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The Ann Arbor Courier

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FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1880. Cloulng and OpenlnK of IflalU. Mails leavlng Ann Arbor, East and West, wlll o lose as folio ws : OOINO WEST. Way Mali 8:30 ¦ mThrougli and Way Mal] lteM i. m. and 4:50 p. m. Wy Mali btweeu Aun Arbor and Jackson _ 4:S0p.m. Chicago and beyond ': P. m. OOINO BAST. Detroit pouch í??.1 m' Througli and Way Mail 10:26 a. m., 4:oO p. m. Eastern Mails dlstrlbuted at 8 and 10 a. m., 12 m. and (:3U p. in. Western Man dlHtributed at 6:30 p. m. Chicago Mali dlstrlbuted at 8 a. m. Jackson Mali and Way Mali between Jackgou aud Ann Arbor dlstrlbuted at 11 a. m. Muil iv Toledo RHÜroad close at 11:10 a. m. Toledo Kallroad Maül dUtrlbatad M8i00. m. except Saturduy evt-nlii, whm lt is dlslrlbuted before the ollloe closes. The mail to Whltraore Lake, Webster and Brlghtou leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 a. m., and Is recelved from these places Mondays, Wednesdays aud Frldays at ïour o'clock p. m. CHAÜ. G. CLARK, P. M. Travelen' Gulde. Tralns arrlve and depart from the Michigan tMntral Depot In thls city as follows : TRAINS KAMT. Atlantic Express 2.05 a. m. Nlght Kxpres 6.ÍS a. tu. Jacksou Aoiommodation 8.a. m. rand Kaplds Expresa 10.35 a. m. Day Express 5. 10 p. rn. Mail 5.p. m. TRAINS WKST. Mail 8.40a.m. Day Express 11.00 a.m. Grand RapUU Express 5.20 p. m. Jackson Express TJ p. m. Kveulng Express .3 p. m. Paolflc Express U.20p. m. All trains are run by Chicago tlrae.whfch Is flOeen minutes Blower than Anu Arbor time. Frlendt of The t'ourier, who have buliu-M at the Probate 4'ourt, will nlrn-1' ri'Hii'-l Judice llaiiiiiiun to Heud their l'rini inu to thix olllee.