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Only 50 Cents A Bottle

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Tlic ij Railwity Company of ('iiieavo worht !.; Htortei. Itead wliat Superintendent Squirc lia to sa) : We use exclusively Whittier's Liniraont. It will pay all owners of horses to cal or write. M. W. SQUIRES, Sup't. C. C. K. Co. The ÊxpreM Company worku !Ï7O Horsen. Kead whnt Superintendent Knight lias to saj : 1 have been using Liniment on the horses of Uie Americin and United State! Express (Jompany stables for 24 years. I never niet any that had one teoth the uierit of' Whittier's Liniment. Our stables are open. Cali and si e for yonrselves. II. KNIGHT, Sup't. U. S. Kx. Cío. The Transfer onipail) of Cllleaffo work 7M4 Ilor'. Kt-al wliat W. lOlSC &. CO. have to ny : 124 Michigan Avenue. - Whittier's Liniment phould be in every barn. It has rea! merit. The eoniraetorx for elcaning of Ihe eily work 21 Ilortics. Ilear whal C. T. llo'i 1 il ttiss & CO. have to iáj : Whittier's Liniment will cure more horses in one day than all others in a month. 0. T. HOTCHKISS & CO., Street Cleaning Contractors. Beratetaes, Greased Heel, Tliruh, Oalled KpolK from nnj etuue, In-al up In froin i lo llirec applieutioiiN, and you ean work tbc li o r se every day, and you ean eure hini at the same tinte. It will takc out all inllamination in a few inonienl. There is no Remedy on Earth that Equais Whittier's Liniment for Rheumatism. It will have the ame efIVet iipou Ihe human. Pilo. Serofnla, eald Ilead, Calarrli, l'inil( or ItloieliCM on Face or Body, Old Sores, or l'resh CiiIn. DR. S. WHITTIER, NO. 204 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. FOK SAI.K itV II. J. UKllU .V O., ARBOK. Mfr-lOW- OW