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"POR SALE. I have a good FLOURING MILL of tour run of Btone, that I will sell or uxcbange for propcrty in Washtenaw Coanty. 964tf RICE A. BEAL. FARM FOR SALE. I will etll Afir Mto of UJ, u tku aiiiilh atrio if the roed, lncludmg brlck house, two barns and carriage bouee ; or eigbtj-seven acres on the north slde of tbe road, Incliiding the J. Wing place, with good buildings ; or will sell the whole farm combined, as purchaser may desire. The land is located on the Dexter road, three and one-half miles west of Ann Arbor City, and is in a very fine state of cultivation. Terms to suit purchasers. If not sold by April lat, I will let the same on shares. Will also let the Flllmorc farm of one hundrod acres adjoinlng the above. 975tf J. IV. Bradford. FARM FOR SALE. Choice Property- Well Located- Very Cheap. One of th08e rare pieces of valuable property poldom offered at a saleable price; an opportunity tliat sbould not be oveilooked by any one who wants such a farm. I have decidod to öel I , and now offer for sale, at a decided bargain, the south part of the " Old Thoma Homenti'ad," in the Town of IMttsfleld, Containing 187 Acres- All Plow Land- Kultable for General Farminsr. The Farm includes " The Wood Orchard,'' twentytwo aeree, all " Red Baldwins," known throughout the Siate as one of the fínese. It is young anë quite bealthy, and while in my poesession has been thorouiihly cultivated and trlmmod, au a result of which it harvested last Fall ncarly li.OOO barrel of apples, whtch sold for about $5,000. With proper care you can safely depend on an equal rcsuli at least cvery other year. The property lies within half a mile from Saline, an anusuafly good market for farm product. Where will you cqual thls : A farm with no waste land, within a half-mile of a vtllage, comparlng favora)ly in its markets, schools and society wit the neighboring citiew, and an orchard, that alone, with reasonable care, will pay for the farm. I will make very favorable terms, asklng only oneIbird in caxh, and will make balance payable in yrarly paymeiil of f 1,000, with eevrn pir cent., and a privilege "I paylng at any time hefore due. I have decided to ril, and siiALLsell within sixty days. For further Information, cUl on D. C. Andkrson, Ann Arbor, or address me, D. HBNNTNQ, (TTS-978 88 South Water St, Chicago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFTING THE BLOOD. .ill;. Thi compound of the Ér[j .Vegetable Alterativeí, 4ELXÍttfMU Sarsaparilla, Doek, StillySd üÜCyii - 'ng'. and Mandrake, VCjjJb"'"1' with the ludidos of Pot" 1". i most effectual cure of a ï tt'NK V HTH'K"! rompl.'lilllH tllrtt - J are very prevalent Hiid - " - M alllicling. It purifiee the blood, purees out tne lurking humera in the system, that undermlne health and settle lnto troublesome dieorders. Kruptions of the skin are ihe appearance on the sarface of hnmors that should bc expelled from tbe blood. Internal dcrangements are the determination of these same humor? to some internal organ, or organs, whoee actlon they deranfie, and ' whose substance they dlsease and desttoy. Ayer'x Sarsaparilla expela these humor from the blood. When they are gone the disorders they produce dlsappear, Buch aa Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kldneys, Lungi, Eruptlons and Eruptivo Dlseases of thf Skln.St. Anthony's Fire, Roseor Erysipclas, Pimples, Postules, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tettir and Salt Rheum, Scald üead, Ringworm, Olcers and Sores, Rheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Femalc Weakness, Sterility, Lcucorrhiea arising (rom internal ulceratlon and uterlne diaeases, Dropsy, Dyspopsla, Emaclation and General DeMlity. With thelr departure, health ""¦"" PKKPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practlcul and Analytical Chemlsts. Sold by All Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. 'm lOIOeSw