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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist ('liiircli. Rit. S. Uaskei-u Paetor. Sibbath service, 10 a, m. and 7 p. m. sin i School iftu mornlnc -rvic. t'ny.T mee:ln_'Tbnrday ovening at 1% oYlork. Cathollc C'hurch. Rv. Kathbb Kikie, Paator. Lo KMi ¦ 'ltlia M9. 1UK . ¦ Vespert p. . Son la School, i% P. . Oonirreeational Chnreh. Bar. W. H. Kydkk, Pistor. Sabbaih service, KIH a. m. and 7V4 r. ¦ Baad i school aftcr raornlni? ¦ttIc. iPrayur iae;iu[ rtmr.iday renlnq :il 7V4 o'clock. Episcopni ('hiircli. Rsv. Wyllvb h.m.l, Baeter. ïMbbath illlim 1UK a. M. and 7 p. . Suuday Schooi. '1 p. . H,!lltoii9erTice8, Thursda) eveninK n% 'clock. Uerman Hethodist Tharrh. Kkv. C. Hbi.w-i, Peior. 8ibbttl rirlc, 104 . . ud 74 h. M. San Wy Srhool. at nine t)clock a. m. Prayer mtxHltiK du Wüdnesday. ii.-raii ('hnrch. Rb. .Ioun NrTMv.s. l'awt'ir . ¦.'! ith irvlcet, 10ii a. . and 7 p. m. ïSuni'iy chD 1 rtfrer niniuur serric. l'rayer loctinc, Thurnday eveninKut T o'clock. Vt'tlKxlisl ( liurch. {rv. lotil i,[i#tkh. Pastor. Si'ibith survicu-". 104 a. . and 7 p. u. M uut i. Sc i Kil iftiT in'iruiui? kitvícc. n .'i riJa uvcniuü at 7H o'clock Yoiia.' PoopITi Kfoatlagi Saturday 7 p. ¦. Pr'styteriixn CUurch. ltsv. Fksd T. Rbows, D. D„ Pastor. il, .i h lervic 'S, 10'4 ,. . and 7H p. m. aiirtivHc'i.i ] ind l!iolocla8flrairalaKeivlci' prayer ic la.ThurfldayevéBiuuat 8 j'dock. Y mil Pe vriiine H. Uuitarinu Chnrch. ltKV. J. T. StTNDtllLANTl, Pastor. .-. iM.ith Mrcei, 10J4 a. M. and 1% r. . Suiday School at 12 m. ;.-nts' Blble Clasa at 9:15 a m. Zion Lutheran Church. Rv. H. f. Belsrr, Pastor. Dsstetta s.-rvices at 10 a. h. and 7 p. ï. s in, Uy Hclinol mmüdia: ly aftiT mornliiK Berric. Kjlijion xorvict Wcdncmday evenlne at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. - % HEHBT R. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estale Broker, ANU INSURANCK AUENT. ofpick: Xo. 1 Opera House Blook ANS ARBon, MlCH. 75tf (EO. W. RESWICK, ƒ From the New Kiigland Xtoryof Mnsic, Bosloo. Teacher o" ƒ ƒ Vocal and Instrumental Musie and I ƒ Harmouy. ƒ Conductor oí Musical # tlons and evenine classes. ƒ ƒ Private lesson? wil! be slven at ƒ ƒ the residence of pnpils. ƒ ƒ Address P. O. Box 1201, Ann ƒ Arbor. M1-W8 ƒ WM..C STEYES, M.., XPlysician and SurceonX opncK, 3a Washington Street. Office Hourê-1 to9t.ii., 10:30 a. M.'tn 12 ., Íto4, and7to8p. m. Htsidence- No. 10 Urove Street. istr f JOIIN L. BURLKIGH, Attorney -lKD I Counselor at Law. ornci : Over National Bank, A.NN AKBOH. 7!Hti W. II. JACKSON, dentist OIBce orr Baeta ícAbel'. Bntrance by Plret National BanfcA 7:tr F. SOKtt, IIOUSK, SlUN AND OBNAMINTAL ƒ ƒ Paimtïb.- - PaperlnK, Qlazln, ƒ iüding, and work of every i f crlption done ín the beet tyle. # ƒ Paiuta, OiU, and Varniehee on ƒ ñ hand ar.c for nale. Shop, No. SS ƒ '7 Sast Washington Street, Ann ƒ ,ƒ rhor, MIeh. 609tf WILLIAM HERZ, HOÜSK, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL A FRESCO PAINTER. Papering, QlazlnR, Gildine and Calci- mininK, nd work of every decriptlonl done In the beet etyle, and warranteA Vt)2ive satinfactioii. Shop No. 4 West Waehluitton Street, Ann Arbnr.MichA 638tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mirhigan, TRANSASTS SENERAL VMk BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizad nnder the Oenera! lianklng Law of thle State the tockholder are indlvldually lluble loran Hddltlonal amount equnl t the t"fk held by them, thereby cnatlnu a uurantce Fuml for lic benefit of lpoHltoiM of $100,000.00. Cour per oent. lnter-nt Ie allowcd on all Savlni; Daposlti of on dollar und upward. accordlnif t the rnltisof thu Btuik,and Intoratt "¦orapotuided seral innually. Moncy to loan on uuiurumbered real eslate and other (rood srcurliy. iHrtclon- Chritian Mack, W. W. Wlnei, R. A. Beal Wllliam Deubci, illlain I). Harriman Daniel nireock, and Wlllard B. Smith Offl -er: 'rkmtiar MicK, Pre. W.W Wisn, Vlce-Pres. Cuk. E. Hikcock, Cashler. 915 96 J.0 TO "" WINANS & BERRY KOK IBRCHANT TAIL0RDI6 For the folio ing; reanonH: Ut. Onr wnrk is all flrst clan. 'il. Mr. Berry ia ihe only cntter in tho State who an ïive yon a perfect fit without trying on. :)d. We have thu targut aKnonment in the Btata havin over 600 different ttylea to elcct from in Joreign aiul dementie MWrnj and Worttedi h. Wc ue none iut ürKi-clai. trtmmtaun, lOk, We are full -l) pi eiai, blow Ditroit prlcee. WINANS & BEKKY, 9SO-100T No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. p ROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Havini; EimdaaM hom the Coneervatory of Mufic al Stiuttrart, ViTmuny, w!i,t.' h. r tlioroaijh educati'in, and inatractlom in ihe latest in--thodn of tear-hiiiL' inn-ir, m hd-.v propftred to t.'ive V'A"" '" IIllr '' Hll1 " '" Flaiio and dreun, l-iirm tnn-d on ranooable terms. Kixima.nurlheaHt rorn.-r al M.iin iiimI Liberty up-stalm, Ami Arbor, Mlch. 94M-1UOO jLL KINDS TbLANKS rRIMTKD OH IHOBT HOTIO AT THE COÜRIER JOB ROOMS.