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TMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS. Soldier intending to apply for pensions muBt o 80 before July ncxt in order to procure the back gension. Mr. Louiu C. Gülson, of the flrm of Milo . Stevens A Co., pension attornevt, Cleveland, O., and Chicago, HL, will be at tbc office of the county clerk, in Ann Arbor, Tueeday, March 30th, to preprare the claims of any who may deern themselves untitled. Ue will aleo attend to Increato pension and bounty cases. 778-779 To those who are so nnfortunate as to become prematurely gray, or hair exhlbite a tendency to fall off, we recommend a trial of Hall's Huir Kenewer. We do so with tho utmost confldence becaune it is everywhert receivrd with marked favor, and has built upoo itn own merlts noch a sure foundation tlmt it Is kuown and used in all clvilized countries. - Addison (N. Y.), Advürtieer. POK SALE. ¦ A Farm of twcnty-one acres, with a good dwelllng houee on it, one mile from city city limitfl. finqulre 965tf At THK COURIER OFFICE. "POR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part of the State, valned at $6,000, whlch I will exchanve for Ann Arbor CitypropertT. RICE A. BEAL. TVTONEY TO LOAN. Al seven pir cent. Securlty mast be on flretcIhhs farms in this county,or city propertj In Ann Arbor in central and deslrable loculitica. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Altorm-y. 959tf ü(Hce cor. Main and liaron ets.. up-itaire. T VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. A 170 acre farm for sale, eituated onc and one-half mllCH eagt of Ann Arbor. well watered, good orciiard and t'ood buildings. Kor furtht'r partlcuiars, apply on premisi's of RICHARD (LASIKlt. Ann Arbor, Fobiuary Í8lh, 1880. 976-979 "POR SALE. Two liousoK umi sivi'ral lots for sale, clieap ; one-lmlf down, and balance on time, to snit punliaser; or give all credit on MOUrity. If any wishes a l)u"iíain, imw íh tiirir time, for I wlsli to sell to go West tliis spring. 977-980 HUDSON T. MORTON. "POR SALE. I have a good, well-bullt houHe and lot, situated on Ellznbeth street, No. 15. Tliere U a good barn and wood-shed on the place. The property Is new and In good repair. Tcrms very liberal. Apply to m-tm MIIS. E. E. AVINSLOW. T OGS WANTEÜ. I will pay, at the Ann Arbor team saw mili, for Whttt or Swnmp Oak Uig, from ( 8 to 810 per M lied Oak Hutt l.ot'c, sound 7 per M u Int Ach 10 14 perM Whilewood 10 14 per M ItiiKKwood 8 10 per M llickory 12 per M II ird Maple - li per M Waluut V 40 per M KtlltlTllUt I" lü 1'IT M lttd Kim 10 perM Will bny logs wlthln four mlle of my mili, if deelred, and draw them. Persons havlng logs to sell are requestod to cali and sce mr aa soon as posslble. Nov. 4, 1S79. J. T. HALLOCE. MM