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SWORN EVIDENCE. The followlng Curo Is probably the most remarkable ever ofTocted by ony medical prepnrntlon for the treatment of Catarrh : (Mnltimtfa,- I bereby certlfy thnt I have had Catarrh tor ton i iit'M. and for the Uut nlx year have been a terrible suffercr. I was randend ptirtlally deaf, had buzzink' tn tn hoad, palim acruns the tumple, dlxzy Rpelln. wcak un.t (mtnful cyes, Bwollcn and ulcoratcd i .nsil. hard and constant congb, severo pain aeróos tlio ei. v .mticatlon of connumption. My time. Tho matter ueoumulated so i i-'.d throat that I cuuld not keep ;;' y at niifht I wou ld Rprtnjr. out o( i. i at the point oi Buffocation. I . thwbflirtflo'ini1 to evtry mean in my power ¦re t!n; ii.urus froiii niy throat and hrad befo ie Kor nperlud of Blx yeanmy I uii(iftomuthlnllrtmi.iHhatIcould wtlh dUïlcuHy Hwullow. 1 finally consultcd an eminent tuirk'i'on In renard tu un opvrat Ion on them, but at hls I . Tl i! constant influnimation and uiaed by tho polftonous matte r dropping down In in my head had 10 lrrltated and angtthat I Coughed Inci-ssuntly, - adeep, inwhile niy systcin began toshow tho -if ttils discaöt, ao that I lost ilosh, crew pale.and I every lymptoi i i tin euriy dcath by conaumph 'tthifl ntafre.or about ¦ ,,.-, ] bega Ihe tut of Saktokd'b Iíadicai. Cl RH FOII ( TAHItH. AfliT Uijp tll flrst bOttle I bki:i lo Intf ¦- fl i iplflly. The Ürst doseseemed toclear i;;y luiad l !i;a Dot Vnown It to be for yean. It i arrest tin1 tlltichargcs. It ttopptd ' v nalnif It as a Kargle I bood i rllhuj oí my tonsila, i ¦ ; : le nu. The Borencw !, the hiizzinff nolses In my [g und (( hcarlntr wcro i ¦ [ M'mptorn of dlBcasc that ' i _i' of t ti e jrrave (ilsappeared lCurb pok Catarrh. I b- aiisc, as n drupR-ldt, I tiffcrlag irom Cataren, mid hftt Ihfs it a roat remedy. th tlie truatment T :tarrh a nracb, and have conaultcd the e. 1 havo ii ned every kind '. nppnratuB that have appeared durlngr a -arb past. and hnvi'. while followlntfthelr renen] beeJth, hutobtalned no rel Ie f or enconraffcmeDt f rom unv of them. Boston-, Fcb. 23, 1875. GEO. F. DI5ÍBM0RK. Putfolk, SB. Fïb. 23, 1875. Then porsonally appenred tho Raid fleore F. Din íú made oa tli that tue forcolii Btatunacnt by liim sul'ictiliiM te tni. Beibre me, SFTII .T. THOMAS, Justlce of the Peace. I Each pactase contalns Dr Sanford'R Improved InhalingTube, witfi i'uil direct lons for ue In all caaes. Prlce, Í1.ÍK.1. Vor sHle by all Wholesale an-1 Uetall DnixgteU throtu ed Btate. WEBK8 & I'OTTEIï, .: Asentí nnd WlioU-BaloDruKglstB, Boston, Masa. VOLTAIC PLASTER Affords he most grateful relief n all Affeetions of the Chest and Lungs. CKROHIG PLEURISY CURED. ..VTr.T.-K Tottir: Gentlemen, --Hoving for na uaH mu ,.iur mj Umo (Ide, tilwl N'urHv, ernaed tya ronncr : 'i ¦! manji prencripsthe (.ij-cnlU'irrliconiatlo _-J' h jrif'1 -Jhr"" Sl?" J' Phytclanrecomr ruLLIXS V'iLTAIO l'LA8TBS, i rnriso, rellcTcd the pain and iorciii-ly.anil I luive been able to atira ever êfnee wlth perfect c.iso nn'1 comfort, wheri'na, bcfore the appllcatlon of ter, I wan scarcely nhlu to do anyi BOnalder tlicin ln'athnably, nnd Bhall wlth ¦ rccuumiuiid them to the ntlllcttMl. Your roMus. FitVNCEb ÏIABKIMAM. Orusu, Me., April Si, 1I6. There Is no medical or protcctlve appllancc that wlll fratftftl] itnd cifectlve In TlckltiiK CoughB, "n anrl Sorent-gs of the Chcst and Lungs. Ve ¦ them ca"ablc of preventing Bcrioas dlseasca of these oririiDs. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Do not confound these Plastor wlth the ordinair riaater of tbc day, thal by cuuiparlson are abbolutely to i' taln CoLUira' Voltaio Plíte, a rcoiHWBmttonon.ltr1c or Voltulc Plutts withaWghlr Mcdlcatcd Piaster, as Been In the above cut. Sold by al! Wholesale and Urtall Driiiflpts throuebout tho l'nlt.