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Noticc- Moncy ín It. At the meeting of the Pionecrs of Washtenaw county, held at Chelsea, March 3d, the undersigned were appointed a conimittee to receive proposals, and contract for the publication of the Ilistory of Washtenaw County. The work of collecting the material, the expense of publishiag, and the profits or losses resultiog therefrom, will be undertaken and borne by one or more responsi bic and competent perrons, with whotu the committee, in behalf of the society, will contract to furnish suuh assisuneo as the approval of the Pioneer Society and free aecess to the minutes, tiles, and other archives of the fooiety may affurd. Notice is, therefore, hereby givcn that said committee will meet at Ann Arbor, at thu Pioueer Room, in the Conrt Aouse, on Tuesdaf, tho 23d dy of Muroh, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of Cbnferring personally with partiea wLshing to under(ake said work. 1'homas Holmes, Chelsea, S. G. Iyes, Horaöe Carpenter, Aon Arbor. "EK)R SALET" A Farm of twenty-one aerea, with guod dwulliDK house on It, one mile from city c!ty Ilinlte. Knquire 965U At THK COURIER OFFICE. TfOR EXGHANGK. I Imvc a furni or UMI acres in the wrftern part of the State, valued ut $H,l)uu, which I will xcImdkc for Ann Árbor City propurty. U B A. Il KAL. A VALUABLK FARM FOR 8ALJB. A 170 acte farm for xale, altuutcd one and onc-half miles eaet of Ann Arbor, well waiered, jiood orchard and good baildlncs. Kor ftirthrr particular, apply (ni HM premlses of KIOHAHD G1JIS1KK. Ann trbor, February 28ih, 18). i7 TTOU8ES AND LOTS FOR SALEl Srvcral Kood hrick dwcllinK houeeB, and a nuraber of framed dwi:llini,'rf, dirably KltUrtted, wltb OM or more lotH for euch, for f ale, on fair Uirmi and rcason alile credit. Aluo, fifty city lots. well looitfd, with pood tltïe, and on Ioiik credit. Also, farms and mortf?af?ee for 9Hv. Money eufely iovetited for lenden, at ten per cent. Inquirc of M9tf B. W. MORGAN. "OOR SALE. Two hoiiHe and sovcrnl lots for s:ile, beat ; inc-]iulf down, nd imlaiHt' on time, to uit puichaser; or glve all credit oii secnrlty. If miy OM wislu-s a burguln, uuw i.s tholr time, for I wisli tci si'H to o Wi-st tllis Hprlnu. V77-980 HUDfSON T. MOKTD.X. ÜOR SALE. t J havoagpod, well-balït house nd lot, itnated "ii EUzabetfc Btreet, Xo. ir. TIhto Ih a ftood bnrn attd WOod-èhed on thr iilucc (phe property Ie ncw and in good repair. Mm very lüiiiiil. Apply to S77-0M MB& K. E. WINSMIW. 'I'o Advertlser. Tui Ann Akbok Coukieb hau dooblo the olrculatlon of any otber paper publUbed In the oonnty.