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SWORN EVIDENGE. The followlng Cure Is probably the most remarkable ever erTected by nny medical preparatlon for the treatment of Catarrh : Qêpttittm .- I tu nby rcrtlfy thnt I have had Catarrh : ycikTH, niiii ftr the laat lx years have been a terrible suitiTcr. I waa rcndi-rod pnrtlally doaf, had ag in the head, jmlns across the temple, dizzy veak mul pulnful eyon, swollen and ulcerated -, hard and constant cough, severo pain aero tlio dient, and overy lndtcattou of conaumption. My ! the Urne. The matter accumulated ao mpMlv in my huitd and throat that I could not keep themfrea. írcquently at ni'ht I would sprlntf out ot a t' in;, at the polnt of nunocatlon. I ivc recouno u oTery meana lo my power i uto! i lutMinïiuufus froni my throHt and head before belfb ablo to bhp HKKln. For i pertod of alxyearemy 0 miirh tnilamed that I could with diillculty ivallow. I ilnally consultad an eminent puriïi'on In re?arl lo an nperatfon on thein.but at hl poned It. Ttio constant inilmumatlon and olceratlon In my thmat cmised by tho polsonou matter ii i il "in my h'ad liad no Irrltatod and luflamcd mi lunnatlnu 1 coiighcd inceiwantly. - adeep, hard couiih. Meanwhlte my aystem began to show tho that llnut tli-wli.Krewpale.and v dyniptom of an early dratli by conaumpWhen matter had reacheii thls Btajfe, or aboat Bucmontli affo, 1 beaii the uso oí Sanford's H adío al Cubr FOB ('ata Ritu. Amr uMne theArst bottla I bocin to improve rapldlv. The flrst doo seemeë toclear D t known It to bo for yeart. It ¦cerned irradually (, arrest the (llBcbargen. ( êtopped fjjj couohvithrrs dayi. lïy it ai a Kargle I iooa 1 ttie iiir.amnmtlon umi hwellhiK of my tonsila, ¦O that they toon ceaaed to trmibta me. The soreneas nero? ;pf;rud, tho buzzlng nolflee In my M s of Ret'lnjr and of hearing were couipl vniptom of dfoeaflc that hiul r :¦' ot tlie trruvo dlftappeared IM Of S AKTOUR i:DICALft" UK FOR CaTARRH. 1 have baon thus txplidt bucauao, as a drutrulst, I Íal of B'.UTcrlnft from Catarrh, and ii e to ror iace man y that ttiis li atreat romedy. I :iiM fanulüir witli ttie treatment of Catarrh a praclaftd by the h--L phyi-lclana, and have consultra thf Inent about mycase. I have uned every kind of remedí and apparatoa that have anpi'ared during a period cf sik yean pnst, and have, while followinR their u se, tnkin ffraat car ot niy general health.butobtalned no relief orencouraKiment froni any of them. Boston, Fcb. 23, lSTi. GEO. F. DINSMORK. BtTFTOLK, S8. FlB. 23, 1875. Tluii periioTjally appeared the dald Oeorgc F. Dlns more, unl made oatli that the foregoing statement by iiiinpubteribed I? trne. Bofore me, SKTH .1. THOMAS, Justicc of the Peacc. Buk parknffo coijtalns Dr Sanford'ulmprovedlnhal Inir ïubi-, witli fnll dlrectloiu for use in all cases. Prlce, $1X0. For Bate bv all Wholesale and Kctatl PnigglsU throuffhout the rnitcd States. WSBK8 A roTTEK, General Agent h and wtiolcmle Druggista, Boston, Mass. VOLTAIC PLASTER Aifords the most grateful relief