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jpoR exchange; I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, valued at 6,00O, which I wlll exchange for Ann Arbor City property. HICE A. BEAL. TO FRUIT GKO WEBS and GAKDENERS. Twenty aeree for sale on reasonable terrus, by n. ROGERS- two milee west of Ann Arbor, on the Dexter road. Good buildings. Fourteen acre In large and ismall frulti of the best varieties. The balance la the best qttality of lnnd for gardening. Alio house and four lote in the flfth ward, Ann Arbor city, for Halo cheap. Bnquire of II. KOGEIW, on the premisos, or of J. Q. A. SESSIONS. Or N. b. COVBRT. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1880. 973-986 FARM FOR SALE. Choice Property- Well Loeated- Verj Cheap. One of those rare places of valnable prperty eeldom offered at a maleable price; an opportunity that should not be oveilooked by any onu wno wants such a farm. I have dcclded to scll,and now offer for tale, at a decided hargain, the south part of the "üld Thomas Homestead," In the Town of Plttsfleld, Coutalniug 187 Acres- All Tlow Land- Sultable for General Farniing. The Farm Includee " The Wood Orchard, twentytwo acres, all " Red Baldwins," known throughout the State as one of the llncst. It Is yonng and quite heulthy, acd while In my posseselon has been thoronirhly cultivated and trimmi-d, as a result of whlch it harvested last Fall ncarly ;i,000 barrels of applei, whlch wild for about t5,utl. Wlth proper care yon can safely depend on an eqnil result at least every other yi'ttr. The property Hes wlthln half a mlle from Saline, an nnnsually good market for farm products. Where wlll you eqaal thls : A farm wlth no waste land, wlthln a half-mile of a vlllagc, comparlng ravorably in lts markots, schools and society wltk the nelghboring clties, and an orchard, that alone, wlth reasonablc care, will pay for the farm. I will make very favorable terms, asking only oncthlrd In cash, and wlll make balance payable In yearly najment of f 1,000, with seven per cent., and a privilege of paying at any time beforc doe. I have decided to Keil, and hhali. sell wlthin nixty days. For further Information, cali on D. C. Andkbson, Ann Arbor, or address me, U. UKNNING, 875-978 88 South Water SU, Chicago. The Michigan Central Iiallroad, with lts connections at Chicago, aflbrds the moet direct and (U-iinible route of travel trom Michigan to all points in Kansas, Nebrauk, Colorado, TexaK, Minnesota, Dakota, Hauitoba, etc. Michigan Central tntinëmake ware and close conncctlons at Chicago wllh through express tralns on all Western Unes. Kates always wlll be as low as the lnwcst. Partios going west thi spring will flnd it to their IiitereHt to correnpond with Henry C. Wentworth, General I'asfenger and Ticket Agent of tho Line, at Chicago, who will cheerfnlly impart any Information relatlve to routes, time of train, mapn and lowest ratcs. Uo not purchase yonr tickets nor contract your frelgt uittil you have bcard Trom the Michigan cmtral. 975-V80 To Inveators and Mechanics. Patent and How to Obtaln I In m. Pamphlvts of 60 pages frec, upon rccelpt of sUmps for posUge. AddriiB UILMOHE, SM1TH & CO., Sollcitors of Patente, Box 31, 922tr Washington, D. C. LJOAL! CO AL! O. W. SHIPMAN, MlniT and Wholesale dealer of the celcbrated BRIAR RIDGE C0AL. AlO- Dealer in Hard Coal and Plg Iron. Orders promptly Ulied. Office, 'J0 Grlswold atreot, Uetroit, room :!. HB-lOM