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Maiiic Non. lloi Bitters, whiuh are advertised in our ¦oknim-. are a sure cure lur ague, bilioiMad kidney oompUïnte. 'I liose wlio w-e tlicra say they caauot be tou highly reo nended. Those afflietcd should give them a fair trial, and will bccome thereby smhusiaHin in the prtise of their eurative ualitios.- [Portland Ad. kkaihm, mmjtEs. Wantku - Td f-XL-liiinjro, for lmuse and lot or building lot, ten acres of land onoliall' mile froui court house, and i n Mrw ono uii! fi om court house in this city. Address " Exchange," box 24v), Ann Arbor'. 977-Ü7S Bigt Cream liiüm cures Catarrh without the unploasant cffects ol snuffs or lii; See advoiiisemnnt elsowhere. (.)7öl Fellows CompoïïndSynii) of H.viopliw pililos Will not only snpply the was'e ;nirig on in the Lrain, liut will tvablethc iniixl to enduro a greater tax than before. lt will impnrt vigor and protuote clcur eonoeptions to fh intefleet. lt. wiil gtrtfiybio thé norvc.j, and give power to all involuntiry as well as the volumary muscles of the body. Itm-Mi'ii's Árnica Nal ve. The best salve in the, world for cuts, brniaos, Bores, ulcers, nali rlieum, tetter, ohapped hands, chilblains, cnrns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guarauteed to gite pirföct stuinfaction in evi ;ry case, or money refuuded. l'ricc Üfi conts per box. For sale by L. S. Leren, Ann Arbor. _j 935-986 A Fragraut Bn-ath and l'early Teclli Are easily obtained by cleansing your teeth daily with that justly popular dpnlifricp, Sozodopt. Compospd of rare antiscntJo herb?, it imparts whiteness to the teeth, a delicious aroma to the breath, and preserves intact, from youth to ld age. the teeth. Acidity of the stomach wili destroy the strongest teeth, unless its effeets are couni : tctéd with Sozodont, and this pure toothwash protects the dental surfaces by removing evcry impurity that adheres to thcm. Ask your druggist for Sozodont. 970-979 (Jreatest Kcmedy Known. Ih: Kin;' ïVcir hitcavery for consumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the raach of suffer ae hutuaniiy. XhoVBdddi of once hopoless sufferers now loudly proclaim. their praise for thiswondorful Dieovery towhieh they owe their lives. Not only does it ptsiliii lp me cnn8umption, butcolds, asthuia, luimchitifl, bay lever, üoarseness and all affectiou of the throat, ohest aud lungs yield at once to its wonderful curative powers as if by magie. We do uot ask you lo buy a large bottle until you know whatyou are getting. We therefore iiirmstln request that youeail on your druggist, L. S. Leroh, and get a trial bottle for ten cents, wliich will convinec the most í-keptioal of its wonderf'ul merite, and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For alo by L. 8. Lorch, Ann Arbor. V77-980 ïioticc of Attaehmoiil. THE CIUCUIT CbUpt KOR TUKCOrNTY OF WASHTKNAW- V Illara li. ttmith, plalntitr, vs. Ulam N.OveHHhlre, defemlaot- In attMCbment, Noticc is bereby given, Unit qo the slxteenth day of Februarj-, a wrtt of attachrnent was duly Issuod oat of the (Jlrcuit Court. lor the.County of Wasliteuaw.Rl tbe snit of Willnrd 13. .Smltli, the above namcd plttmiiff agftinet the lniidn, teneinoiits. lt()lst chattels, moneya and eireets of 'Jlara N. Ovensliire. ihr abQVfl naincfl defondant. for Uie sum of 1300.12. wIMch shUI wrltwAa ntiinmble on the hrraiul chiy ol March, 1HW). Dül.'d Murc-b S), 1SS0. E. D. KIXNi:. 977-983 Attorney for PlalutifT. TO THE PUBLIC. We have this day sold our business and good-will to an ïctcöfpöratcd e impanybear;r iirin uatuc, and pledged to tnaintain its hirh rppiration. The stockholders ol the new eom'paby are the niembers of our late firm, with the addition cf otliers, who lor iiiauy ycars have aidcd largely in building up tlm succf ssfnl business of our house. n. é, sntTH & to. February 1, 1880. ANNOUNCEMENT. In t-tartiiig out uiKÏer our new arrangement, wé liavi: decided to instituto one changos in tbc tncthnds of our bufifieSs. Wc sball hercal'ter aiHu're stil'tly and under all cireumsta-DCCH to a one rice mtem believing that bot.l the icterest of buyer and seller will bc befst snhscrved ïhfeieby. We have sccordingly placed the pricc of all our ware.i ;vt the lowest possiUu [.oint at whifh they can bo sold, nnd have niarked evory artielu in ihtiu Jijtn-r. Oniy goods of fioe quality wiU find a place in our cotl'-ction, and, au hc.retufwc. ovtry artic'ewill be ;uaianteed as so!d. Ahking for the neweoinbination the oontinued favor of the public, whicli we snafl oarnetlj" endeavur to u.eiii, we ;ao. rospectfully. M. S. SMITH & CO. FRANK (1. SMIT1I. .IMO. S W'OoD. K!IW. J. SMITII. CöA%i HOK. Jll., M 8, Mirn. '.77-luii'.i RÏNSKY ASEABOLT'8 BAKERY,(JKOCEKY AHD FLOUR AND FEED STORE We Itecp constantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, KTC. FOR WHOLESALB AND RÍTAII. THADB. Wu ehail ajno kuep i upply of HWIFT A DKÜBKL'8 BBST WHITE WHKA1 FLOUR. DRI.Hf FLOUR, RTK Fluí R. BUCKVPUKAT TLOUR, COUN MKAL, FBBI, Ac, '. At wholewilc &nd rétall. 1 Renoal'tock ot GKOCERIES AXO PKOVISIOXS conBtantly on hand, whlch will ho olH on ae roaao bluterms au utany otlier houftc In the city. 'Jast unid fojt Qtteri K-k, iwd CK'jntry Prodnc jcriurally. eSraooÍH delWerud to ny ;rtof therli out ertrachari'f. yr KINSgY SBABOLT. OES ANY VÍ0KK IX HIS UNE. En i; ir ,'Ht A;ri cultural Miicliiii'-r y, St'win Muohtm 'i-d Locka repalicd. Turnlnp, Key-fittlng and grinc lm: promptly tl ..ik'. KMpa a (Jood assortment o Catlaiy, Lorks and Tool, wiicli will be eld chi'p No. 30 South Main Street, jrx ai ík oi.-. ins-iH LJOAL! COAl! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlut-Tiiud whülLflule dfiA)er of lúe eelebrated BUI AH RIL GE CO AL - - 1LSO- Djilfr In H'Uft ('nl nnd Pip lron. lrdcrf prompt] Illiud. (XUco, VU Onswuld aUMH ftatrolt, room 3. 10W Kook and Jol rrinting. All kinds of )rlntinK nnd tib wnrk will b done at The Courikr office In bctler atyle an al cheaper ratea tbau ut any otber offloe.