n all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. CHRONIG PLEURISY CURED. Measrs. TVKKK9 A Pottek: Gentleman. -llaxin% for toatiyniontlianastmiiTarcd with avery Urne side, callad íynij Uroolc 1'liMirtnv, caused by a former aad struin, and for whlch I imcd many prcscrlpJpolaiul i:.iu:i. nis, tis uell as the o-calli-d rheumatlc ¦¦' iiircu. without the IoobI benefit, my physicianrecommondcd one of your Colli ss volt aio Pla8tmb8, wh'ch. to inv givat furprlao, relieved Uil pain and sorent-ss almost iiiiiin-'iintfly.rfnd I have been able to at: i my liousehold anairs ever èlnce wlth perfect case and comfort, whcreas, bcfore the appllcatlon of your Lnvalaable Piaster, I wasscarcely able to do anytlilnt:. I conBidcr them ln'stlmable, and shnll wlth pleasarn recomujeud them ttlie alïllctcd. Vours retfully, Mrp. FRANCEb HAKRIMAN. Ürlasd, Me., April 21, 1876. Thcre is no medical or protectlve appllance that will ÏroTO f-o Kffttefnl and efl'ecttve In Tickllng Coughs, rritatlon nnd Sorentn of tin' Ctaast and Lunpa. we bellevc them caable of preventing eerious disenses of these orjiims. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Bfc-JOt ?onfmirl thee lMn.-icrs wlth the ordinary of the rt;-.y, that by compariaon are absolutely " 4 vorttil. -e. r wmmimn%r oMain mnixV Volta io Pi-astïr. a comblnation of Kleciric or Vulune Platea with a highly tted Plast r, asseenintbe above cut. Sola by all Vt'liolesale and Kr uil DrugKts thrnuchout the - and Canada, and by WSEKfi & POTXBB, rroprletors, Boston, HM, il ¦ W ¦ H ¦ Warner's Safe Kidney and ürer Cure. t ( Formcrty Dr. Crnig't Kidney Cure.) A vegetable preparation and the onlr inre iM'irn'ily in the worl'l fnr Brlffiil' IlnHiM, Diabetm. and AIX, Ht-lmj, Ltxi, and L'riwary UiaraaetL. JStfTiiStimonials of Ihe hlghest order in proof of thep at.iienients. Crt'l-'nr the cure of niabolos, cali fur War Oer'i Safr IHnbclP ure. &For the cure of Hrlitlit'a and the otber disp&et, cali for Warner1 Malo Kilny and Livi'rfurp. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Itisthebpstlllooil I'urlfler. and stimnlatei every function to more bealtUful ucliou, aud is tbus a benefit in all diseases. It cures Ncrofnloua and otherftkfn Eruptlona and, iucludiDs lauitn, tleen, nnd otber Sorra. I.vaM'Pia. Vonhnu ofthe Ktnmnrh, 'oii( ipntioii. Ilixxiite, Jeiiral Dt'ltllii t, etc, are cured by the .Nire Ulttvra. It ia UDÓQUalAd as an appetiier and recular ton Ir. EutUas of tvvü si zes ; pnces, 50c. and 81.0O. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE O-iickly ffives Itet anü SIeptotliesu(Terinir, cures nnd uitilfi, prt-vt'Uts I,l loptlc liim, and relieves Ker om I'rotrntion brought on by excesslve drink, overwork, niontai suoclcs, and other causes. Powerful as il is lo stop pain and sooth dinturbed Nerves, it never Injures the Bystem, wb ether tukn in small or lare doses. Boules of two slzes ; prioes, SOc. aud $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an inimediate nnd active stimulus for a Torpid Llver. and cme