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...Tbc March of dêstiny has more than tliirty-ono duys. ...Messrs. Fred. Murdoek art]] Frank Stuith aro visiting their parents this week. ...Rev. L. P. Davis, of the M. E. Church, is assisting Rev. lludsnn, of Chelsea, in revival meetings. ...Remember the R. R. social this evening. Don't fail to go and enjoy it. The admission fee is within the reach of all - only 10 cents. ...Mr. Geo. S. Sill enjoyed a long buggy ride last Thursday and Friday. He drove to Lcslie, lnghatu Oounty, and bnck. This was a rather unpleasant rido at this time of the year, with rain and raw, cold wind. ...Mrs. Schuyler, of Ann Arbor, spoke before the Reform Club last Sunday evening to a moderate-sized audience. Her address iti wcll .spoken of by prominent teriiperance men. The president .=aid that 13 ïuen-signers wera received that evening. ...Prof. C. A. Cook, of the union school, sustained a well-uigh serious injury last Saturday while playing ball with lus scholars. Ile sprained his ankle anti ia unable to walk with any comfort. Some of the boys carritd him up-stairs several mornings to his reoitatiun room. Has tbis incident a moral? ...The amateur Rtars of Dexter contémplate getting up another play for the benefit of the Ladies' Library Assoeiation. This ie a worthy object, and we know the people of this place will liberally patronize them when the evening of the play arrivés. Kuil particular au to what the play is will he given in the future. ...Mr. Joseph Beebe, of Edenboro, Hrie Co., Pennsylvania, wko has been cmployed at the Península milis here for somo inonths past, has starled for home this week. He ia an excellent young man, and has made many friends since he carne here. All wnh hiui well at his native home, where he embarks in business for himself. ...We have long wondered why the young ladies of this place did not give the young gentlemen a real leap year dance or party of some kind. Thoir opportunity comes only once in four years, and they should improve it. We have understood that there will be a leap year dance given under the auspices of the young ludics. This is good oews for the boys who trip on " tho light fantastic toe." If the good ladies adiuit your correspondent to a knowleJge of their plan of the dance (some cali it a hop) he shall be pleased to give it to your readers. ...The game of "15" is creating considerable excitenient here. You show it to a man who never saw it, and he laughs at yQU for showing liim such a child's toy. "Easiest thinjr in the world to do it," he ealmly BayS. "Utre, you try it." "Here we go" - and 80 he does up to 13, la, 14. Hut, oh, how wonderful are an ordinary man's resources for profanity, as he prooeeia with the game. Now he's got it - 13, 14, 15, - but the row above reads 9, 10, 12, 11. The prespiratioQ rolls off the man ag he proceeds to niake 12 and 11 change [ilaoos, but no sooner has ho dona so, when the nevitabla 13, 15, ,14 appears again. Now he says he'n nervous and can't do it when so many are looking on. Herj eudeth ono trial with a "child's toy." ...To the Indian border of Arizona Territory ! Ono of our young ladies, Miss M.-iud Moore, gocs to the above Territory in ¦ fuw days. Slio intends going with a young lady fricri'l and her husband, the latter, we are told, faaving received MM Iudian agency appointiacnt nuar Fort DeGance, in the norl li-eastern part of Arizona, slou to tlic line of New Mexico. Miss Moore goes uioetly ia qaofit of her health, but is also, we are infonned, to teach the agency Indians, for which she shall receive $G0 per month. Thia is a long gournoy for a lady in delicate health. From Santa Fe they must go overland by stage or horsc a distance of 240 milos. We do not intcnd to say anythiog that might discourage this young lady from going on this journey, yet we cannot refrain from saying that there are hardshipg to be endured of which &he has no idea and which ahe does not take into consideration. The fate of the Meeker agency women should be a warning. But all hbr friends wish her well, and your humblo correspondent joins them in wishing her a safe journey and a ploarant home in the wilds of Arizona. SALINE. ...Last Sabbath evcning Rev. C. T. Allen, of Detroit, delivered a stirring temperance address to a large audience at Union Hall. ...ün Sabbath morning last Chas. Bliss, of this township, died after a lingering and painful illness, and his funeral took place the Tuesday following. ...Monday last occurred the eleetion of village officors, and the temperance ticket was successful. The following are the fortúnate ones : President- Myron Webb ; elerk - Vm. P. Carson; treasurer - Andrew J. Warren ; assessor- Edwin D. Webb ; trustees - Adam C. Clarke, Samuel D. VanDuzea, Christian Saley, for two years ; street commissioner - William J. Jackson ; and constable- Wm. Brainard. YPS1LANTI. ...$817.41 has been returned by the township treasurer of Ypsilanti as uncollected tax. ...The remains of Mrs. W. S. Crane, a daughter of the late Dr. Fairchild, who died racently ia Texas, was brought to this city for interuient. ...Rev. Father DeBeer, of St. John's Catholic Church, is soon to visit Europe, and Father Maesfranck is to remain in oharge duiing his absence. ...Patrick Karl, a man about 70 years of age, was arrested last Monday for assault upon a yuung girl of 10. His exauiination will take place next week Saturday. ...Upon the examination of John Fullerton, of Augusta, before Justice Skinner, last Wedne.sJay, for criiuinal assault upon Emma Avery, of the same place, the testiuiony showed no cause of complaint. Prosecuting Attorney Emerick conducted the prosccution. ...The State Normal School, organized in 1852, has 12 instructora, 543 students. Whole number of graduates, 787 ; value of buildings and grounds, $85,000 ; amouflt of productivo fund.s, $G8,9C6;-Níkef volumes in library, 2,373; annual cost of tuition, f 10 per student.