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The first county convention held in Illinois seud.s a solid delfgation f'or Blaine to the state convention. The Ingham County News swings the name of Edward Cahill, of' Lansing, for Attorney General, and gives him a firstclass send off. The reputation the Democrats are making for themselvea respecting the Washburne-Donnelly contested seat in the House, isn't very savory. A bilí is before the New York legislature, and will very probably become a law, makwillful desertion of seven years sufEcient grouDd for divorce. The law as it now stands allows no divorce on ttaose grounds. Emperor William, of Germany, celebrated his 83d birthday last Saturday. Buildings, public and private, were gaily decora - ted, and tbe weather was excellent. At night the Enaperor gave a soiree to 700 guests. Mr. Townshend, of Illinois, was the last one to move the putting of printing paper and the ingrediënt which enter into its manufacture upon the free list. There is some hope that favorable action will be taken thoreoo soon. The much married traveling agent, Clarence E. Davis, so far as heard from, has only fif'teen women claiming him for a husband. A few states are dilatory in reporting. It is to be hoped all the claimants will be heard from soon. St. Louis, in Gratiot county, isendeavoring by all means known to a live, energetio, wide-awake town, to capture the proposed reform school for girls, and proposes to dónate eome eixty acres of land to the state for a locatioif, besides other inducements. Gov. Chas. M. Croswell was married yesterday noon at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. II. A. Lee, ofLansing. The bride is Miss Lizzie L. Musgrove, of Charlotte, an accouiplished and beautiful lady. The wedding was a private afluir, only familf relatives being present. Former pupils of the blind depai traent of the institution for the deaf and dumb and blind, atFlint, to the nuiubcr of fortyone, have petitioned the board of cointnissioners to lócate the new school in some large city. The petition is very respectful in its tone, and very conclusive in its reasonings. The Detroit papers are quito sarcastio over the lack of ehterprise upon the part of the solid men and other inhabitants of that city. Having attained the age of 200 years, Detroit should be allowed the tran_quility of an ancient maiJen ldy, and not be bothered with new-fangled notions of enterprise and energy. The U. S. circuit court in sossion at San Francisco last Monday morning, decided the law forbidding the employment of Chinese by corporations, unconStitutional. The case will undoubtedly go to the U. S. supreme court, Benj. F. Butler having announced his willingness to manage it in behalf of the people. Mr. Redpath, the correspondent which the N. Y. Tribune has pent out to Ireland to let its readers know of the true state of affaire there, sends back reports almost too terrible to believe. The people on a neighboring island who stand listlessly by and allow such things to be, will surely find a day of reckoning. It must come intime. The N. Y. Herald has taken a vote in the Indiana legislature for the choice for President. Of the Republicans 30 were for Blaine ; 4 for Grant ; 0 for Sheroian ; 7 scattering. The Democrats stood : Hendricks, 37 ; Tilden, 21 ; scattering, 6. Sherman leads in second choice of the Republicans, and Seyuiour atnong the Democrats. The trouble into which ex-Senator Christiancy, of this State, now minister to Peru, has fallen in domestio affairs, is certainly to be regretted, but not at all surprising where a man marries a lady youriger than his own childrcn. Serious charges are made against his wife's integrity, and his son states that the ex-senator will soon .sail for Washington and sue for a divorce. The New York Nation avers that ita auricular norves have not been troubled with a Southero outrage since the Yazoo murdcr. Tho Nation is more reinarkable gcnerally for what it does not hcar tlian tbr what it does. But perbaps they have adopted a different policy down thcre, and kill all instead of oneortwo of an opposing party, on the principie that "dead uien teil no talen." The Chicago Times characterizes the free school system of Texaa as a "d - m barreo ideality," the same as it is in all the southern statos. Where there are any t'nv schools at all the buildings are miserable and old, open but a short time during the year to the public; the teachers are inefficiënt and poorly paid ; there are no graded departments and no system. How do our northern people liko the picture? It