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Dr. S. Whittier

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¦ - -,-- caThe City Rallway Company of Chicago wrk I,TO Horc. Rcad x hal sii riiiK ml n! SquircN ha lu May : We use exclusively Wliittier's Liniment. It will pay all owners of horsos to cali or write. M. W. SQUIRES, Sup't. C. C. R. Co. The ElpreM CmmptUËJ works 37O Ilorses. RcikI wliat SiirinLcndvnt I ii iln liuN tu mij : 1 have been using Liniment on the horses of the American and United States [íxprcHs Comptpy tables for 24 years. I never met any that had one tenth the ment of Whittier's Linimeut. Our atables are open. Cali and nee tor y.mrsclves. 11. KNIGIIT, Sup't. U. S. Ex. Co. Tlie TraiiKrcr Company or Chicago work 7NI llorw. lti-al wlial W9I. VOlVdi &. CO. have to ay : 124 Michigan Avenue. - Whittier's Liniment shculd be in every barn. It has real merit. The oentractort for datai of iho otty work frül llor.t. Ilear hal C'. T. llnl llhiss &. CO. liave lo -aj : Whittier's Liniment will cnre more horses in one day than all othera i" a ínonth. C. T. HOTCÍIKISS & CO., Street Cleanin Contractos. Scratclu's GreMWfi Heel, Tlirusli, Callcd SpolK from any amo, lit-al up ¦¦¦ Ir o in iwo to tlirce applieatioim, and you an work tlie lior' cvery day, and yon ean f uro liiiu al miiiu' linio. II will lak o out all iiiflanunatloii In a few moment. There is no Remedy on Earth that Equals Whittier's Liniment for Rheumatism. It will have tlie ame etloet upon the human. Piles. Serof'ula, Seald llead, Calarrh, lNmpleH or Blotchél on l'aee or Body, Old IBIHI) or l'resh Cntl ONLY 5O CENTS J BOTTLE. NO. 2O4 EAST WASHINCTON STREET, CHICACO, ILL. Idlt SALK BY H. J. IIROWN A; CO., A.NN ARHOR. 958-1009- eow