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County Items. Dexter

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Mr. Frank Bailey, who has been clerking n Detroit for some months, has ben at borne the past week. Mr. Harvey P. Sutton has been visiting Lansing, Masón and other places the past week, and says he had a grand time. Kev. W. H. Shier, presiding eider of this district, stopped here last Monday on business connected with the M. E. church. Doe. Q-eo. Smith, dentist, formerly of this place, has come back, and it is now rumored is about to open a jewelry store here. Prof. Lewis Hoffman, the popular band instructor, has taken charge of the Dexter Cornet Band. The band goes to Chelsea this afternoon. Mr Orpheus White met with a serious accident while chopping in the woods last Monday. His axe cut something softer than wood - it was hia foot. Miss Mary Holmes died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Warner, last Monday. Slie was taken to Northville for interment on Wednesday. Miss Holmes was a sister of Mrs. B. C. Whitaker, of this place. Mr. Jno. Costello intends to add a boot and shoe and grocery store to his furniture establishment. These two interests are already well representcd here; but as mnapotiúem is the life of trade," we trust it may prove beneficial to all concerned. Whilo Miko lïyon ifrq on hi way home one evening last week, he says bc was attacked by six tramps, just outside of town, who began to throw stones at him, when he took to his heels and run away from them. He finally took refuge - an out" SoiuS fi-;skt inU. an choroughly scared was he that he durst not return to the town and report to the officers. This is the story as your reporter has heard it. The famous local auction suit has finally been discontinued by the common council. Our people have become aick of it, and it is perhaps better on all sidos that this courae was taken by the council. It may be well to state here that this action of the pniinil wa innlrpH fnr hy the peODle. At the village election a few weeks ago, the Republicana made the issue "no lawsuit," and their ticket was elected by a Iarge majority. Consequently at the meeting of the council it was voted down - 5 to 2. The social given by W. II. Fields, for tbe benefit of the Reform Club last Friday evening, proved a picasant affiiir. We have no time to mention the ezercises in detail, but would say that it was car ried out aocording to programma with one ezoeption. Ben. Becker took the house by surprise by his cornet playing. This being his first effort before the public as a cornetist, tbe people were agreeably turprised to find limi a muoh better player than tbey anticipated. Prof. Huffman was too inuch iadisposed to do eitber himself or the audience justice. He did very well, however. Messrs. Wilsey and Mallory, of Ann Arbor, favored uu with their singing, which was highly enjoyed by all. The tramp's song took the house by storm, and, being encored, the singer got off an appropriate impromptu verse oapping the climax of his song, giving it as his opinión that all of us liked "goose, and sage and inyuns," or else we wouldn't cali back a poor old tramp to sing of it. Mr. Wilsey also sung "Old Log Cabin," which gave great satisfaction. The burleisque of the same took well, and wa.s recogDized as the vulgar, rural style in which some sing the soog. The evening's performances closed with a roaring farce, entitled, "The Lone Fsherman," and by the looks of him he was "lone," with big " skeeters " annoying him. Fish bit lively, however, which quite compensated for the "skeeters," which be caught for bait. Among the fish was a dog-(fish) and a big crocodilus lucius, with which the fisherman had quite a fight trying to kill liifn, and as the curtain dropped for the evening during this fight, we hare not yet asocrtained who carne oatvictor. Perhaps the Htruggle is still going on, for all your reporter knows. The hall was full, and financially this social nettud more than the previouB uní;. STONY CREEK. Mrs. Ella Stone is quite sick Sarah Harmon is visiting friends at Detroit. A praise service is announced to be held at tbe Methodist church nezt Sunday evening il it is pleasant. Mrs. Boise dolivered a temperance lecture at the M. %. church in Moreville last Sunday evening. James Hcwens and David Walter are among the victims of the mearles with others in the east part of the town. Beecher Denray, organist of the M. E. churoh and sunday school, was presented with a of money last Sunday moniing during the school. Messrs. Hitchcock, Conde and Forsyth havo beeu chosen to represent the anee peopleof Moreville and vicinity at the red ribbon anniversary at Ann Arbor. Mr. Augustus Pholps is about to leave Augusta and beoouie a traveling agont. He is a worthy citiïen and his absence will be feit, especially with the Presbyterian society, of which he is an active niomber. Mrs. Vangeven has becn a great sufferer from internal cancerous tumor, and it is not expected that she will survive long. Mr. Vangeven also is very feeble, and has not been out of his house during the winter nor been able to work since July last. The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rogers was oelebrated on the 12th inst. A large company of their relativos and friends were present. They were the recipients of a number of presents. The occasion was a very enjoyable one. All the company were hearty in their good wishes to the worthy couple. SALINE. A new plow has been invented and patented by J. G. Gross. The young people's temperance assooiation of this place has 72 inembers. Miss Lillian Mills is the president. BRIDGE WATER. The closing exereises of the Center sohool occurred Friday of last week, and were of an interesting character. At the olose the teacher was presented with a fine watch and chain by several of his pupils. Lydia Randall, wife oí Rev. Jos. Randall, died on the 5tl inst., ged 76 years. 8he carne to Michigan in 1836, and has resided in the state 44 years. Her life as a chrietian has been unexceptionably pure, and as a wife and mother she was beloved. YPSILANTI. A new timetable went into effect on the. D., H. & S. W. R. R. this week. Ex-Marshal Thompson, upon a recaní settlement with the city, brought the same in debt to him to the amount of $00. The musical union will give an entertainment April 9th, rendering "The Chimes of Normandy," an opera said to be the very best of recent composing. A deaf and dumb man named Northrop, of Monroe, addressed the Good Templars at their hall recently. His subject shuuld have been the "signa of the times." Wm. H. Jewott left Friday to attend the Supreme Councl of Ancient Order of United Workmen, soon to convene in Boston. He is to be absent some two or thrce weeks. Samuel Putney of Ypsilanti, sent from Detroit to the state prison three years ago on a ten years' sentence for forgery, has been pardoned by Gov. Croswell. It is claimed that he is in the last stages of consumption. CHEI-SEA. The now brick building of T. McKMs beiDg rapidly completed. Dr. Chas. Rynd, of Adrián, Regent of the University, delivered an excellent address upon "The Irish Question," at St. Mary's ohurch, last Wednesday evening. The house was crowded to iis utmost oapacity, and all were glad they attended. Charles Downer, the man who escaped from the officers who had arrested him for Bheep stealing, at Chelsea, last May, was found at Ludington last Saturday and returnod to durance vile. His father gave bonds for his appearance at the present term of the circuit court.