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Helping The Lovers

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A passenper train wliich lelt Lansing, coming cast, last Monday had among the pas#enger a pluin-faccd, sensible-looking girl about twenty years of age, and a thinwaistod, siekly-lookini young man a year or two older. Nu one wuuld have mistrusted that tbey wcro eloping liad not the young man asked tlio condueloriftbere wasaclereyman nu tlio (ruin. was none, aud the young man oxplained to the passengers aruund him that ie wa.s in a bad fix. He had come down f'ronj Bath township in a buggy, and he was auite siire that tbe girl's father would taketne oltierroftd down to Chicago Junctinti, and tlierc board the Lansing train and raise a row. He was not uiuch on a row ; but yet he loved the girl, and they wcro bound to marry. If the old man canie alune, he thought he could bluff hiiu off; lut ifhia two big sons came along the -raio wrmld he turned. 11e, therefore. wanti-d tu know ot' a man wearing a red woolen shift aud coonskin cap if he would stand liy hiin. " You bet I will " was the hearty response. " I got my old gal by running away with her. and I'll see you through this if 1 never do any more goodl You woiildn't bü wortb a (.rut in a free fight, and uow you go inlo tlie baggage car and let me run this atlair alone. I want to be Sfated lioiilc the !'nl whon tlie old man conios in." Wlien ihe whi.-tle bl;w for the junction Coonakin cbanged plaoes, and as the cars halted he jntt lus arm around Mary, and took one ot her bands in liis. The old man and his two suis w.'re on hand, and they piled inlo the car jicH-niel!. " Hort; slu ! " .allod the father, as he eaught sigbt of tlie girl and thethree made a rush. " Hun away witli my !" begao the old man, but wh(.'n be -;nv tlie stranger beside her he checlced himself. "Wan! anytÖingofufl?" a.ked CoonskiD, as he looked up. " Vho are you. sirV" " I'm going to be your soniulaw in less than an hour- eh ! dading?" Ele .gave Mary a squèège, and Mary looked happy. "Come along, Mary - come right home with me!" ordured tha father. " Let'3 mash the villain?" added one of the son?. "l'ut a headorihim, let megetat him !" thouted the other. The i'atlu .-r suiz. il Mary and the sonsseized Copuakia Then a ted shirt towered aloft, aSair of big flstsf bogan working with a " pop !" " pep !" and as fast as the trio got up they made for the door. Coonskin followed, anus and feet working like a trip-hamnier, and wlien the train moved off the father sat on a box with a big woolen mittcn held td his nose, one of the sons was puiling loose teeth frora his jaw, and the otber boy was gropinghis way to a snow bank. " Now, then," said Coonskin, as the exultant lover returned, "resume yer seat, take her little hand in yours. and don't calkerlajo yiu owe me aDything." " Say, Totu," i-aid the girl, " I'm going to kiss lijm for that !" "Allright, sis." '" Wall. just as you feel," said Coonskin, as he returucil die niaek, " but I want it distinctly uuderütood around these parts, that wlien I see true love on its way from Lansing to Ilowell to get spliced I kin lick all tho pur.-iuing dads ia the Stato of Michigan !"