Coftivencii, Dyipcpola, BilI fVPPSMIV!) Ê ioatneti. BUiom DUrB KJéUrtV I) I ,L_ rhena, U&larla, Fever M Pffff'TÏCglflfTi fBA n Águe, and sbould LuÉaVSKSiaU I ¦ be uscd whenevcr tho HirH hmvels do nut opérate M WHI7. wnfl frecly and regularly. UÉÍ HnjaB I Vv flootUfr 1111 rwjulrp uth I PSWifnRÏWH M.IM iuaII dof fur thorough D L'talSiUIUiËI ar4 wrk. Prie 86 eU. a bo. ¦ wLiiLllilJ UB i..ld b Ilritiíití.U A hrlln 1 ==ZI ld H. H. Warner & Co., lilaBaW ROCHESTER, N. Y. h loi; fffllMI finiAT ACTS AT THE SA5IK TIME ON H JTHE LIVER, 1 THE BOWELS, ¦ ¦ andthoKIONEYS.W i Tliis combilied action givcs itwon-& m (terful poteer to cure all d mi .. IWhy reWe Sick?j( Beat 't te toe allotri these grent orgam L Jto botóme cfogged or torpid, andW ¦ , J into tU blood that should be expelkd 9 H IIII.IOrsNKSS, PH.ES, rONSTII'ATIOX, tu .4 KIIM V IISl'l.UMS, KIMItï ¦ ? D1SEA8E8, KEMA IK W V, ¦ M.s.sKS. AM NKÜVOIS ¦ BU0BDR8, 9f! tOUiing fret ar'in of them orrjansWk y and n.tkriiiy their poivr to thruw offf} dn m Vliy Suffer Billonfl p.ilnsunil achfi f P ¦ Wliy Inruil ut. ¦! ith Piles. ion ! H v A ffhï in-'iitciHMÏ ovcrdisonliTi il Kidni-js ! f I Wlijremhiro nprrous orKiik lirailachi'Hl II Whjr liav bIi . pi. sh nigiiti I fat KIDXEY WORT and rfjoke inW hcalth. It ïs ü ünj,V(Q(tabU' cmtipound andw ¦ Onfi putkugewlll iuukolx uUof U.illclne. L 3 Oct it ¦ vt'ir Dngi'". hé vill order Usi for yon. PrialliM r T WELL3, BCEISSB S CO., Prcprlotcrs, ¦ '.' ¦1-10O5- ch e w ((II _ f Illfwiih pniu iii yunr ¦ H Hal T '¦'¦". '""¦ or ilde? Uil o IW Your kilncK re di¦" ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ,;,.,.,! lo'not detaj, hut ;rv al oi lluilt'H Itfllicilj . ¦% B ft MM ¦ M All ',!- i ¦- n: il. ' kulIII ¦ I' !t, livcmnd (JSILIIb ¦ urii.ary ori:an-,(lrop8y, ¦¦¦m ¦ psrel, dia -r Ol kidlirv-, Mltll ili r.lllitf nflCt' l '1 rcU-nrinii nl Tini;' IIiiiiI'n IC'IH¦ 4ly. If i prepared HXPRB88LY lor tbea di'Jnmiron Cnurity, f'ontral IVnnajlvnnia, ( twi Nov. is, IW9. s I1UNTS KEHEUY bas rai-u-'l dend. H raired from tbe li-nd for ..ui L'ivin me up lo dm in SIX H. i RS, and bo had DI tbeeopie. HyMeñd aliad, in tbe prfael lo prepure mfl tor deatti, and hi !-¦ s-iiil [ rat doomed. Thi-y uil had m(! dead, hut Ilant'n [temed; Mved ui'-, KBd l 'im alïvc ti-dsy, foun.l Hint cured of dropay. R. W.TRUDI . Krom li I). Tl., Pnft'ir ï'irt 1 ¦ noe, R. I...i - I culi teallfy to tbe vlrtue cr IUN1 'S ItKMBDY In kii! nrv ¦¦;!¦ ¦- li n i ti iictiiül trial, hivin - been greatly henefitted by lts bb. B. S. TAI LOB. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ a ¦ asas bv limit' It.-nn ilv aiTIPli- brtii 11--1I ly lain¦ Uil nr. It li i liever i? a H11IV, Miire and IIP P"%lJf P"My vÍmuÍUs.' AM laf b il m II W ¦¦¦-'¦-¦¦ " '¦' i - i'I.AKKK. ruiiviiiKM K, K. 1. ! fll l3r all lru(IBHw, nnd by Farrand, Williams &Co., Detroit. i)4-!)79 WÍLL1AM W. NIC H0LS'v 3DE3STTIST 1 $5St? aacceuortq 8. W. Nortlu Olllcc, IV Sootb Main SI r.i't.oppoplti' National llnnk. Rcfldoncc, 27 I.lh erty Street. Nltrona mide a admlnletcred whoD reqacftod. 663t(