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'W. TREMAIN IllllB Al! OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'SHATSTOHE orlh Itrilisli liimirttnve Conip'y (of London and Kdinburgh,) Capital $l:i,00(,0U0, Gold. Detroit Flrc and Marine In. Co. Caeh Aaset fnoo .000. Sprlngflcld In. C'omp'). i.f,n„M, Cash AmcH $1,800,000. Houurd Iiim. Co., of New Vork, Caeh Aeeets $l,0ü(),000. Atfrit-tiltiirnl liiMirancc Comp'y WATERTOWN, . m;v yüUK, Cash Aüueti fl. 210,000. Lossos libeially adjilited hm! promptly paid. jr jtvivwvii-.-.iiwnwwwwwiMi OLD kW RELIABLE, Dit. Sanford's Ltosb Invmjobatob } is a Standard F.unily Remedy iur % J diaeoseeof theLiver, Stomach 2ílí amlBowc Is.- It in Purely %dÍlCS Vegetable.- It nevrr li Debilitites - It is %%Í'bI i í Cathartic and tá mi UL1 I II f"" "uil by public, Bil " lor more tliau 33 yenre, Í ¦ B.'' witll uuj." r Mi,t. .{ V SEND FOR CIRCULAR. J S T W SSNFuSn i.: n I9a bhoadwy,# Oi llH.SMnuu, hi.U., kewtouxcity ÏTBI : l. Vir irsn,,.; -ruim 5 ".Wi-990 L. S. LKBI H, AGKKT. TUTT'S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVEHYWHERE. THE IREATEST MEDICAL TBIUMPHJBFTKa ASE. TF5TTO' - "-¦¦¦"-e---__i _ CUÍE SICK HEADACHE. '. TÜTT'S FILLS L CURE DYSPEPSIA. ¦. _ . . _ eS'. ¦ TEJTT'Q Ca! I Q pp ": CURE CONSTIPARON. ¦ TÜTT'S "PULS S; O"..c r .i_o. nouatlOM B proCURE FEVER AND AGUE. ON Fl ESH V &r thn iiii.i ii'e of tüeao TISTT'C D3IIC pilla. ind:cat.-8 thflr IUI I O IlLLO daptitbiüiy to iiounah CURE BILIOUS COLIC. th 1"'11"' lbeir Cure KIDJVEY Compljlnt. .Jhnesa of the liver, BM..MH_T1 --- . - chronic contipation, T S Pil IS andimpartingheakh CURE TORPID LIVER. Sold iVetrwlm ïutt'sIMllS ""sr"" lUï I Ö rlLtO 53 Murrny Street, IMPART APFETITE. Mw YOWt. ""'' tOQ6 . . VALVABXJK TltlJTHS. WW Ify, ,r Ungnlshintf on a lx J uf si' laes, I Hoi lïiiun wi-ll ('ure Vou. If you aro a mïnlsteri nul hQTo ot ' Bclfwithy. :ic-:: er a i out v Jf you ftxl woak and dwpiriU'd, witliout duuiy Hop Bitten will ltetoro Vou Ifrotiftn.' aman of bas¦ I bï - iíu'lJps; or A nian of K lc y jut uiiaia;Lt wurk, Ildl Blttcra will Strcncthrn You. ¦ U ntLo cum. Hop pitten will lLilit' Vou. If yon ím in theworic¦¦ tTio ¦ iiug or nlfttrhTC Mllhout IntoxiHop Bitten Is Whnt Vou Keedi Tfymi nrr 1,1. :m'I your pul " U frbe, jour idyoar lu-iiitifs muaingb Hop Ulttem Will fftvi' urn New Uft nd Vlffor. Bot Couoh CcaE ! ihbuImIi. safc-at and best-B A:kCi Ono Hop Pad forStonMek, Unr nn.l Kidncysls n;p-B rtrtoaQo ¦ ateorptl o. Jt U jMTiwt.H P. L C. lsan tilo cure for ilrunk-l imnnwi, of opio Abowi.tltlby.lniaglu. HopB n.Y.I ÍC&-980 PIIDCC DUbtt, Brleht'i DImsm, üatarrh of LUllLOlh' Bladder. Dropnr, ¦¦iv.l, Puinful I rlDallDg, HiKh Colorad l'rini', [nablllW to Kftm PAIN IN THE HACK. WTOBI --, im! al! DtfeaSM of tinÍIDNBY8, BLADDER and l KINAkY ÜKQAHS, hen nothln ¦ elat can. r(U C IT f"f Imilatlon. Ak for and take LUbf UU I oülv íhc HAY l'AD ï"or If by ¦ mail (roo on reoeiptol prlce. 12.00. Certtflcatea of ruri'e and oor book " llow a mi ni on rectpl m joat !.ic!rcsB. DAV EIDNEI l'AIM'O., TOLEDO, Oliio. BACH A BON, Aun Axbor, general tttrtbutluK Agente for U ft.-hu naw ('ounty. 966-978 DANDELIÓÑ Dr. Whlte'i Dm delion Alterative, the Oreêi Bood I'iiriilcr umi Kenovator. A fpeciflc foi LivarvomChllla and iVvn-, Dypeplj o, RbenmtHsm and i-onstipatlou or la. Remove pimples ai ' fr"!u bc skin, a ciear complexión. It la purriy ¦ i ciiv ii.t i ui - and pleasanl to t-'k-1. Int bottlea onlj il, at w:irraiitcü. PÜLMONARUvirCr ,r Cousbs, (Ml-, Aethma, Bronehltla, l-''P' : h and [nclplc nt CoMumptlon. FlJ uve bottlea tl, and eTery 'L wanaited. Por aale ín Ann Arbor by KberMch ¦ Ion! and dragidita .'verywhere. ïo-iui All kimU of UioU-llin(llii)C Jone t The Courier oflloe on nhort notlce.