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W. TREMAIN GEHEBAL line int! OFPICK AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Voriii llrlliwh liiNurancc Comp'j (of London and tëdinburgh,) Capita] íl.','xio,(K). Gold, nctrull Flrc and Marine luH. co. Cash Atwi't JIWO.OW). SprliniUcI! Iiih. oni-). or Maiot., Cash Asscts $l,8fl,ll. llowarri lux. Co., of New Vork Caah Aiwet $1,OOU,UUO. Kii iilliiral IiiMiraiuo tomp', WATEKTOWN, . NEW Y0RK Cash Aïsete $1.3X1,000. Losses lilieially adjusled and proniptly paid. n OLD AND REUABLE. Dr. Saxfokdh Livf.h Invigoiutor is a Standard F.imüy Remedy for % diseaaesot theLiver, Stomach vLA andBiwHa. - It ia l'aivly BfllT Vegetable.- It nerer %áírt Dfbilitutos- It ia .""nl I Catkartiemul f# UBI. Ton ic . ff I 5v Í ífpil ('ÉlWIUE% in niy junctie.¦ Blanil by tke ]inllic, Ww lor more thao 86 jwan,a ¦ 5 with uupi rsiiltS SEND FOR CIRCULAR. i C T W SiNFflRn U II I03 BBOAPWAY, jOi liWiOftnrUKU,!, EWToucJTT5 AIT DRrOOI9T WILL Tt.I.I. YOt' IT ]:r ¦¦; T I ION 5 :JO L. S. LKKi II, AGENT. TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLEFiaYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED FVERYWHERE. THE OREAÏCST F'EDICAL TR1ÜMPH OF TH5 AGE. TflTTC Cu ! C TcTT hn'. ". lÜI 10 I ILLÖ ii-fdi-ilinciimbiiikigia rticc cir UFñnflPUP tln-se p:ild tíit ht-rfhCüht bILKJitAUALHt. qaa. _„_TA mi I A tiMOfaSTBENOTIllN , CURE DYSPEPSIA. fbrir flrat apparfiit - eitectlê totocrwmlho TIIT I ' Q Pil I Q PP'-'t'-1 !ƒ causingthc lUI I Q I ILLO tood to j.mprrly asCURE CONSTIPATION. iroibto. TlmsthcByIcmia nouiihtd, auu TIITT'C DM I C hy theirlonicacciooon lUI J O riLLO lte digeünc orgau, TURF Pil F! regular and bsïltby ¦ LUttt nLta. vacuatiOMi tn proTU7TS PILLS du 'f' h IUI I U I 'LLV „vi,.i PPRQÍ1M? TKF CURE FEVER AND AGUE. ON FUSrl S undor - tho iuilui'nre of titees TIITT'Q Pil I C Püls indxat.s their - I UI I O I ILLO SapttbOHy to nourish CURE BILIOUS C0L1C. Ul'' b7i heIU0 . eftir:icy m 'curiiig nerTIITT'C Pil IC vüu? debility melaElUI I O I'LLO holy, dj-spepsia. wa3tr o kiniurv r ' i ¦ i ün; othe niuacia,rtoBCure KIONEYomplainl. ness of the lirer, T'S PillS iindimpartiDBheaHh CUflE TORPIO LIVER. auW verywhec. THTT-spine &? IUI I V I ILLO 53 Murray Streett IMPART APPET1TE, xzvf yobjl B64-1006 ._ WW VAI.UABLE TItl TIIS. WW If youan'suíTL'rinírfrom poor hoalth, or lantfuiabIng oaalxtl oí s. knus, Mkechecr,xor llup Biiieret will ('ure Vod. If yon are a mtntataii tnil have oTcrtaxed your self wlthyo.. tis; or & mothcr, worn outv, . ..k,.'i ,i . a are itinpljr lülirir; lf you fl weak und Oía]íriud, wiütout cluariy Hop Bitters xU Rcntorc You Kf y ou are a' man of bosi ried T ths , . ilutl or A Ham uL .tl . , tiuliiiíí over your miUnibt work, Hop Bitter nill Strenffthea Vou. If yon are younpr, nn-i BOfferinff f rom any Indw en UoajDran (frow mg too tast, uu in ofu-n th ouw, Ho;. Itiih is will ftel1ev Vou. If you are in the workshop, on the farm, mt f' O nn n and i ¦ i ti. .i i .tijiiuLitiiiií uit kut lntoxlIInp Blttérfl ïh Wlint Yon Nim1. Ifyou are old, and your pule is ff tK-, your td your iwultk-ïi mu Hop Bltn-m Uill joh Ni-w Uk nud Vlor. BOV Couoa Curü is the ftweetet, nafivt and bert. ¦ 1 :ldron. One Hop Pad for 8 ' and Kirineys 1b " I ri..rtoall,.i. . :i. II ÏM i-rl-vt.M P. L C. isonabtiolut'. ml Irresistible cure firdnink-B enur.sH, use of opium, tobáceo añil naroooot Kb(m N.Y.B 97&-96Q - PI IDCC Wba, Drlibf DlwM, catarrh of LUnLOili Bladder. Dropij, Graw], Pfl1 Urlnallns. llich Oulored Orine, Ki-taln .i 1 mol the Orine. PAIN IN 'I BB BA K. NerjoOT Dehlllty. Pcnuüe Weaknaa, and all Dli-eaaea "f 'he KIDNKT8. BLADDER and IKINAKY OKüANS, h'-n nothins i'l1 can, . I Hiil Hl IT '"r imitHtioiH. Aík rorand tak LUUr UU I only the DAT PAD. Kor by Ünieglet, or.ent b mail Ireo on receipt "I prlce, $2.00. I "t" curep mul our book " Huw a Ufe w . ni mi reo Ipt ol vuur lldrM. I)AY KIONKV PAD CO., TOLEDO, OWo. TIIUCH S SON'. Aiiji Arhor, irrueral il'r'bïiilnfc' Agesta fbr Wsahteniii Uountjr. skk-h7 DÁNDEUOÑ Dr. White'! I) uil. ion AlteratJw, Ibe Srtl Bjood Parlterand Renovator. Arpíenle foi L:verComplaint, BlllonKneM Chilla and Kever, I'vhpcii, Diae, Rheamatlam and Conattpllon the Houd,.. Remove plmpiea and aallowneaa rrora [n.prodoclog a c-iwir roiuU-xln. It is l"'".' Me. perfectly harmlew rad plvn' t i "" l'ini bottlaj only l, "'id ven '"'t'1' rrauteü. iui,moxauïa,;v i. , Cou h, Cold, A-ihnin. Bi Itto, UojiPi Whoon ¦ ?1 ",,. , , ,,..., , ,.,.,. ,. .ttlca 1, and everv botlM . bo'rbyKberMeti ifervwhere. "¦' ' All UIii.Ih or lon Tlu' Osarle n xhort nollre.