repaired. Aid. Hutzel, chairraan of the general fund comnaittoe, prcsented bilis amounting to $424.85. The chairman of the financc committee, Aid. Keech, presented his report of the billa on the different funds as follows: First ward, $2 ; second ward, $0 ; third ward, $74.82 ; fourth ward, $31.69; sixth ward, $1.86 ; general street fund, $1 1.64 ; contingent fund, $145.96. In accordance with the rccommendation of the two comuiittees, the recorder was instructed to draw warrants for the suuis stated. MISCELLANEOr.S. Aid. Besimer, chainnan of the conimittee on fire department supplics, reported progresa and was given further time. The recorder's report for the year ending February lst was approved, and the contract for printing ordered let to the lowest bidder. On motion of Alderman Keech, if the middle bridge over the Huron river was found to be dangerous, the marshal was instructed to take immediate action to prevent its betng used. The following voting places wore designated whero the polls were to be held at the coming charter election : First ward, C. Krapf'8 shop ; second ward, Leonard House ; third ward, the rooms occupied by the Agricultural society, iu the court house basemout ; fourth ward, M. Hogers' shop ; fifth ward, firemen's hall ; sixth ward, McDonald's store. On motion the council adjourncd, subject to the cali of the mayor.