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A special meeting of the Couimon (Jouncil was held Friday eveniug. The aldermeo of the respectivo wards designaled the following places fjr registration : Jst ward, Eberlach's hardware store. 2d ward, Hutzel's store. 3d ward, roouis of the Agrieultural society, court house basement. 4th wurd, M, Hogers' tshop. 5th ward, enginc house. 6th ward, McDonald's store. The special committee on firc departmint supplies, presente! the FOLLOWINU REPORT which was adopted without a dit-sentinp vote. Whkhkas. 'l'iie fire department of this city has reqnested the common council to furnish its members better farilitics for putting out fire ; one of the engines and a portion of the hose having become worthíess, and as there aro no funds in the city treasury which can be spared to purchase the anieles necessary to uiak! the tire department efficiënt iti time of need, thereIbre : Resolved, That the Mayor be, and is hereby authorized and directed to cali a uieeting of the tax-paying electors of the city of Ann Arbor, to be held at Fireruan's Hall in said city, on Monday, the .r)th day of April tiext, eonimencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and elosing at 4 o'clock in the af'ternoon of that day, to determine whetber tbey will vote to authorizj the comiuon council to raiae by general tax, any one or more of the following sums of nioney, to be expended by, or under the direetion of the comiuon council, as follows : Fint. the mm of $2,300, for the purchase of' one steain fire ngine, tbr the use of the fire department ofsrid city. Secmd, the sum of' $1,100 tbr the urchas2 of hose for the use of ssid lire ilepartment. Tkird, the sum ¦ of $800 to be expended in the purchase of a site and the building thereon of an erigino hous?, in the sixth ward of said city ; und the Mayor cause notice to be givcn of such meeting, a required by the charter, and that tbethrre fbllowing resolutions be submilted to such property tax-paying elect ns al such meeting, viz : Resolved, That the property tax-payers in the city of Ann Arbor, liereby authorize the comaion council to ass iss, levyi and colleet by tax on the real and. personal estáte taxabfè in said city, the sum of $2,300 in addition to the ainount authorized by law, tor the purchase of one steam firc engine for the use of the fire department of said city of Ann Arbor. Resvlrii!, Tbat the property tax paye ra of the city of Ann Arior hereby authorïse the commou có'uricil toassess, levy, andcollect by tas on the r..-al and personal i sta(6 taxable In said city, the! sum ot' $1,101) Cor tlie purchase of hose ibr the u e of said fire departnif nr. Rébolved, That the property tax payers of the city of Ann Ar! ur, liereby autliorize the common council to assesB, levy, and cullect by tax, an the real and personal otate, taxable in said city, the sum of $ï00 to be expended in the purchase of a site and the building thereon, of an engine hóttije in the sixth ward oí' said city. The forui nf baílate to bo vojjed at said meeting shall be as foliows : No. 1, for the tax for steam fire eiiKim'. ïe. No. 1, fnr me Ieix for iteam tire engine, No. No. L', fnr the tax for purchase of hose, Yes. No. 2, tor ihe tax for porche hose, No. No. 3, for the tilt for site and entine houHo in sixth ward, Ycs. No. 3, for the tax for site and ungine house in sixth waid, No. Tho?e voting No. 1, for the steun fire engine, Yes, shall be deewed to have voted for resolution No. 1, so rabtnitted, Tboea voting for steam fire encino. No. shall tM deenoed to have votjd igintt resolutiun No. 1, so submifed. Those voting No. 2. Errf Ihe tax tbr purdhasB of lio-e. STes, stedl b daéined tobare voted lor resolutiun, No. 2, sn subinitted. Those voting Nu. 2. tor the ;ax fot pinchare of host, No, shiill be dflewoi to h ive voted against rewluttOU No. 2, so submittfd. Thora voting No. 3. i'.r ihe tax lor gib and BDgine h 'iisc in six'h ward, Vts, slial be deemed to have voOsd tor resultuioii, No. 3, o Nubmitti'd. Xkosa vo. log No. 3, lor tbe tax tbr site an 1 engiue house m sixth ward, Sn, shail be dri'un'd to have voted against resolution No. 3, so submit ted. Ah!. Besimei otforel tiie following: Resolved, Thai ehb city attórney be an 1 i hereby drrected to inqóire as to the tea duim the city h is in acari tin pieco of lana at the toot of Liberty síreet, near t lie To'lédo & Ann Arbor railroad, to which M;iek - Sohmid make claim, and to report a as practicable to the comuiou council. Carried. On motion of Aid. llutztl, the biil of Recorder Clark ('or extra services in preparing the anima! statement of the bttütd the year uuding Fcbruary Ist, was aüowed at $50. Aldermen Keeohand Martin opposed the resolutioo on hegraoöd that a perion i !¦ ¦(.- ed to the office shouid be expected to discharge the duties of' Bieeorder tbr iln; snUry of 1300. By Al.l. Kêe Us'iliid, That the salary pf the R oordér for tho curreut year be and the sanie is bereby Bxed al the sum nf' $300, wi,i-;i shdi lic in ruil ooDsiderau n foi ail services rep.dtred by said recyrdor, excepl lioense lU:s, whuthcr the same be define i in the charter or rtduced at the spe -ial reqUÉSt of the council. Carried. The éömtnifeteeon Btreel laaipssiibtttitted tbc following : Your struet illuminating oommittep to whom was roferred the advisabiiity of introducing naptha gas in place of oil streotlamps now used in this city, respectföjly sil'init the following report : Your coinmitti e have had t'ull Oi]ioitunity to axsmine t !¦ U'atkin's patent, and a.lo the BuldfD (uteut portable gag .mi.Hiinent, and tind ilicm buth equaily gdod ; thuygivinga liglit far superior t oii aml witii no imtcr i'xptin.-f. Aa the oil htops ara er tuantiafaotoryi yourcommit tea ate OÍ tbe opinión tliiit Would be adviv disouiitinue the further UM of oil lamp-, and rt'comuiend that the city oontraot with the lowest ratponsiblt bidder. AU. Ratsel offared (hc followiu rwolution: Retifyed, That the Streef lainp ''.inti.iltea, by and with iheassistanceofl ity attnrney bcinstruotud locoiitractwitli the '¦¦- est responsibf Daptba as linLt coiiijianyl n ooordance with tlie noomaenda'in of riimitteeon 8treüt-laniH .iibujiltfJ in tlioir roport. ('i.rried. The contract tbr piintinp the llecorder's report was let to It. A. Heal, oi The Coukikh, for $45, he being the lowcst biiUcr. On motion thccouucil ad.j(mrui'(l.