-il States and Cañadas, and by WEEKS & POT. TK1Ï, I'roprletors, Boston, Mass. - The power of arresting dlseases display cd by thle iniarntion ie honorably ackno lcdged by the medici kenHj in every section where it hna been Introdticod ; and the larpe sale is the best gnarautee of the estimation ia which it Is held by the public. The Syrup will cure Pulkonauy Conscmftion in the Rrst and second statte?, will Rive great relief and prolon life In the thlrd. It wlll cure Astoma, ¦BüONcniTie, Lartngitis and Codghs. It will cure all'dlseases ortginatiog Trom want of Müscülab Action and Nervoüs Fouce. FOK TUK EFFECT rRODUCED BY Fsllovs' Csmpouná Syrup of Bjpophosphites In Dieeases of ttie Langt, the Inventor is permltted lo refai to the Mndical Ocntlemen of St. John, N. I! , whose gfgnatnres are attached hereto. WILLIAM BAYARD. M. D. 1 Da IN HAYAK1), M. D. THOMAS WALK IJK, M. l. JOHN BAIiKYMAN, M.D.,En. I)l(. J01IN8TONB, UE.0 S..SD, GEO (IK, M. U. . il. 11 n U1Í1.KVJ, M.K.C.a. .1. I). WHITií, H. D. '1'. W. t-AÜItir, M. D. I, Aak tN Ai.v.akd, Mayor of the city of St. John, l'rovince or New lirun-wiok. havini; .xsmiiied thii iivnatune attarhvd te. tlie fongolng pcrmlt of referent-e, hereby certify that I believe them all nenuln. I r;i.i abo n--tífy t the hi)fh tlu'r.ipcutical value of Fellowi' Oomponnd Svrnp ol Hypophophites,- ..tu-uüon b the prolcesion rally. . . . . a In testimony wheiwr I have hereunto VT' JT'ot my banfl, nnd affixcd my eal of Great .? May. r.ilty, at the city St. John, thls 6lh t Scti. #ii,i or I'-biuary, in ihe year of nar Lord ,? . . ..Í o e thoueand eight hmidri-d and sixty -¦ ¦,, AAKON ALWARD.M.D. Letter from Rey. .1. Salmón. M. 1. Chipman, Qceen'b Coustt, N. B. I can flafely and oonslstontiy recomraend yonr invalnable preparaiion in a variety of cases, eppccially for (':. , having puccessfullj prescrlbed it iu Uro' i !;iti-, Anhma. IJebllity from Liver Comï! !in;. l1 bil ty from l'.vrtfi, and l'fbüity trom lmpoveri-hud 1 lood. 1 tim, tir, yonre U"Uiy, JAMES SALMÓN, IVacticinp rhytician and Sargeon. SOLD BY ALL DRCGGIiTS. I.. S. L,ercli, Agen, Ann Arbor. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. C ( Fnrmrrly Dr. Ctmii's Küinry Cxtre.) A vojctiiblu pri pnratiun and tbe onlr ture romody in tbe world for BrlfrbC'a Ilnc} Ié.-Im14'h. nnd AIaL, liiiini'j, LItii, auii L rin:irr Jlif:t'it. 4Te3timonialsüf tbe hlghest order iu proof of these statements. XtfFor th" cure of Diabetes, cali for Wr Dfr'i al Diabetes ure. tf-For the cure of Brlffht's and the other dispasps, cal! for Waruei' Kufe Hltluy mnd LircrC'arc. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Itis thebestUlood I'urlller. and BtlniulatPB o.vt-ry íanction to more heaJthful actlon, u4 is thus s benellt in all dlseasei. It euros Srrofulou and other flkln Rrnptionm and Disciises, includiUjL l'uuctr, 11cr, a ihI ot Uer Kores. li.r7ri:n. WenLneM of the Itomnch, 'onstlpation, liuin-, 4inrl ObllUy, etc, are cured by tho Mafe Bitter. 1 1 is uneqtmled as ati appetizerand regular tonlc. Bottles of two sfzes ; prices, 30c. and 81. oo. WARNER'S SAFE NERV1NE Quickly (,'ivus ltet and Sleep to the suffen nff, cure IC4dnrlie nnd Neuralgia, prevenía Kpffeptic fitM, nnd relmvesBfervoua Protiaiion brought on by excesAlve drink, overwnik, mental shocks, and other causes. i ml as it is to stop pain and aootno disturbad Nerves, it never injures the systttm, whether taken in snitill or luiyp doses. iiutik-s of two slzus ; pnces, 50o. aad $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE P1LLS Are an immediatp and petivo stimulus for % Tor p ld LWer, and curt Coitlvenei, Dripepita, BilIRTBVRI Ê 4oaincii, Billoui DiarI KXÍMnV iyU L rhota, Malaria, Frr B rTinlïfcJrTT IflBa mnt Agu. umi shonld I ulaaMaC HmJÍ m I '" 11S' u htmuver tho H ¦¦ IB5B howels do not opérate LMcfffl Irec'ly and rcKularly. ¦ Y74r Au iitLrr I'lll roqulr inrb PHnfnKfl KHË muil r1uM Tor thoroak ¦ irU22liIIU9 H urk. l'ríer 25 ct. ¦ box. ¦ MVaTfflRfVn 4 Wrni'i-(Sfr RrmritlM u- KftiiMkUUiiua pttm !! t DrggU Uvklcm H MafB in 91rullne oTjwhere. iLLLLr'nT"lgiH.H.Warner&Co., m'4 iWIAJ Roon ester, n. t. IWWi ' ftn'l ti-tlmoninlt. Wï-1U1B . ' Jf i MÁCHIÍNTIST. DOES AY WOKK IN HIS LINE. es, A trri cultural Mucíjíii-tv, Siwinj; Machines ¦Mid repaired. Turnlnc, Key-fittlng and riudInir promptii (lono. Koepti a ood aniortmcTit of Cntlery, Locka and Tool, whlch wlll ) o!d cheap. No. 36 South Main Street, ANN VliBOli. 938-US9