Xoticc- Money in It. At the meeting of the Pioneers of Washtenaw county, held at Chelsea, March 3d. the undersigned wcre appointcd a committee to receivc proposals and contracts for the publication of the History of Washtenaw County. The work of collecting the material, the expense of publihing, and the profits or omU reáuking tlierel'rom, will be undurtakcn aiul bunie by one or more responi blo and competent persons, witli whomthe counuittec, in behall of the society, will contract to fornnh sueh uminttncfi as the approval of the Pioneer Society and freo accesH to the minutes, files, and other archives of the society may afford. Notice is, therefore, hereby given that said committee will meet at Ann Arbor, it Pioteer Room, in theCourt Aóase, nu Tucsd.iy, tho 23d day of' March, at 11 o'clock a. M., for the purpose of conferriug pcrsonally with partiss wishing to undcrlake said work. Thomas Holmes, Clielsea, 8. O. Ives, 11(k.ce Carpenter, Ann Arbor.