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Estáte of Clara E. Parsons. OTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw.sB At a session of the Probate Oourt for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty aixth dav of February, in the year one thousand eigLt hundred and eighty. Present, William ü. Hammau Judge of Prolmte. In ihc matter of the estáte of Clara E. Parsons, minor. Uu rcnilliiL' and filing the petitlon, duly verlned, of Thomas S. Sanford, guardián, praying that he may be licensed to sell certain real estáte belonging [o said minor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Satnrday, the twentleth day of March next, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of eaid petltion, and that the nezt of kin of said minor, and all other persons interested in Baid estáte, are requtred to appear at a sesaion of said court, then to oe holden at tbe Probaie Office, in the city of Ann Arluir, and show cause, if any there be. why the praycr of the petltioucr should not te granted. And it is forther ordered, that said petitloner glve notlce to the pereons interested in Baid estáte, of the pen dency of suid petitlon, and the hearing thereof, by raiiíina a copy of this order to b pnblished in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper prtntel and circulatint: in said counly, foursnoce-ssive wtsekB previous to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN. Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Heelster. 975-978 Estáte of Abigail E. Latimer. QTATE OF MICU1GAN, County of At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Anu Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-flfth day of February, in the year one thousand eight nundred and elghty. Present, William D. Uarrlman, Judeof Probate. In the mattur of the estiite of Ablgail E. Latimer, ed. On readlug and fllinc the petltion, duly vertfled, of Levi K. Latimer, prayinK that Charles E. Uu mier, or sorue other Bt.ltable person, may be appolnted lulmiuistrator of the eetate of said deceafed. Thereupon it i.rdered, that Monday, the twenty-secoud day of March next, at ten o'clock in tbe forunoon , he ti-sined for the hearing of taid petitiou, and that iri at law of cald deceased, uud all other pernous interested in said esiatc, are required to appear at a session of said court, tlieu to ie holden at tlie Probate Ufflce, in the city of Ann Arhor, and show cauHe.if any there be.why the prayerofthe petitloner sliould not he grantea. Ana it is lurther ordered, that said oetitiouer give uotico to the persons Ínter. snad in said estáte, of the pendeucy of said petitlon, and the hearing thereof, by cauning a copy of tuin order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a lu'wsuaper printed and circulated in said county.three succesmve weekt previous to said day of hearing. (A truecopy.) WILLIAM D. HAURIMAN, Judge of Probate. , WM. G. DOTY, Probate Résister. 975-978 lirain Couimissioner's Notice. Wn i;h kas. Applicatiou bas been duly made by petitiou in writiiu lo A. E. Bullock, Townnhip Drain OommlaslODW tor the Townshlp of S ilem. t'ouuty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to lócate and construct a dltch or draln in the l'own, Couuty and State aforeaid, and to run ae tollows: Commencing on the south town line ol said townshlp. at Ule corner, or ut thfl hiidu-e uear the corner, of sections thirty-iour and thirty-flve, running noriherly on the line betwei'n tlie land of Watson Cieer and AdolpluiB Giller ; thence between the land of Wllliam Wood und Sarah laraway ; thence northciisterly across the lands of William Wood and Saxon McCumber; theni'ethroughthe landsof Willimii Bdimi as lar aí necessary, or to the Territorial road ; and Whkhkah, Sniil Comtnissioner bas determlned that there ts sumcient cause for maklas said appiir;itiur., and further that there are tmaan nouresidents, minors and incompetent P6IWH18 Interected in said ditch: It is berehy directed, hy said t'omniiff ioner, that the residence of William Hussey, Townnhip, Ooantj and State aforotaid, be und is herehy aptioinied ax the place, and the twenty-third day of March, A. 1). lsHO. au the time, for an examination of said appltcation, at which time and place all parties interented in the lucation of said druin are bereby notifiud to be present to coneider sald appllciitlon. And it i turther ordered that thls uotlce be publithed In The Ann Arbor Uourier, a papei printed and nubUlhad i'i the C-'Uuly and State afONMld, tor three successlve weeks next before the said twenty-thlrd day ol' March, A. 1). 18.MJ. l)ated Kebruary 24th, A. D. 180, A. K. BULLOCK, 975-978 Township Llrain Uommiswioner. Ksiato of Amlrow Itush. TATE OF MICH1UAN, Connty of Washtenaw, as. At a scst-lon of the Probate Court for the County ol . Washtenaw, holden ai the l'rohat" Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tlie thirteenth day of March, in the year one thousaud ettihl hundred and eighty. Present, William D. Uarrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Andrcw Bush, deCeased. K.ra C. Robinnon, executor of the last will and tWtUMDt of said deceaned, comes into court, and represoDti thal he Is now prepared to rendar hls final iccoaní an such executor. 'rhereiipim it is ordered that 'l'hursday, the cighth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be Mtlgned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devlsees, legateei and heirs at law of said deccased, and all other persons interested tn suld estáte, are required to api-;ir at .i lentoo oi said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City ol Aun Arbor, in Baid county, and show cause, lf any thcre be, why the eaio account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons iuterested In ttaid esute, ot the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causini; a copy of thii order to be published In the Ann Arbor Cburtr, a newspaper printed and circu lated in said eounty, two snecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKUIMAN. JndEeof Probate. WM. U. DOTY, Probate Keglster. 78-97