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The following is a sample of the reception tli :it (irnnt's iiiialy.-is is recéiving by the presa of tlic State where they have taken any notice ofit whateyer: Farwell Uegutor, March 6, Ex-Herent ürant. one qf the principie supporter oí Donólas, of Univcrsity fame, ha.s writteu what s e.allel ;i repjy to the " Con den sed Hi.-tory of tb e ÜflirersUy Robbery," whieli was ptiDllsliea in tliis paper n'ot Ion;; sim-c Ir tlila was written in defence of air. Öoligias, it has fallen f ar short of its object; and If presented ín au answer to ËPeal'a rtlcle, it appears to us like a lamentable lailure. Mt. 01emcnt8 Monitor, Marchó, 1880. We are intliotöd with :l newspapcr siiplcment, Sent out froni Ann Ar In ir. chüiumgtO au In M r. Iical's bktOry of the University defalcatiop. Il was written by Ex-Regent GranVi d la very Long and; Ver) tciünus. Wcarr s-till ot' tlicopin ion tbat Mr. Heul is riiht aml the GrantDouglas crowd wionf?. Aml we dpn') want any more "siipplemctits" on either .-iilc. Life is short. The Hlf; Plnpkl Ploncvr Mncm t, ,far. 1, 1880. Ex-Kegent ürant rcc'ntlv issncil what lic styles fin analysi óf " BeKiy Cpndensed history of tbc ÖfliTferiity l.'oblun.' Il is simply ii reimsh of the (ktWbmtaiaarguments he used to niakc when OD fcbe Board; and it eximes just abnut as neur au "analyis" cl licalV HMm-y iia eider presdoes to heilig; a Gram baa a bad job oti band. and the somier he drops it, and subsides into obliviou, the sooner will the people forget him as one of the men who tried to nmve lu-iven and earth in tl.eir èfforta to perpétrate a greai wrong upon an innocent man. Chesaning AruR, Marcli B, fetO The Ann Ailior RefrÍ8tér PattliRhing Gö. says Rice A. Beal otlcrcd to bel ¦ 'iv sniall snin in bis last bet. [Vrhaps Mr. Beal thoujzht if lic pal tlie ittJMI any hijhttr they would feil to nn-ct iliem, and it vvai tliey did. If the Begiter ring and the mouth piece thereto liad uny sand aboul thein (or in other wprdj weiu in the rlffht) they WOllld, have eithcf put u[) or sluit np, anti if tbey had have; put up we don't know as we could blanie [hem lor iroinfr on with their nöbsense as they did. The 'er need ndt kbóttt lieal not pnttin tip more tban be ilid, tor when he has no more thiin $1,000 to put op he can get more ü hc it. No .-ir, thi'V have zot the wrong nuin to deal will when Uny heap thi.s robben mi lite poot eripple. Neguunee, Mlch., Irou lieral.l, Jlarch I, 1880. Tuk Univeusity J mi;i:im. i.ik. - K-Kegent Grant'.s proiuised "review" of K. A. Ueal's hi.-liry oí the Uni er.-ily ii;irri-l bas been publislied UirougTi tlie medium "I tlie Aun Arbor Raster. It amou'nu to nothlismore tban a fulile '-atlack." DOtwitllUandtng weeks have been consnmed in "majtlng the Ciisc." The foundation of the paper is Iaid iu techniealities and Heg, Slich M none bul ¦ lauycr can lc Ise, nnd k imK tbat the mperitructure, wero it built of any Other material than that Óf the foundation, would lumble before iis .inliitcct could clear himsell of the ruin. Houwer, Itt fall would nol bint biin much. It wil! require a moeh more lengthy explanattoo from Regmt (ruit to satlsly 1 1 ir pcople of Michigan of any good naaon for not subnntting the poiuts at ImM to a jury. They evidently knew too well the lafêty of ibeir Canse in the star-chaml r processea to which they assidioualy adbered, refuslng tteadily to submit the case to the declsioD "f diaintonatcn men, a fuct from whlch erery man at all Boqaainted ¦nith the circnnMtanoM can diaw bis own Idferenoe. wc hare alwayi thooght Judge Bnntlngton goilty of a grato Improprlety in oonientlng tu preside at the trial, and wc bi'lirvc the rcat. inass of the people so regard bis tction in reference to tliis matter. Over one-tenth of tbc paper is occupled in explal&lng tbc nature of a committee of accountants, of whtch Doaffla was one, and the mere technicalities upon wbich tbc argument is hlnged are so abeolutel}' weak as not to be worthy of consideration. If there is aDythlng in the production partaUngof othcr than an ill-naturcd nttack, then it is a virtual acknowledgment of the utter collapse of his side of the case, whlch bas so loog been dcad as to render tbc post mortem examlnation at this time, in exoeedlng bad taste, if not of doubtful validity.