looks at present vcry much as if John Kelley intends to hold a convention of bis own in opposition to the Tilden wing of the N. Y. Democratie party. He emphatically says that under no oircumstances whatever will he or the branch of the Democratie party to which he belongs, support Mr. Tilden aa a candidato for the Presidency. He made a similar assertion four years ago, but swallowed his "biled crow," just the same. The Mt. Clemens Monitor hoists the name of Edgar Weeks, Esq., of that place, for Congress, providing Mr. Congerdoesn't desire to run again. He was born in Mt. Clemens 41 years ago. His history as a printer, lawyer, soldier, and politician, is without blemish or stain. He would make an excellent succoseor to Mr. Conger if the political wheel should so turn. Hon. J. B. Moore, of Lapeer, is urged by his friends for the same candidacy, in a vigorous manner. He is also a gentleman of irreproachable character, and excellent ability. The investigations into the causes of the horrible Tay bridge disaster of Scotland, goes to show that not all of the dishonesty and 80oundrelism of the world is confined to this country. The painters swear that several times tiey quit work during high gales, from fear of the bridge break - ing down, and that the iron work was honeycombed with holes which were filled with putty. The moulders' testimony proved that the iron used by the oontractors was of the poorest quality, and the moulds very defective, making the columns thick in spots and thin in other places. Altogether it was one grand swindle, and the a varice and greed of mankind is credited with one more awful crime. When Chas. Stewart Parnell first came to this land to solicit aid for his countrymen, he wanted but $25,000, which he proposed to spend for the purpose of agitation, and to show up the injustice of English laws and customs. During his sojourn he accuniulated over $100,000, and promisos to come again. But, in his last speeoh at St. Louis ue said: "We will make use of sonie nf the money whieh you are entrusting to us for the purpose of finding for evicted tenants happier homes in tliis western land." Mr. Parnell evidently changed his views of the necessities of his people. Emigration is a quicker solution of the problem than agitation, and rapidity is the one thing needful at present. It is a difficult thing, too, to chan'ge the old established laws and customs of a nation. That great destitution exista in Ireland, no one doubts, and that the large amounts being raised for relief is greatly needed no one will deny. But in giviog, the people should give judiciously. The suggostion of Secretary Thompson that the amounts raised for relief should be expended for provisions in this country and forwarded under th direction of the government, is a timely and wise one. If money is distributed to the Irish people it may, possibly, go to benefit the landlords and not the tenants. For instance, if the tenants should take the money given them to pay their rent instead of purchasing provisions, the design of the givers would be completely destroyed, and the Englieh aristocracy reap the benefits atended for their fauiished Irish tenants. What is given should by all means be in clothing, provisionw and the like, and our people need not be afraid of overdoing it, either. The destimtion is greater than we imagine, and many thousands of dollars would last but o olivili tiiuc, UU letuiun f mm tlir soil can be expected for many months yet. The people of Flint and vicinity have been considerably excited over the trial of Colonel Obcar F. Lochhead, of the 3d regiment Michigan state troops, formerly book -keeper of the ('itizens' National Bank, of Flint. He was chargcd with making false entries upon the books of the bank, and also accused of the embezzlement of some $4,000 we believe. Much more interest w;is manifested in the case than usual, from the high standing of Col. Lochhead, and the feeling exiating among his friends that he is not guilty. Among the officers of this bank is Col. Wm. B. McCreery, then a director, now cashier, in place of Wm. Uibson an alleged defaulter to an amount exceeding $12,000, who was allowtd to go free without prosecution. Hon. Alex. McFarlan, who is president of tbe bank, is a prominent Democratie politician, and candidato for treasurer two years ago. The trial ended last Saturday, the jury remming a verdict of guilty, and on Monday morning Judge Brown sentenced Col. Lochhead to five years in the Detroit house of correction. The lightest possible sentence under the law for the ofiense charped.