The Grand Rapids Sensation

Grand Rapids stands at the hcad of the column at present in the sensational line. Our readers will find a complote history in tliis week's issue, of the infamous Addis divorce case, which bas not only thoroughly arroused the denizens of the city in which the parties live, but disgusted the people of the Slate generally, and made them righteously indignant. THe principal witness in the case seenis to be one Heman Blodgett, himself a married man with a family of children. The avidity with which he gave evidence criminating himself, is of tself condeninatory, and goes far toward showing the falsity of the charges preferred. From all that can be learned from intÃmate neighbors and friends of the family, the purity of the life and conduct of Mrs. Addis stands unimpeached. Furthermore she is a woman fifty yeare of age, in the sear and ycllow leaf, has raised a family ot' ehildren, and is a grandmother. Mothers eeldom live to that age pure and virtuous and suddenly becorae dissolute. It is unnatural. For more than twenty year.-i this woman has lived with her husband, enduring the hard.ships of pioneer Ufo, and working with all her energies to assist him in accumulating a competeney, and at lat, as the labors of life were crowned with success, she is accused of a nameless and disgraceful crime, and cast adrift upon the world, robbed of all that a woman holds dear- reputation. It is a pretty tough story to swallow. Peoplo will be very backward about believing it, and it is hoped that the case will be thoroughly sifted and justice meted out to all parties connected with the Miit.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
William Addis
Grand Rapids Michigan