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Estáte of Clara E. Parsons. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At a acción of the Probate Court for the County ol Wi:h hti'imw, boMen at the Probate Office. ín tbe city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twen t y slxth day of y, in the year one thomand cliflt hundred aurt e Lhty. Present., Williain t. Harnman Judge of l'rohute. In matter of tho estáte of Clara E. Paraon, minor. On roadlos and fllinp the put it ion, duly vcriQod, oi Thomu 8. S&uford, pnardinn, praying that he in.ny be llcoond to Kuil certain real estáte belonging minor. Thoruapon it is ordered, tht Saturday, the fwoiitit'th it.ty of Mnrch next, at ten o'clock in forenoon, tra aaaigncd for the hearing ol naid petiuun, and that the next of kin of aid minor, and all other persona interectcd fn eaid estáte, are requfrod tú appear at a seüfon of eaid court, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and thow canse, if any there bc. why the prnyer of the petitioner phould not be trnmU'd. And it ie iurther ordered, that naid petitioner give notice tú penooa Intereated iu said estáte, of tho pendenCy ol sald -i ion, and the hearing thereof, by OMiatng ¦ ropy of thie order to be published in the Anti Arbnr (,'ourier, a newspapt-r printeri and cirenlaüiu; in said roun'y, four ucernpive weeke previou tó B&Td dty of lu-trinir. (A trae copy.) W1LLIAM ü. HAKlilMAN, .Tudge of Probiito. WM. (ï. DOTY. Probate Reglftfer. 9TÓ-97.S Estáte of Abigrall E. Latimer. niAI'K OF MICHIGAN, County of Wadhtenaw.sö. At a [('Sfton of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of WaabtenftW, holden at the Probate Office, in the ciiy of Ann Aibur, on Wednesday, the twenty-flith daj ol Pebraaryrtu the yi-ar one thousaud eight hundred and elííh'y. Present, William D. Harriman, Judgc tit i'rulmte. In the immer Df the estáte of Ablcail S. Latimer, deceased. On rcftdlhg mui fllin the petltiou, dnly rrill d, of Ltvi K. Latimer, prayins; that Charles E. Ltitiiiu-r. or Mime ut her si.Uable person, may ap: LdmJnistrator of otate oí saíd dfceaped. ThereopuQ it it ordered, that -Monday, the Uventy-tn-coud d) ot March next, ut ten o'dock in the forenoon, ¦ned tor the huartng of said pt-iition, and that ,w ol' fatd deceaned, aüd alt other perbooi Isteroéted In -:iiii oettto, are reqmred to appewr u i -.- [.ii o srtitl cuurt, (hen be holden at tlie Office, in the ïty of Ann Arbor, and show cauin, if any thi'rf bc, why the prayerof the petitioner shoukl not be gninteü. And it ie turiher ordered, that iltd Di'ttiioi.tT jflve uuticu to the pvriume inter. etted In ai(ï estáte, of the peodency of naid petitlOn, and the hcarini; themof. oy causingacopy of thin ordiT t" be paDltshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a nuwspíípur printed andcirculated in said county.thrt'e BUCCBWttvc vreeki previous to i-aid day of hearinfr. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKHIMAN, Judge of Probate. VM. G. DOTY, Probate Rechter. WVW8 Drain Coiumissioner's Notice. WHBUSAS, Ap'lio;iti'in han been duly matii by pel i t ion in wiitlng toA.K. Bnllock,Towi(htp Draln CoffidilwteDer ir tht Towushtp of Salem, ('onmy Bi WtubtDAw, and of .Michigan, to and CODjBtruct ft ditch or drain in the t'own, County ai (1 State ifbrefald, and to run ne lottow : Commeticing on tbe south town Une ol caid townehip at [In.1 i'orner, r at bridge dmi the coriitT. of pecDone thirty-foai m.d thiny-flvc, tunning nonherly ui tbe ü ii ? between the landi of Watwon Qeet and Adolpboi (Jlgler ; thence betvaep tbe at of Wiiliam U'oikI and Sarah Laraway ; thence BOrthcaslerfj ncrriHR tli e lundf of William" Wood and Saxou McUamber ; thence throufrfa the laoda of William Bueaey uh far iu:o-nry, or to tlu1 'l'trritnri:kl ruad; anti w'iikki a.. Sniii Commlasiooer bu Setermined tbal tb ere ik tttttolel t DMU6 (bf makioft uid application, and furtlnr that there are oTtaiu non-ft-idenit, Dpioora üiid iiiconiin t.iit peraoni Interamd in safa ditch: It Ie li'Ttly direciert, ty aid Commipsioner, that ton rt-stdenet! ol WliHam Uusey, Tvnlup, Couniy ai:d Stute afoicMiid, be und if herehr appointed a tbe p a ¦. iod the twenty-lhird day of March, A. I). 1889 ¦ the üm -, for an iiuioatiiMi of iaid appLcaiion, ai which tuut and place all aartlea Intereeted in the locaiitm of eafd dnttn are Eereby Dutiflc'd to In' tr 1 ii t 10 COtutder f'aid appiiention. Aid it la lurther ordered that thit notice be poblbbed In .- Ann Aiboi Vourif r, n papei p; inti'd and puhlubcd ín C ii"t ;iikI State aforaniA, for toree Hurc-M-iv' wekii noït l'((iru the 8:iid twenty-third (l.v o! Mat ti. a. I) 18S0. Daied Pebruary 24ib, A. P. KSrt, a, k. nuriocB, tt7"-978 Townihip Urala Commitoner. It wlïl be Tor your Intorest to KuowTiiat GASPAR HINSEY (Late froni a V); QrOCWi Bout In Detroit,) lia iij.fiM'ii a mm m wmi store At No. m Baal iiiuon Rtreeta He will a]-i keep In -t'ck FLOÜU, FE KI), TOBACCO AD CIGARS. All noilj üre Irt-[i uní nou-, and, hfini,' purckased .il the lowBii Wholesul.' Cai-h Prircs, willlie nold at irrenpimdttagty low. m.h pald for all kniel of l'uuiitry Produce. iW4-W ASPAR RINSEY. T) F. BOYLAN, Keal KMtnte Aitency. l'iinnw umi HlMUM t)Ui;lit, sold, rentnd, rui alrod and lniorad. ullccat WOI.VKUINK BTORB, MOM Corner "f Hurón and Flflh StréeU,